My obviously unnamed planned first character will be, in my opinion, my most interesting yet in a TES game. He was sent by the King of Argonia to assess the civil war situation in Skyrim and, if it looks favourable, help the Stormcloaks to power. Obviously he has a hidden agenda, which is to weaken the stability of Skyrim for an Argonian invasion, as they are power hungry after conquering Morrowind. Of course, he is a pretty altruistic guy, so he might turn against his homeland to help rebuild the province. Even so, I imagine he'll join the rebels anyway, because Argonians and Khajiits as a fairly general rule aren't the best fans of Imperial expansion. Of course, I won't know until I play him on 11.11.11, he might end up being a Loyallist after all!
More gameplay-wise, he'll be an Argonian Male, fairly young with a medium-slender build, utilising mainly Magic, with a bit of stealth thrown in. No melee weapons as of yet. I am open to descriptive phrase names, like Hides-His-Heart, or Black Marsh names, like Teekeeus. Thanks in advance guys!