» Wed May 18, 2011 1:34 am
i bought the game
This fundamental lack of understanding is the reason for a lot of these "refund" threads. You did not actually "buy" the game, EA owns the game and I doubt they are planning on selling it. What you bought is a license to use the game. Whether you are able to run the game or not is a moot point; EA made good on their promise to license you the product, and you are now a licensed user, hence you have gotten what you paid for.
Actually, EA owns the RIGHTS to the game, as in it is copyrighted material. What they are selling you is a copy of their software that they own the rights to. So, yes, you do OWN their software but it is a copy that you do not possess the rights to reproduce. The whole licensing of software is a recent thing that has been brought on by shady companies through their licensing agreements. If you were using this software under a license agreement you wouldnt be able to trade it in to Gamestop or resell it. http://smallbusiness.findlaw.com/copyright/copyright-basics/copyright-defined-overview.html?DCMP=KNC-Copyright&HBX_PK=what+is+the+copyright+law&HBX_OU=50
Whether you are able to run the game is a moot point? Seriously? EA may have legally fulfilled their obligations in this regard, but it's still a sign of poor business practice. The reason EA is so big is from selling quality software to the public. If a company continually released software that didn't work, they wouldn't be a multi billion dollar company, people wouldn't buy their crap. This has more to do with ethical practice and satisfying public demand, which, I hate to burst your bubble, is a primary goal of most corporations. Because where do they get all of that money?
So really, EA does not legally owe these people a refund, but if they want to keep a positive image for their company they should fix it or issue a refund. One legal boundary I feel they did cross is false advertising. There were multiple web sites claiming this game would include directx 11 support. After the game was released (without said support) all web sites deleted any reference. I'm not sure if Crytek or EA officially claimed it would include dx11, but if they did it opens the door for a lawsuit.
Moral of the story is if a company screws you over like this don't buy their games. Ever since Black Ops I refuse to purchase another Activision game. They are a horrible company from my perspective. Usually EA is really honest and ethical but with the release of this I'm seriously questioning their motives. I'm really glad I refrained from buying this game, it's important in this day and age to watch where your money goes, and I don't want mine going to greedy corporations.