So I need some help with a role build.

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:11 am

Ok this is weird I have had an idea for a build for a while, but am finding it a bit awkward getting it all put together.

This is the build I have in mind...

A Dunmer noble from morrowind,.
six. not really sure. How I imagine them to be is male, but the basis of roleplay content is female.
Sign. no clue modded game but atronach with a back story of daedric / almvisi blessing / curse is getting cemented in my mind.

Majors is where I am having trouble most, as I tend to have a rule where I limit skill use to nothing but majors with a few minors to cover other role aspects.
This build however is spreading out fast.

What I have so far as possible keepers..

Blade ( fencing ).
Speechcraft ( courtly affairs ).
Mercantile ( as above ).
Illusion ( as above, and the real of beneziah made reference to nobles being schooled in illusion to keep themselves safeguarded ).
Security ( More as a counter espionage tool ).
Alteration and alchemy ( I see nobles brewing up love potions, poisons and having protections outside of duels ).
Other skill sets Sneak ( obvious reasons ). Light and Heavy armour ( In morrowind most nobles were unclothed or armoured in glass / ebony ).

So I see mixing everything together but end up with a bit of a hodge podge, combat wise I will just set the difficulty to how challanging I want it, and have no issue with leveling.
But roles I think most guilds are counter to the idea, apart from maybe the thieves guild, and playstyle I think the closet is a callous bardic rogue.
Ok thats about all I have any ideas would be kindly recieved.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:25 am

Can't see that the build makes much difference since you're ok with using the slider to adjust combat. You might consider Conjuration (summoning a servant). Speechcraft really is not a noble skill in Oblvion - intimidation, flattery, boasting, telling jokes? Not so much, but if you like it keep it.

A few of the nobles offer quests so you could do those. Rescue the painter. Do the MQ - after all Morrowind is also being invaded.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:29 am

I always saw speechcraft as a sign of education, ergo a privilege and sign of nobility. Knowing what to say, how to say it ... flattering, boasting, the understated threat and the snappy one-liner ... all suggested education and the ability to speak well. Not all threats come in the "I'm going to kick your butt variety ..." Example:

Someone enters a shop. "Sell me that sword for 8 gold," they say.

"I'm sorry," the shopkeeper replies, "I cannot do that."

"Fine," the person responds. "I and all my noble friends will shop elsewhere."

"No! Wait!" the shopkeeper cries, "I'm sorry!"

@ Madocmayhem: You'll actually go a long way with that build. Illusion and Alchemy are two of the strongest magical skills, and blade to get you through the rough spots. Light armor over heavy definately, unless you're going to RP that he served in the army at some point.

~ Dani ~ :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:05 am

Ok this is weird I have had an idea for a build for a while, but am finding it a bit awkward getting it all put together.

This is the build I have in mind...

A Dunmer noble from morrowind,.
six. not really sure. How I imagine them to be is male, but the basis of roleplay content is female.
Sign. no clue modded game but atronach with a back story of daedric / almvisi blessing / curse is getting cemented in my mind.

Majors is where I am having trouble most, as I tend to have a rule where I limit skill use to nothing but majors with a few minors to cover other role aspects.
This build however is spreading out fast.

What I have so far as possible keepers..

Blade ( fencing ).
Speechcraft ( courtly affairs ).
Mercantile ( as above ).
Illusion ( as above, and the real of beneziah made reference to nobles being schooled in illusion to keep themselves safeguarded ).
Security ( More as a counter espionage tool ).
Alteration and alchemy ( I see nobles brewing up love potions, poisons and having protections outside of duels ).
Other skill sets Sneak ( obvious reasons ). Light and Heavy armour ( In morrowind most nobles were unclothed or armoured in glass / ebony ).

So I see mixing everything together but end up with a bit of a hodge podge, combat wise I will just set the difficulty to how challanging I want it, and have no issue with leveling.
But roles I think most guilds are counter to the idea, apart from maybe the thieves guild, and playstyle I think the closet is a callous bardic rogue.
Ok thats about all I have any ideas would be kindly recieved.

Okay-- I'm gonna give this a go. I almost always build characters from a pure metagaming perspective-- whatever is going to work best with the game mechanics rather than whatever fits the character, but it'll probably be good for me to think about it this way, at least for a bit.

Blade-- absolutely.
Speechcraft-- I agree.
Mercantile-- I'm not so sure about this. There's something a little gauche and tawdry about haggling over price-- it seems uncultured somehow. I would think that a noble would merely snap his fingers and have his squire write out a check for whatever the price was.
Illusion-- I think so. The command/charm/etc. aspects of illusion are a bit manipulative, but that could potentially fit in with a noble roleplay. Or not, depending on the character. I could see some being too proud to stoop to such methods to get their way.
Security-- I'm not sold on that one. It smacks a bit too much of manual labor, and seedy manual labor at that. I can see it if the character is a bit disreputable (a blackmailer, for instance) but aside from that, it just seems a bit too dirty and squalid.
Alteration-- I can definitely see that, both for the shield buffs (instant shield without messing up those fine clothes) and for open spells instead of lockpicking.
Alchemy-- maybe. It makes some sense that they'd at least be interested in potions, but it seems like the sort of thing they'd hire a professional to do for them instead of doing it themselves and getting all that goo all over their hands.
Sneak-- maybe. That goes along with security to me. I can see a disreputable roguish-type noble getting good at sneaking, but can't see a proud noble stooping to do such a thing. I would think that a proud noble would enter a room brazenly and if someone else has a problem with that, that's just too bad. And again, it seems like the sort of thing a proud noble would hire someone else to do, if absolutely necessary.
Light or Heavy Armor-- definitely, though more from a style viewpoint than an actual combat viewpoint, so that's going to depend on the specific character. And the specific armor-- I'm sure that a noble would rather take his/her chances with no armor than deign to wear something as tacky as fur or iron.

For sign, from a pure roleplaying perspective, I'd lean towards something quite out of the ordinary-- maybe the Serpent or the Lover for a real rogue or the Ritual for a proud noble-- something that grants a quirky power rather than just an attribute bonus. That said though, Atronach could well be sufficiently quirky.

For guilds and such...... I can't see a noble putting up with Modryn or Burz, so the FG is pretty much out. MG might be a possibility, if they're that interested in magic. Probably not the TG-- that's just far too squalid. Maybe the DB though. And definitely, if you've got it and if they're at all the hero type, KotN. Aside from that, I would think that side quests would be the focus-- either the noble and honorable ones or the sneaky and underhanded ones, depending on the character's specific inclination.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 pm

@ Ramara thanks I think the MQ would probably be a top goal even for a dispossesed noble.
Silly me I allways forget the gates are actually very important in a story sense, and not something to do afterwards.

@ Gothgirl thanks as well I think your right about armour, in the end I went for alteration.
That said since I feel like he should be armoured, I am matching the most expensive and eye pleasing pieces when exploring and in combat.

The same goes for weapons I plan on getting an rapier and or a fine bladed long sword. with maybe a dagger as back up and dimissing everything else as serf weapons.
Its going to be an expensive character however as I will be shopping alot and only getting the finest, so I think alchemy and barter are going to help in the long run.

Thanks again cheers.

Edit: Gpstr I think you've hit on some aspects that have me worried on role as well.
Since posting I have declared him to be a minor Hlaalu noble imprisoned for sedation, security I took because Beneziah had mentioned using it to steal vital infomation. so I felt a rogue noble would likely learn to escape from tricky situations and sniff out secrets.
Sneak I am really not seeing this as a major skill but as a way just to avoid combat if needed rather than a free crit chance.
Alchemy true it could fit but may not, there is lore that nobles use it, but it could be seen little workman.
As for the guilds I think you hit the nail on the head there, FG and MG not so much, TG maybe the grey fox is a little example.
DB I could roleplay a morag tong schism link I suppose.

So again thanks.
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