need some suggestions for a new...

Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:34 pm

So I keep throwing around the idea of a new video series around in my head, but I need a character build.

I'm coming to you guys for suggestions. I'm also thinking of putting their story in a book of sorts, personal publication (friends gift when I visit next).

I don't really enjoy spellcasters much, I often play in third person and find spells difficult to aim in third person.

I generally do sneak archers but I'm looking for something else.

Suggestions? Race, skills. Typically play female. Race favorites tend to be Khajiit or nord.

Thanks. :3
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:55 pm

Hey, if your thinking on starting a youtube series please let me know. Id love to watch.

Now, on to the question. If your prefering a sneak character then obviously i suggest either argonian,khajit or wood elf. Wood elf are particularly excellent due to their arching ability. If your looking to go down the route of maybe a battle mage then i recommend breton.

Obviously the warrior builds such as orc,nord or redguard are great to use for a predominantly warrior character. Yet if your looking to dual weild i recommend redguard as that is the race i use to dual weild.

If your really not sure on what route your going down then i recommend imperial. Their basically a jack of all trades and you can basically make them what you want.

If you want a more detailed character build then check out gameradars article on a beginners guide to skyrim.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:01 am

That's the thing.

I've already done sneaky types. >.>

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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:05 pm

I recommend a light armour dual weilding redguard then however this is a tricky style of play at a higher difficulty
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:12 pm

If I ever get round to it I plan to do a Nord. As a matter of fact, the image in my head is much like your avatar. He's a lone hunter, one with a secret. His family and village people were slaughtered by Thalmor, and as a result he has an understandable deep-seated loathing of them, far beyond even the Stormcloaks have. He hunts Thalmor like animals, giving absolutely no quarter. He's become more than a nuisance to the local Imperials and Thalmor, he's actually gained a kind of "bogyman" mythological status, because he hunts like a beast, quite literally ripping his adversaries apart. To add to his fearsome image he wears wolf furs, which make him look like a werewolf.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:27 pm

Funny you mention that, Chadric.

The guy in my avatar is my ESO main, dw Nord Dragon Knight. Werewolf. Lol

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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:41 pm

Funny you should mention that, but my Nord doesn't just wear furs that make him look like a werewolf, his "secret" is that he is a werewolf! I thought that maybe he would start out alone, animal like even when in his human form, but later he would gain a small group of antihero rogues, including a lady friend who'd show him that he does have some humanity deep down. They would all end up wearing Nordic fur armour topped off with animal heads (wolves, sabre cats and bears) for helms.

My Nord and his group would live in the same reality as my Dragonborn who I'm playing now, but wouldn't be anywhere near as wholesome. Whilst my Dragonborn is akin to Nite Owl, my Nord would be more like Rorschach in personality. Dragonborn wants to do good by others whilst my Nord is a misanthrope. At first he doesn't realise what happened at Helgen, but gradually he finds out about Chadric and somehow becomes his sworn enemy, probably because Chadric ends up siding with the Empire.

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Chris Jones
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:25 pm

Sounds like a great story to say the least.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:41 pm

The armour was inspired by mod. I especially like the fact that it's modular, allowing you to create your own unique look. I thought that I'd outfit them all in that stuff, creating a sort of "Robin Hood and his Not So Merry Men" group of mercs. Although I want the two of them, at first leading separate lives, gradually their paths will come closer to crossing. Basically, I'm planning on making him into a quest mod for Chadric to find, because my Nord barbarian will do a Steve Rogers and disappear whilst doing an honorable deed for his comrades.

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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:04 pm

Personally, I like characters that go against the 'optimal build for their race' type, especially if this makes them a bit of a square peg in a round hole, culturally (Nord mage that buddies up with Onmund, heavy armoured Altmer warrior who can barely cast, etc). Something a bit less obvious, and someone with a personality. And preferably someone who isn't immediately super-awesome at everything. I know the game kinda pushes you in that direction, but my word it gets old. If they have a slightly more nuanced view of the Thalmor (obviously the Thalmor are awful, but, I dunno, when *everyone* flat-out despises them and kills them on sight as a matter of principle, it can be interesting to come across a character who plays up to them a bit, maybe helps out Ondolemar, doesn't want to kill Ancano on sight etc) that would be nice. Possibly also an alternate start mod would be a good idea, unless you can think of something different to do with Helgen, or maybe play through Helgen but start the actual LP with your character emerging from the cave and splitting up from Ralof/Hadvar, like they suggest. Maybe it's just me, but even though I usually play through Helgen on every third or fourth character, it just does feel like that one bit from Groundhog Day (which I can't find on YouTube) where he's just going through the motions, you know, X o'clock catch boy falling from tree, check watch, blah, blah.
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:54 pm

Yeah I tend to start them after I get to Riverwood because actually doing Helgen would be boring.

Alternate start mods, never used one but from what I've read, Live Another Life conflicts with one of the mods I have installed. Not sure which one though. Funny thing is, its a completely unrelated mod.
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:33 pm

For a long time i used a heavy armour, two handed altmer. After you get pass the starting benefits you can make your character whatever you want
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jess hughes
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:41 am

There are at least two alternate start mods. I've forgotten what one I've installed for my Nord, but it's one that allows your character to be whatever he/she wants to be, including not being Dragonborn.

As for the rest of it, he will have a Dunmer mage as a "friend", if that counts? My Nord wont just want to rip up Thalmor, at first he'll want to kill practically everything that moves! He'll be verging on the psychotic.

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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:06 pm

Sounds like Skyrim Unbound, love that mod :)

And my Thalmor comment wasn't aimed at you, sorry if it came across that way! Your character sounds interesting and certainly has reason to hate the Thalmor (and, let's face it, there's plenty to hate), I was just thinking aloud, really - I'm actually currently playing an ex-Thalmor and at the start she was very much "yeah, I'm a bit scared that I'm kind of supposed to be dead and not sure I should let on that I'm not, but basically yay Thalmor, boo humans" but within about twenty levels she was, well, still not entirely anti Thalmor, but she helped Lydia free a cousin who they saw being "escorted" by a Thalmor patrol... She's still super uncomfortable with Talos stuff, though, what with all the attempted genocide and everything.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:47 pm

To be honest the thalmor really arent that bad. They just oppose talos because men named talos one of the divines when really he was just a great warrior. I mean the elves beat the nords in fair combat.
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Allison C
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:40 pm

They're trying to eradicate all races that are not mer from the planet...

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Julie Ann
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Post » Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:20 pm

Because they're threatened by the number of men
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