need some help geting a mod to work

Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:20 am

i may have posted this in the wrong place at first so im reposting it here sorry

So i will do evrything i can to be as discriptive as i can.

my issue: I found a mod for vampire lord replacment for female characters i would like to use this mod. some of you have probly seen it.

it is called Vampire lord replacer "mistress of night" Kerrigan

this mod was found on the site (Blackelf Skyrim mods English)

i would post a like but apparently im not allowed to do so sorry

the problem is this mod requires a female body replacer called [LB] lady body Replacer

this mod is found on the same site

this body replacer is extreamly invasive and hard to install for someone that knowes nothing about moding.

so i looked around to see if i could find a viershion of "mistress of night" that used the body replacer CBBE

"Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-"

but i had no luck. I did find a site that says it can be used with other body replacers if the mod is edited

the site was lovers lab and to find the post i searched the name of the mod

Vampire Lord replacer "Mistress of Night" Kerrigan

now for the rest of my problem.

first let me say i am useing the nexus mod manager (0.49.4) to load my mods into my game

the site says that by replacing or editing the .esm you can remove the dependancy the mod has for [LB]

the posters say to download the CK so i did they tell you get get TES5edit so i did.

my main issue is I am verry enexperianced at useing both of those programs i have gone threw the tutorials and guides for them

but when i try to do as the poasters say i run into problems

this is a list of erros i get. here i will explain my steps and the error i get this section may be long

first i started with TES5edit trying to fallow the post that says

"Just load it in TES5Edit and do Clean Masters, it has no references to the .esm at all so TES5Edit cleans it automatic. That also prevents misreferencing because of deleting masters manually."

Steps taken:
1. i downladed both mods "Mistress of Night" and [LB]
2. i unpacked them to desttop
3. i copyed the LadyBody.esm file and loaded it into my game useing NMM 'nexus mod manager" I did this to satisfy the requirement of MoN mod being relient on the file
4. i loaded MoN "mistress of night" useing NMM
5. i open TES5edit
i am able to see both Ladybody.esm and the MoN mod
befor i loaded them with NMM they would not show up in TES5edit
6. after opening TES5eidt a Master/plugin selection box pops up
all mods masterfiles are selected (i have tryed to do this step several ways)

a. by leaving everything selected

b. by selecting only MoN mod

c. by selecting only MoN mod and [LB] esm file

7. i click okay and this is where the error accures

error a. "a error acured wile loading modules. edditing is disabled. cheak the message log and corect the error.

steps taken: clicked on message tab and it showed the error [00:16] Background Loader: Fatal: i can not find a solution to this error as i see no way on opening the TES5edit to choose what file is loaded in what order

8. i try option b. loading only MoN mod and i get the same error as above

9. i try opton c. and once agin get the same error as befor.

at this point i move to another means to acoplish my goal

i move to useing CK trying to acomplish what is discribed in this post

"I use UNP body, and all I do was open the esp file in the CK and delete the "LadyBody.esm" from the master list, and work perfect"

i open MoN mods eps file with CK and i get the error

"cant find ladybody.esm" and CK closes

if you continue to read the post they go on to say

"I download the LadyBody mod, from the same page. But only copy the .esm into the Data directory, that way the CK don't bother"

so i copyed LadyBody.esm into MoN data folder reloaded the mod open it with CK and i get a error saying multiple master files selected for load. load opreration aborted.

so next i tryed to take ladybody.esm out of MoN data folder and turn it into its own mod that inclueds just the .esm file i did this thinking i could load MoN and sence it requires the ladybody.esm to load it would see that its there in the list and load. but now every time i try to load the mod no matter if i select just the mod or all the master files it tells me multiple master files selected for load. load opreration aborted.

im at my wits end

at this point i have exausted my efforts and have no idea where i am going wrong all i need to do is take away the dependancy for the file ladybody.esm from the MoN mod every one else seems to be able to do this relativly easyly.

as far as modding knolage goes im kinda a laymen. what i am asking for in this long post is this

pls help me fix this or explain to me in laymens terms what im doing wrong a step by step on how to do this would be amazing thank you for any and all help and i am sorry my post is so long but i wanted to try and cover all my bases and explain what i have tryed.

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Michelle Chau
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