ok i got one another question
what if you want your character to do something with another character, but the other character doesn't want that to happen.
like say i wanted to assassinate one of the characters but that person didn't want to die, then what would happen?
I would very strongly suggest not making that your target in an RP. This is one of the reasons I don't allow assassin characters; they don't add to a story, they just kill off all the other players until the story can't go on. You can
never assassinate a character that their player wants to see alive.
While players
are killable, and goodness knows I've left a swathe of death and torture in my wake as I've gone through them all, you need to ask permission of the player who's character you want to kill
and the RP host, usually, if you can do so. Sometimes, sure, that'll add to the story. But generally, that'll be a one off thing, and it'll mean that you're the villain, and the rest of the RPers get to kill
you shortly after.
Assassins killing off characters and NPCs (sheetless characters, extras) is all very well and good, but it severely destroys the illusion of an RP. Vampire, werewolf, and assassin characters who kill a person a day get boring, are uber, and don't add to an RP unless you are specifically there, having discussed it with the creator, to be the bad guy. Assassins that join a main group, for whatever reason, and aren't just running around killing indiscriminately, however, are more acceptable.
So yeah, characters are killable. But you need a reason, you need permission, and personally, I'd want to orchestrate the death myself, having them killed in a fight or as part of the story rather than just some random assassin swooping in and confusing everybody for no reason. Random events like that can derail rps.
Sorry for the rant.

I get like that sometimes. Hope that helps, anyway.