My parent's aren't crazy about M games, I convinced them to let me get the Creed series just by explaining in all honesty, I see more blood and violence on NCIS (Crime/Cop show).
How should I convince my parents to let me get FNV? The prosttutes are what concern me the most, because I don't plan to play it with full blood, it seems over the top. The language is no problem, I've just about heard it all. Do you HAVE to interact with the prosttutes? If so, are the six scenes graphic? Or is it like Fable (I've watched my friend play). What kind of alcohol and drug use is there?
How violent/mature is this game compared to the Assassin's Creed series? (Blood, Violence, sixual themes, language, alcohol and drugs, etc.)
Just for the record...
1) No, I will not "forget" to tell my parents about getting it. I'm an honest kid.
2) I know they are being protective, which is good and all. But I think they believe that video games have too much of an influence on kids.
3) I know the over-the-top gore is part of the experience. But I'm just not a fan of all that blood.
Thanks for all the help in advance!! Unless your a [censored] to me....