Obvoiusly it did not work, so I say I failed badly! I keep getting crashes to desktop still ever since I went to test out the newly created OMOD of the Seph's Hand to Hand replacer mod! I don't know what to do now except the most extreme of situations, and that is to actually uninstall my game from my computer and reinstall it all over again, just because one single mod corrupted my game! Is there any other way besides uninstalling my game and reinstalling the game all over again?
Did you make the OMOD yourself? I'm not using it but it seems like a good idea to install it manually or make an OMOD script for it, as it comes with several options. Anyway, if you just installed the default meshes, manually removing them should fix any issue connected to it, as nothing else should remain:
Seems odd that a bad install/uninstall would cause CTD when loading a save - but if you remove those files you won't have anything left from the mod.