Need Pro Tips for my Character Build!

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:58 am

Hello everyone! First time posting on this forum. I just started a new game on master difficulty and i have some questions about my character build and i would like people that are experienced in this games mechanics to give me some tips on my character build so i would mess him up and made to to lower the difficulty. The Archtype i wanna play is the SpellSword from Oblivion(if i remeber the name right) that dual wields a sword in the right hand and a spell in the left. So here are my questions:
1. Skills to focus on: i would like to focus on Destruction magic, One-Handed Combat and Light Armor(while putting perks in the trees in that order when they become available destruction->onehanded->light armor). And later on i would pick a second magic school to level up, smithing (to upgrade my weapons and armor to legendary) and enchanting (to be able to put 2 effects on each item). Are these skills viable ?
2. Race: I picked a Dark-Elf. Is he the best choice ?
3. One Handed Weapon Type: I lean towards the sword critical perk (i don't wanna waste perk points on 2 different types of one handed weapons). From your experience, what is the overall most useful weapon to put the perks in ? (i know that swords are the fastest and maces are the slowest but with the highest damage, but i think the critical perk for swords make it the overall most useful weapon since (from what i know) dragons and monsters don't have armor, making the armor penetration perk from maces useless in those encounters)
4. Destruction Spells : Same question as above: in what kind of destro magic should i invest the perks in (here i might put in 2 out of the 3). Here i tend to lean towards shock and ice (using shock on casters and ice on warriors; but the thing is i don't know for example if monsters and dragons have stamina or magicka pools and if they don't, shock and ice is kinda way worse than fire against them). So here i will wait for your input as i'm not really sure in what to invest.
5. Second magic tree : What do you think my second magic tree should be. I'm not a big fan of healing magic, but i tend to lead towards restoration magic because it has some useful perks like faster mana regeneration and making your healing spell restore stamina sounds useful as well; also the wards that block magic damage sounds good as well. My second choice would be illusion magic as it fits better with my characters offensive play style and my.
6. Health/Magicka/Stamina Percentages : What do you guys think should be the ratio to increase these 3 stats ? I was thinking of going equally in all 3, as all seem rather important for my character type. (level 1 - magicka, level 2 - stamina, level 3 - health, level 4 - magicka, level 5 - stamina, etc - you get the idea :) )
7. My final question : what are the perks you guys think i shouldn't miss overall (from all the skill trees i mentioned i wanna level and from the ones i left out if you think they are really important)
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Jason Wolf
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