I mentioned this already in the Uvirith's Legacy thread, but that one's getting close to the post limit and I'd rather focus on this one question: I have a list of scrolls I'm planning on adding to replace the old inscription scrolls in UL and want some input from the community. The old inscription system was hard to level, incredibly expensive, and created scrolls that were 99% worthless. I'm not sure how many people even bothered after finishing the quest that allowed you to make them. I plan on ditching the comprehensive list of spell effects that let you create useless crap like lock scrolls and replacing it with a messier, but more worthwhile list. It will focus on multi-effect scrolls, pairing effects that compliment each other, rather than things like "lame fire spell level 1-5 etc." and levels will be determined by effect and complexity rather than solely on magnitude and duration.
From gathering opinions on what vanilla scrolls players actually use, in an earlier thread in the hints forum, I've come to realize players don't really bother with scrolls unless they're OP, because otherwise they can make enchanted items that do the job 100x better. OP scrolls are therefore desirable, and they're already balanced by being on-time-use and costly to make. However, players don't really remember to use scrolls in the heat of battle, so ones with specific non-combat utility like Windwalker or Icarian Flight are far more worthwhile.
I've made a spreadsheet for my scroll list here if anyone cares to have a look: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52707277/UL_Inscription_Scrolls.odsComment here or in Dropbox are equally good.
Plans for scripted scrolls are on the Ideas page. One concept I haven't delved into yet is making some contingency scrolls that fire automatically in battle when the player is hit by various weapons/spell effects, which would help with the "I forgot I had a scroll for this" problem.