I need a role playing penalty

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:47 am

Hey all.

I am about to start a thief/assassin character.
I plan on putting all of the killable NPC's in a big list and randomizing the order in order to attempt to assassinate them all as though a contract were on their heads.

Some NPC's may be out of my league.
I don't plan on penalizing myself for failure (jail will take care of that), but I wish to penalize myself for "declining" a contract.

Please post your suggestions on how to penalize myself below.

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Jake Easom
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:47 pm

I plan on putting all of the killable NPC's in a big list and randomizing the order in order to attempt to assassinate them all as though a contract were on their heads.

Wouldn′t that make Cyrodiil even more empty than it is? :unsure2:

Maybe committing high-prized crimes in public so your character has to pay large sums could be a penalty for defaulting?
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:44 am

Take the most expensive item in your inventory and place it in a respawning container inside the mark’s house.

I don't know if that qualifies as role-playing, but it's a penalty.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:31 pm

That'll take a while. Especially if you act like their your target because you have to follow them around, get their daily schedule, plan when/where/how, get outside help (poisoned apples, other NPCS (frenzied)). Sounds like a lot of fun. good luck!
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Wayne W
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:15 pm

Yeah, it will take a while. But I am always looking for something new to do. Can't just go cave-diving or questing every time. I've already done that a ton.
This character will be tricky, but perhaps it can provide a bit of excitement.
Along with this character I am using a mod that only allows me to level up from trainers.
I plan on pulling in 1000 septim per job. So it will take a while to get anywhere. But that is the idea I guess. :)
Here's my list of NPC's. I took out NPC's that were trainers and some that I knew could not be killed. There will be other NPC's on this list who cannot be killed, and there are NPC's who can only be reached via a Quest line. I will just have to update it as I go along, although i'm not sure I would do this character style more than once.

The character I plan on using after this will be a HUNTER. I will find a list of all the monsters in the game and he will have to randomly go out and kill one and bring back a trophy.
I used to have a list of every location and my adventurer would randomly go to each location and complete that dungeon.

My goal is to start at 1 difficulty and go up by 1 after every kill and eventually kill 100 targets. I suppose I would need more than 1000 septim per job if I am to accomplish that by only using trainers to level up.
There are currently 760 potential targets on the list.


Anvil Castle Anvil Baeralorn
Anvil Castle Anvil Beatrice Gene
Anvil Castle Anvil Colin Stedrine
Anvil Castle Anvil Count Corvus Umbranox
Anvil Castle Anvil Dairihill
Anvil Castle Anvil Heinrich Oaken-Hull
Anvil Guard Anvil Gogan
Anvil Guard Anvil Langley
Anvil Guard Anvil Maelona
Anvil Fighters Guild Anvil Llensi Llaram
Anvil Mages Guild Anvil Felen Relas
Anvil Mages Guild Anvil Marc Gulitte
Anvil Mages Guild Anvil Thaurron
Anvil Thieves Guild Anvil Orrin
Anvil Merchant Anvil Enilroth
Anvil Merchant Anvil Maenlorn
Anvil Merchant Anvil Norbert Lelles
Anvil Merchant Anvil Varel Morvayn
Anvil Merchant Anvil Wilbur
Anvil Chapel Anvil Dumania Jirich
Anvil Chapel Anvil Laralthir
Anvil Chapel Anvil Trevaia
Anvil Beggar Anvil Imus the Dull
Anvil Beggar Anvil Penniless Olvus
Anvil Serpents Wake Anvil Anguilon
Anvil Serpents Wake Anvil Isolde
Anvil Serpents Wake Anvil Krognak gro-Brok
Anvil Serpents Wake Anvil Thurindil
Anvil Serpents Wake Anvil Timothee LaRouche
Anvil Serpents Wake Anvil Varulae
Anvil Siren Anvil Faustina Cartia
Anvil Siren Anvil Signy Home-Wrecker
Anvil Siren Anvil Tsarrina
Anvil Stables Anvil Clesa
Anvil Stables Anvil Ernest
Anvil Anvil Aenvir
Anvil Anvil Arvena Thelas
Anvil Anvil Astia Inventius
Anvil Anvil Caenlorn
Anvil Anvil Captain Baszone Patneim
Anvil Anvil Didier Aumilie
Anvil Anvil Dranas Lerano
Anvil Anvil First Mate Filch
Anvil Anvil Gorgo gro-Shura
Anvil Anvil Hasathil
Anvil Anvil Hirtel
Anvil Anvil Jesan sixtius
Anvil Anvil M'aiq the Liar
Anvil Anvil Newheim the Portly
Anvil Anvil S'shani
Anvil Anvil Storn the Burly
Anvil Anvil A Stranger
Anvil Anvil Ulfgar Fog-Eye
Anvil Anvil Velwyn Benirus
Anvil Anvil Benirus Manor
Anvil Anvil Wilhelm the Worm
Bravil Castle Bravil Drels Theran
Bravil Castle Bravil Dro'Nahrahe
Bravil Castle Bravil Gellius Terentius
Bravil Castle Bravil Hans Black-Nail
Bravil Castle Bravil Viera Lerus
Bravil Fighters Guild Bravil Vincent Galien
Bravil Mages Guild Bravil Aryarie
Bravil Mages Guild Bravil Carandial
Bravil Mages Guild Bravil Henantier
Bravil Mages Guild Bravil Kud-Ei
Bravil Merchant Bravil Bogrum Gro-Galash
Bravil Merchant Bravil Daenlin
Bravil Merchant Bravil Gilgondorin
Bravil Merchant Bravil Nilawen
Bravil Merchant Bravil Nordinor
Bravil Merchant Bravil Ungarion
Bravil Chapel Bravil Chana Mona
Bravil Chapel Bravil Olava the Fair
Bravil Beggar Bravil Cosmus the Cheat
Bravil Beggar Bravil Wretched Aia
Bravil Stables Bravil Antoine Branck
Bravil Stables Bravil Isabeau Bienne
Bravil Dark Brotherhood Bravil Arquen
Bravil Dark Brotherhood Bravil Banus Alor
Bravil Dark Brotherhood Bravil Belisarius Arius
Bravil Dark Brotherhood Bravil Mathieu Bellamont
Bravil Dark Brotherhood Bravil The Night Mother
Bravil Dark Brotherhood Bravil Ungolim
Bravil Skooma Den Bravil J'zin-Dar
Bravil Skooma Den Bravil R'vanni
Bravil Skooma Den Bravil Reistr the Rotted
Bravil Skooma Den Bravil Roxanne Brigette
Bravil Bravil Aleron Loche
Bravil Bravil Brokil gro-Shatur
Bravil Bravil Jean-Pierre Lemonds
Bravil Bravil Jee-Tah
Bravil Bravil Kurdan gro-Dragol
Bravil Bravil Ranoline
Bravil Bravil Reenum
Bravil Bravil Ursanne Loche
Bruma Castle Bruma Gan Luseph
Bruma Castle Bruma Tolgan
Bruma Castle Bruma Yvara Channitte
Bruma Guard Bruma Burd
Bruma Guard Bruma Carius Runellius
Bruma Guard Bruma Gerich Senarel
Bruma Guard Bruma Tyrellius Logellus
Bruma Mages Guild Bruma Jeanne Frasoric
Bruma Mages Guild Bruma Selena Orania
Bruma Mages Guild Bruma Volanaro
Bruma Thieves Guild Bruma Ongar the World-Weary
Bruma Dark Brotherhood Bruma J'Ghasta
Bruma Chapel Bruma Isa Raman
Bruma Merchant Bruma Fjotreid
Bruma Merchant Bruma Hafid Hollowleg
Bruma Merchant Bruma Karinnarre
Bruma Merchant Bruma Olav
Bruma Merchant Bruma Skjorta
Bruma Merchant Bruma Suurootan
Bruma Beggar Bruma Fetid Jofnhild
Bruma Beggar Bruma Jorck the Outcast
Bruma Stables Bruma Humilis Nonius
Bruma Stables Bruma Petrine
Bruma Bruma Arnora Auria
Bruma Bruma Baenlin
Bruma Bruma Bradon Lirrian
Bruma Bruma Caenlin
Bruma Bruma Camilla Lollia
Bruma Bruma Erline Lirrian
Bruma Bruma Gromm
Bruma Bruma Honmund
Bruma Bruma Istirus Brolus
Bruma Bruma Jearl
Bruma Bruma Jorundr
Bruma Bruma Logvaar
Bruma Bruma Lyra Rosentia
Bruma Bruma Regner
Bruma Bruma Saveri Faram
Bruma Bruma Snar the Cook
Cheydinhal Castle Cheydinhal Farwil Indarys
Cheydinhal Castle Cheydinhal Ulene Hlervu
Cheydinhal Guard Cheydinhal Amminus Gregori
Cheydinhal Guard Cheydinhal Garrus Darelliun
Cheydinhal Guard Cheydinhal Ulrich Leland
Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Cheydinhal Burz gro-Khash
Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Cheydinhal Keld of the Isles
Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Cheydinhal Ohtimbar
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Cheydinhal Eilonwy
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Cheydinhal Falcar
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Cheydinhal Orintur
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Cheydinhal Trayvond the Redguard
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Cheydinhal Uurwen
Cheydinhal Mages Guild Cheydinhal Vidkun
Cheydinhal Chapel Cheydinhal Errandil
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Borba gra-Uzgash
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Dervera Romalen
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Magra gro-Naybek
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Mariana Ancharia
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Beds
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Tertia Viducia
Cheydinhal Merchant Cheydinhal Repairs
Cheydinhal Beggar Cheydinhal Bruccius the Orphan
Cheydinhal Beggar Cheydinhal Luckless Lucina
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Antoinetta Marie
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Gogron gro-Bolmog
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal M'raaj-Dar
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal General
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal General
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Ocheeva
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Teinaava
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Telaendril
Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Cheydinhal Vicente Valtieri
Cheydinhal Knights of the Thorn Cheydinhal Bremman Senyan
Cheydinhal Knights of the Thorn Cheydinhal Jhared Strongblade
Cheydinhal Orum Gang Cheydinhal Bazur gro-Gharz
Cheydinhal Orum Gang Cheydinhal Dulfish gro-Orum
Cheydinhal Orum Gang Cheydinhal Magub gro-Orum
Cheydinhal Orum Gang Cheydinhal Oghash gra-Magul
Cheydinhal Riverview Cheydinhal Maknok gro-Coblug
Cheydinhal Riverview Cheydinhal Rogmesh gra-Coblug
Cheydinhal Riverview Cheydinhal Tanasa Arano
Cheydinhal Riverview Cheydinhal Tolisi Girith
Cheydinhal Riverview Cheydinhal Voranil
Cheydinhal Stables Cheydinhal Mivryna Arano
Cheydinhal Stables Cheydinhal Tovas Selvani
Cheydinhal Cheydinhal Aldos Othran
Cheydinhal Cheydinhal Guilbert Jemane
Cheydinhal Cheydinhal Llevana Nedaren
Cheydinhal Cheydinhal Rythe Lythandas
Cheydinhal Cheydinhal Shelley
Cheydinhal Cheydinhal Tivela Lythandas
Chorrol Castle Chorrol Bittneld the Curse-Bringer
Chorrol Castle Chorrol Laythe Wavrick
Chorrol Castle Chorrol Orgnolf Hairy-Legs
Chorrol Castle Chorrol Orok gro-Ghoth
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Kurz gro-Baroth
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Modryn Oreyn
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Sabine Laul
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Weapons/Armor/Misc.
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Repairs
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Vilena Donton
Chorrol Fighters Guild Chorrol Viranus Donton
Chorrol Mages Guild Chorrol Contumeliorus Florius
Chorrol Mages Guild Chorrol Teekeeus
Chorrol Chapel Chorrol Gureryne Selvilo
Chorrol Chapel Chorrol Otius Loran
Chorrol Merchant Chorrol Emfrid
Chorrol Merchant Chorrol Estelle Renoit
Chorrol Merchant Chorrol Talasma
Chorrol Beggar Chorrol Lazy Kaslowyn
Chorrol Beggar Chorrol Nermus the Mooch
Chorrol Weynon Priory Chorrol Brother Piner
Chorrol Weynon Priory Chorrol Eronor
Chorrol Weynon Priory Chorrol Prior Maborel
Chorrol Stables Chorrol Bongond
Chorrol Stables Chorrol Nardhil
Chorrol Chorrol Antus Odiil
Chorrol Chorrol Ariela Doran
Chorrol Chorrol Carmen Litte
Chorrol Chorrol Casta Scribonia
Chorrol Chorrol Dar-Ma
Chorrol Chorrol Earana
Chorrol Chorrol Eugal Belette
Chorrol Chorrol Francois Motierre
Chorrol Chorrol Gaturn gro-Gonk
Chorrol Chorrol Hides-His-Heart
Chorrol Chorrol Jirolin Doran
Chorrol Chorrol Rallus Odiil
Chorrol Chorrol Rena Bruiant
Chorrol Chorrol Reynald Jemane
Chorrol Chorrol Rimalus Bruiant
Chorrol Chorrol Valus Odiil
Chorrol Chorrol Wallace
Imperial City Palace Imperial City Evangeline Beanique
Imperial City Palace Imperial City High Chancellor Ocato
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Adamus Phillida
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Audens Avidius
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Captain Gepard Montrose
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Carmalo Truiand
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Claudius Arcadia
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Giovanni Civello
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Hieronymus Lex
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Itius Hayn
Imperial City Legion Imperial City Servatius Quintilius
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Borissean
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Bothiel
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Caranya
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Delmar
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Fithragaer
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Gaspar Stegine
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City General
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Hannibal Traven
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Irlav Jarol
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Julienne Fanis
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Ingredients/Potions
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Raminus Polus
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Renald Viernis
Imperial City Mages Guild Imperial City Tar-Meena
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Ancus Afranius
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Amusei
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Carwen
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Dynari Amnis
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Fathis Ules
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Hillod the Outlaw
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Isleif the Open Handed
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Jair
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Methredhel
Imperial City Thieves Guild Imperial City Myvryna Arano
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Adoring Fan
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Agronak gro-Malog
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Blue Team Gladiator
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Branwen
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Hundolin
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Owyn
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Saliith
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Yellow Team Champion
Imperial City Arena Imperial City Ysabel Andronicus
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Adrian Decanius
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Astav Wirich
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Beran Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Carmana Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Cyronin Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Elisa Pierrane
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Geem Jasaiin
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Herminia Cinna
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Iniel Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Jastia Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Jena Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Kastus Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Ley Marillin
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Lorkmir
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Luther Broad
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Marinus Catiotus
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Pista Marillin
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Ra'Jhan
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Roderic Pierrane
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Romana Faleria
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Tertius Favonius
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Vontan Sintav
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Winson
Imperial City Elven Gardens Imperial City Wumeek
Imperial City Market Imperial City Calindil
Imperial City Market Imperial City Cicero Verus
Imperial City Market Imperial City Claudette Perrick
Imperial City Market Imperial City Delos Fandas
Imperial City Market Imperial City Edgar Vautrine
Imperial City Market Imperial City Gelephor
Imperial City Market Imperial City Hamlof Red-Tooth
Imperial City Market Imperial City Jensine
Imperial City Market Imperial City Maro Rufus
Imperial City Market Imperial City Ogier Georick
Imperial City Market Imperial City Phintias
Imperial City Market Imperial City Rindir
Imperial City Market Imperial City Sergius Verus
Imperial City Market Imperial City Tertullian Verus
Imperial City Market Imperial City Thoronir
Imperial City Market Imperial City Urbul gro-Orkulg
Imperial City Market Imperial City Velus Hosidius
Imperial City Market Imperial City Viator Accius
Imperial City Market Imperial City Vinicia Melissaeia
Imperial City Order of the Virtuous Blood Imperial City Gilen Norvalo
Imperial City Order of the Virtuous Blood Imperial City Grey-Throat
Imperial City Order of the Virtuous Blood Imperial City Seridur
Imperial City Stables Imperial City Brielus Gawey
Imperial City Stables Imperial City Restita Statlilia
Imperial City Stables Imperial City Snak gra-Bura
Imperial City Umbacano's Imperial City Jollring
Imperial City Umbacano's Imperial City Matthias Draconis
Imperial City Umbacano's Imperial City Surius Afranius
Imperial City Umbacano's Imperial City Umbacano
Imperial City Umbacano's Imperial City Umog gra-Marad
Imperial City Umbacano's Imperial City Usheeja
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Agarmir
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Angelie
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Areldil
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Astinia Atius
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Atraena
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Augusta Calidia
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Collatinus Vedius
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Dorian
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Dralora Athram
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Elragail
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Erissare Arenim
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Ernest Manis
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Faelian
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Gemellus Axius
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Gwinas
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Hassiri
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Helvo Atius
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Jakben, Earl of Imbel
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Ontus Vanin
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Ra'jiradh
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Rochelle Bantien
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Severius Atius
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City S'rathad
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Soris Arenim
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Thamriel
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Ulen Athram
Imperial City Talos Plaza Imperial City Urjabhi
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Graman gro-Marad
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Lynch
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Minx
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Ormil
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Food
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Beds
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Selene
Imperial City The Bloated Inn Imperial City Wrath
Imperial City Beggar Imperial City Fralav the Faker
Imperial City Beggar Imperial City Larthjar the Laggard
Imperial City Beggar Imperial City No-Coins Draninus
Imperial City Beggar Imperial City Puny Ancus
Imperial City Beggar Imperial City Ragbag Buntara
Imperial City Beggar Imperial City Simplicia the Slow
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Alessia Ottus
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Algot the Northerner
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Amantius Allectus
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Caula Allectus
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Cylben Dolovas
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Hagaer
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Hastrel Ottus
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Ida Ottus
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Jeelius
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City J'mhad
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Luronk gro-Glurzog
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Marguerite Diel
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Pennus Mallius
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Praxedes Afranius
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Ralsa Norvalo
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Renee Geonette
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Roland Jenseric
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Ruslan
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Salomon Geonette
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Stantus Varrid
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Styrbjorn
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Trenus Duronius
Imperial City Temple District Imperial City Willet
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Adanrel
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Bronsila Kvinchal
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Damian Magius
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Dranas Llethro
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City First Mate Malvulis
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Gaston Tussaud
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Kastav Kvinchal
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Uzul gro-Grulam
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Vlanarus Kvinchal
Imperial City Waterfront District Imperial City Velan Andus
Imperial City Imperial City Curtis
Imperial City Imperial City Gwendolyn
Imperial City Imperial City Lumdum gro-Golpok
Imperial City Imperial City Lurio Maenius
Imperial City Imperial City Ris Fralmoton
Imperial City Imperial City Rolgarel
Imperial City Imperial City Shady Sam
Kvatch Kvatch Athrelor
Kvatch Kvatch Batul gra-Sharob
Kvatch Kvatch Berich Inian
Kvatch Kvatch Boldon
Kvatch Kvatch Guilbert Selone
Kvatch Kvatch Hirtel
Kvatch Kvatch Ilav Dralgoner
Kvatch Kvatch Ilend Vonius
Kvatch Kvatch Jesan Rilian
Kvatch Kvatch Lenka Valus
Kvatch Kvatch Menien Goneld
Kvatch Kvatch Merandil
Kvatch Kvatch Ormellius Goldwine
Kvatch Kvatch Savlian Matius
Kvatch Kvatch Sigrid
Kvatch Kvatch Tavia
Kvatch Kvatch Tierra
Kvatch Kvatch Weedum-Ja
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Countess Alessia Caro
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Britta Invel
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Hlidara Mothril
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Janonia Aurunceia
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Januarius Aurunceia
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Jaras Invel
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Numeen
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin On-Staya Sundew
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Termanwe
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Tsavi
Leyawiin Castle Leyawiin Vlarimil Orius
Leyawiin Guard Leyawiin Adamus Phillida
Leyawiin Guard Leyawiin Caelia Draconis
Leyawiin Guard Leyawiin Decentius Opsius
Leyawiin Guard Leyawiin Lerexus Callidus
Leyawiin Fighters Guild Leyawiin Antus Flonius
Leyawiin Fighters Guild Leyawiin Cingor
Leyawiin Fighters Guild Leyawiin Dubok gro-Shagk
Leyawiin Fighters Guild Leyawiin Rellian
Leyawiin Fighters Guild Leyawiin S'kasha
Leyawiin Fighters Guild Leyawiin Vantus Prelius
Leyawiin Mages Guild Leyawiin Agata
Leyawiin Mages Guild Leyawiin Alves Uvenim
Leyawiin Mages Guild Leyawiin Kalthar
Leyawiin Thieves Guild Leyawiin Dar Jee
Leyawiin Dark Brotherhood Leyawiin Alval Uvani
Leyawiin Chapel Leyawiin Avrus Adas
Leyawiin Chapel Leyawiin Kantav Cheynoslin
Leyawiin Chapel Leyawiin Silana Blandia
Leyawiin Merchant Leyawiin Elsynia
Leyawiin Merchant Leyawiin Gundalas
Leyawiin Merchant Leyawiin Shuravi
Leyawiin Merchant Leyawiin Tun-Zeeus
Leyawiin Merchant Leyawiin Witseidutsei
Leyawiin Beggar Leyawiin Deeh the Scalawag
Leyawiin Beggar Leyawiin Rancid Ra'dirsha
Leyawiin Stables Leyawiin Cat-Face
Leyawiin Stables Leyawiin Atahba
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Ajum-Kajin
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Geel
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Hears-Voices-In-The-Air
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Ja'Fazir
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Jee-Tah
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Jeetum-Ze
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Oleed-Ei
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Rana
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Ri'Zakar
Leyawiin Blackwood Company Leyawiin Sings-Like-Thunder
Leyawiin Leyawiin Bejeen
Leyawiin Leyawiin Betto Plotius
Leyawiin Leyawiin Julitta Plotius
Leyawiin Leyawiin M'aiq the Liar
Leyawiin Leyawiin Mazoga the Orc
Leyawiin Leyawiin Otumeel
Leyawiin Leyawiin Ra'Jahirr
Leyawiin Leyawiin Rosentia Gallenus
Leyawiin Leyawiin Shamada
Leyawiin Leyawiin Shomara
Leyawiin Leyawiin Weebam-Na
Skingrad Castle Skingrad Hal-Liurz
Skingrad Castle Skingrad Mercator Hosidus
Skingrad Castle Skingrad Pale Lady
Skingrad Castle Skingrad Rona Hassildor
Skingrad Castle Skingrad Shum gro-Yarug
Skingrad Guard Skingrad Danus Artellian
Skingrad Guard Skingrad Dion
Skingrad Fighters Guild Skingrad Ah-Malz
Skingrad Fighters Guild Skingrad Maglir
Skingrad Fighters Guild Skingrad Parwen
Skingrad Mages Guild Skingrad Adrienne Berene
Skingrad Mages Guild Skingrad Erthor
Skingrad Mages Guild Skingrad Vigge the Cautious
Skingrad Dark Brotherhood Skingrad Fafnir
Skingrad Thieves Guild Skingrad Tumindil
Skingrad Thieves Guild Skingrad Valandrus Abor
Skingrad Merchant Skingrad Agnete the Pickled
Skingrad Merchant Skingrad Erina Jeranus
Skingrad Merchant Skingrad Falanu Hlaalu
Skingrad Merchant Skingrad Gunder
Skingrad Merchant Skingrad Mog gra-Mogakh
Skingrad Beggar Skingrad Foul Fagus
Skingrad Beggar Skingrad Nigidius the Needy
Skingrad Stables Skingrad Tilmo
Skingrad Stables Skingrad Ugak gra-Mogakh
Skingrad Summitmist Manor Skingrad Dovesi Dran
Skingrad Summitmist Manor Skingrad Matilde Petit
Skingrad Summitmist Manor Skingrad Nels the Naughty
Skingrad Summitmist Manor Skingrad Neville
Skingrad Summitmist Manor Skingrad Primo Antonius
Skingrad Skingrad Arterion
Skingrad Skingrad Bernadette Peneles
Skingrad Skingrad Carsten
Skingrad Skingrad Davide Surilie
Skingrad Skingrad Else God-Hater
Skingrad Skingrad Eridor
Skingrad Skingrad Eyja
Skingrad Skingrad Gaston Surilie
Skingrad Skingrad Glarthir
Skingrad Skingrad Graklak gro-Buglump
Skingrad Skingrad Lazare Milvan
Skingrad Skingrad Mondrar Henim
Skingrad Skingrad Salmo
Skingrad Skingrad Shamar
Skingrad Skingrad Tamika
Skingrad Skingrad Theranis
Skingrad Skingrad Toutius sixtius
Skingrad Skingrad Undena Orethi
Skingrad Skingrad Vandorallen Trebatius
Skingrad Skingrad Vontus Idolus
Aleswell North of Imperial City Adosi Serethi
Aleswell North of Imperial City Diram Serethi
Aleswell North of Imperial City Sakeepa
Aleswell North of Imperial City Shagol gro-Bumph
Aleswell North of Imperial City Urnsi Serethi
Applewatch West of Bruma Perennia Draconis
Blankenmarch Northeast of Leyawiin Floyd Nathans
Blankenmarch Northeast of Leyawiin Hanz gro-Hubrag
Blankenmarch Northeast of Leyawiin Philip Franc
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Arvin Dalvilu
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Beirir
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Hrol Ulfgar
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Kirsten
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Malyani Dalvilu
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Nivan Dalvilu
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Redas Dalvilu
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Satha Dalvilu
Bleaker's Way Between IC and Bruma Ulrika Ulfgar
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin J'riska
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin M'dasha
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin M'dirr
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Ri'Bassa
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin S'thasa
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Tsalajma
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Tsramla
Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Zabhila
Brindle Home Between Skingrad and Chorrol Astante
Brindle Home Between Skingrad and Chorrol Merildor
Brindle Home Between Skingrad and Chorrol Torbal the Sufficient
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Achille
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Arcturus
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Baragon
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Belisarius
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Captain Steffan
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Caroline
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Cyrus
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Ferrum
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Fortis
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Jena
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Pelagius
Cloud Ruler Temple North of Bruma Roliand
Cropsford Southeast of IC Aloys Bincal
Cropsford Southeast of IC Barthel Gernand
Cropsford Southeast of IC Callia Bincal
Drakelowe South of Cheydinhal Melisande
Gottlesfont Priory Between Skingrad and Chorrol Sister Angrond
Gottlesfont Priory Between Skingrad and Chorrol Sister Phebe Jeanard
Hackdirt Between Skingrad and Chorrol Etira Moslin
Hackdirt Between Skingrad and Chorrol Jiv Hiriel
Hackdirt Between Skingrad and Chorrol Marlena Brussiner
Hackdirt Between Skingrad and Chorrol Natch Pinder
Hackdirt Between Skingrad and Chorrol Vlanhonder Moslin
Harlun's Watch South of Cheydinhal Aengvir
Harlun's Watch South of Cheydinhal Deetum-Ja
Harlun's Watch South of Cheydinhal Drarana Thelis
Harlun's Watch South of Cheydinhal S'mirra
Harm's Folly Between Bruma and Cheydinhal Corrick Northwode
Knights of the Thorn HQ West of Cheydinhal Bremman Senyan
Knights of the Thorn HQ West of Cheydinhal Farwil Indarys
Knights of the Thorn HQ West of Cheydinhal Jhared Strongblade
Lord Drad's Estate North of Anvil Lady Drad
Lord Drad's Estate North of Anvil Lord Drad
Lord Rugdumph's Estate North of Cheydinhal Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak
Lord Rugdumph's Estate North of Cheydinhal Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak
Odiil Farm Southeast of Chorrol Antus Odiil
Odiil Farm Southeast of Chorrol Rallus Odiil
Odiil Farm Southeast of Chorrol Valus Odiil
Pell's Gate South of Imperial City Candice Corgine
Pell's Gate South of Imperial City Irroke the Wide
Pell's Gate South of Imperial City Schlera Sestius
Pell's Gate South of Imperial City Shafaye
Shardrock Between Skingrad and Kvatch Thorley Aethelred
Temple of the Ancestor Moths North of Cheydinhal Brother Hjar
Temple of the Ancestor Moths North of Cheydinhal Brother Holger
Temple of the Ancestor Moths North of Cheydinhal Brother Hridi
Water's Edge North of Leyawiin Biene Amelion
Water's Edge North of Leyawiin Eduard Retiene
Water's Edge North of Leyawiin Jolie Retiene
Water's Edge North of Leyawiin Marcel Amelion
Water's Edge North of Leyawiin Marie Alouette
Weynon Priory Southeast of Chorrol Brother Piner
Weynon Priory Southeast of Chorrol Eronor
Weynon Priory Southeast of Chorrol Prior Maborel
Weye West of Imperial City Aelwin Merowald
Weye West of Imperial City Nerussa
Whitmond Farm North of Anvil Maeva the Buxom
Brina Cross Inn Between Anvil and Kvatch Arielle Jurard
Brina Cross Inn Between Anvil and Kvatch Caminalda
Brina Cross Inn Between Anvil and Kvatch Kiara
Brina Cross Inn Between Anvil and Kvatch Roliand Hanus
Drunken Dragon Inn Northeast of Leyawiin Andreas Draconis
Faregyl Inn Between IC and Bravil S'jirra
Imperial Bridge Inn East of Bravil Lithnilian
Imperial Bridge Inn East of Bravil Mirisa
Inn of Ill Omen Between IC and Bravil Manheim Maulhand
Inn of Ill Omen Between IC and Bravil Minerva
Inn of Ill Omen Between IC and Bravil Rufio
Roxey Inn Northeast of Imperial City Baurion
Roxey Inn Northeast of Imperial City Brucetus Festinius
Roxey Inn Northeast of Imperial City Claude Maric
Roxey Inn Northeast of Imperial City Malene
Roxey Inn Northeast of Imperial City Rigmor
Roxey Inn Northeast of Imperial City S'razirr
Azura Worshipper North of Cheydinhal Bur-Meema
Azura Worshipper North of Cheydinhal Mels Maryon
Azura Worshipper North of Cheydinhal Ralsa Nethan
Boethia Worshipper Southeast of Cheydinhal Haekwon
Boethia Worshipper Southeast of Cheydinhal Tolvasa Sendas
Boethia Worshipper Southeast of Cheydinhal Pajeen
Clavicus Worshipper Southwest of Imperial City Anedhel
Clavicus Worshipper Southwest of Imperial City Gul gro-Burbog
Clavicus Worshipper Southwest of Imperial City Ma'Raska
Hermaeus Mora Worshipper West of Bruma Bruscius Longus
Hermaeus Mora Worshipper West of Bruma Norasa Adus
Hermaeus Mora Worshipper West of Bruma Ri'Jirr
Hircine Worshipper South of Imperial City Boroneth
Hircine Worshipper South of Imperial City Hunting Tail
Hircine Worshipper South of Imperial City Vajhira
Malacath Worshipper North of Anvil Ghorub gro-Ugdub
Malacath Worshipper North of Anvil Mug gro-Murgak
Malacath Worshipper North of Anvil Shobob gro-Rugdush
Mephala Worshipper Northeast of Imperial City Ciindil
Mephala Worshipper Northeast of Imperial City Dredena Hlavel
Mephala Worshipper Northeast of Imperial City Rona
Meridia Worshipper West of Skingrad Basil Ernarde
Meridia Worshipper West of Skingrad Demetrius
Meridia Worshipper West of Skingrad Javolia Maborel
Morag Bal Worshipper West of Imperial City Amir
Morag Bal Worshipper West of Imperial City Olyn Seran
Morag Bal Worshipper West of Imperial City Yushi
Namira Worshipper East of Bruma Blanche Mastien
Namira Worshipper East of Bruma Degil
Namira Worshipper East of Bruma Hjolfrodi the Harrier
Nocturnal Worshipper North of Leyawiin Dhola
Nocturnal Worshipper North of Leyawiin Francine Velain
Nocturnal Worshipper North of Leyawiin Mor gra-Gamorn
Peryite Worshipper East of Bravil Er-Teeus
Peryite Worshipper East of Bravil Ilvel Romayn
Peryite Worshipper East of Bravil Kewan
Peryite Worshipper East of Bravil Maren the Seal
Peryite Worshipper East of Bravil Mirie
Sanguine Worshipper Southwest of Chorrol Ashni
Sanguine Worshipper Southwest of Chorrol Engorm
Sanguine Worshipper Southwest of Chorrol Faurinthil
Sheogorath Worshipper Between Bravil and Leyawiin Angalsama
Sheogorath Worshipper Between Bravil and Leyawiin Beewos
Sheogorath Worshipper Between Bravil and Leyawiin Ferul Ravel
Sheogorath Worshipper Between Bravil and Leyawiin Gregory Arne
Sheogorath Worshipper Between Bravil and Leyawiin Ortis
Vaermina Worshipper Southwest of Cheydinhal Aviera Nirol
Vaermina Worshipper Southwest of Cheydinhal Aymar Douar
Vaermina Worshipper Southwest of Cheydinhal Tenville
Aerin's Camp North of Cheydinhal Andre Labouche
Bloodmayne Cave West of Bravil Ashanta
Bloodmayne Cave West of Bravil Dreet-Lai
Bloodmayne Cave West of Bravil Enrion
Bloodmayne Cave West of Bravil Hlofgar
Desolate Mine Northwest of Cheydinhal Brag gro-Bharg
Desolate Mine Northwest of Cheydinhal Elidor
Desolate Mine Northwest of Cheydinhal Rienna
Echo Cave West of Bruma Bolor Savel
Echo Cave West of Bruma Mannimarco
Fisherman's Rock North of Leyawiin Ayisha
Fisherman's Rock North of Leyawiin J'Baasha
Fisherman's Rock North of Leyawiin Mensa Selas
Fisherman's Rock North of Leyawiin Mogens Wind-Shifter
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Ariente
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Ashtus Chenius
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Cargas Laftrius
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Cartrus Gavinius
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Eduard Hodge
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Lashana
Forsaken Mine South of Leyawiin Mattius Wotrus
Fort Sutch North of Anvil Gerard Melie
Fort Sutch North of Anvil Laenafil
Fort Sutch North of Anvil Neesha
Fort Sutch North of Anvil Roderick
Fort Sutch North of Anvil Ulmug gro-Cromgog
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Cingaer
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Dennilwen
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Githriian
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Idrolian
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Nedhelfin
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Niraegaer
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Thiirchel
Hrota Cave North of Anvil Thrangirfin
Lake Arrius Caverns North of Cheydinhal Harrow
Lake Arrius Caverns North of Cheydinhal Mankar Camoran
Lake Arrius Caverns North of Cheydinhal Ruma Camoran
Silorn Southeast of Skingrad Iver
Silorn Southeast of Skingrad Merete
Silorn Southeast of Skingrad Thalfin
Vahtacen South of Cheydinhal Denel
Vahtacen South of Cheydinhal Skaleel
Near Dive Rock North of Cheydinhal Agnar the Unwavering
Camp south of Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Alonzo
Fort Caractacus North of Imperial city Ancotar
Arkved's Tower Southwest of Cheydinhal Arkved
Atatar Between Bravil and Leyawiin Azani Blackheart
Fort Strand East of Anvil Bjalfi the Contemptible
Camp south of Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Black Brugo
Leafrot Cave East of Bravil Celedaen
Swampy Cave Southeast of Cheydinhal Eduard Denile
Brittlerock Cave Northwest of Kvatch Elante of Alinor
Nonwyll Cavern North of Chorrol Galtus Previa
Goblin Jim's Cave North of Skingrad Goblin Jim
Gnoll Mountain East of Bruma Havilstein Hoar-Blood
Redwater Slough East of Bravil Hindaril
Vilverin Northeast of Imperial City Jalbert
Camp east of Bruma East of Bruma K'Sharr
Greyland West of Leyawiin Kylius Lonavo
Crowhaven Northwest of Anvil Lord Lovidicus
Fort Farragut East of Cheydinhal Lucien Lachance
Nenyond Twyll South of Imperial City Mariette Rielle
House north of Skingrad North of Skingrad Melus Petilius
Moss Rock Cavern North of Imperial city Raelynn the Gravefinder
Fort Grief Northeast of Bravil Ra'jhera the Keeneye
Imperial City Sewers Imperial City Raven Camoran
Camp south of Border Watch Between Bravil and Leyawiin Roxy Aric
Bogwater Southeast of Leyawiin Scar-Tail
Flooded Mine North of Bravil Shaleez
Muck Valley Cavern Between IC and Cheydinhal Sibylla Draconis
Sandstone Cavern Northeast of Kvatch Slythe Seringi
Vindasel Southwest of Imperial City Umbra

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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:25 pm

All that information would be better in a spoiler tag so it doesn't slow the page down if you don't want to see it :smile:

I really like your idea though. Are you intending to join the dark brotherhood?
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:02 pm

If your doing a Roleplaying run then you'd have to. The dark brotherhood, i believe, hates freelancers? Not entirely sure.
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Del Arte
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:45 am

I don't think I can join the DB because some of their members are on my list :D Would I not then get kicked out for killing one of them?
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:20 pm


( unless you mean telendrill)

and you could murder 3 people before you got kicked out ;)
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:26 am

You start with 5 reloads allowed per session, or however many you want. For each penalty, permanently reduce the number of reloads allowed by one. When you lose your last reload, go to bed and play tomorrow.

If you lose your last allowed reload, you character retires with whatever wealth they earned.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:31 am


( unless you mean telendrill)

and you could murder 3 people before you got kicked out ;)

I did not say my list was perfect =P
There are NPC's on the list who are unkillable or unreachable or who maybe show up too far down a quest line. I'm sorry I did not memorize the 800 NPC's that are in the game to know exactly which was which ;) I'll just have to make adjustments as I go along.

Right now I am thinking of a random stat penalty for declining a contract. -5 in something. Or perhaps a -5 in a primary skill since I can only advance through trainers, and -5 would cost me a bit of green, but unlike a fine, I wouldn't have to pay it immediately.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:20 pm

Its been some time, but I remember I had a list of about a dozen difficult fight locations that I got from the wiki and here.... Whenever my character 'missed' a target of her choosing (some high Commander or Noble) and had to escape, she could only come back to try again after dealing with one of these difficult locations.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:17 pm

If you have Battlehorn (DLC) you can use the trophy room.

fail a contract you will need to hunt and kill one of the creatures below





Mountain Lion




Fill the "Hall of Shame" with all 8 creatures, your character can no longer be an assassin. He can be anything else but his days as a killer are over.
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Ashley Campos
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