Certainly, spellmaking is more mage- than sorcerer-like (in the D&D sense), but I thought of it as a fun outlet for player creativity and that the brakes on it in Oblivion (access to the Arcane University, skill in the discipline, and enough mana to cast the spell) were sufficient. Perhaps though using a charm spell on someone should leave them with feelings of vague distrust for you, so that they'd like you a lot briefly, but your permanent rep with them would drop a couple points after the spell wore off?
Great stuff! . I completely agree that it is a fun outlet for player creativity!
And this is the fault of spellmaking? No, thats because of crappy level scaling.
Just because Oblivion got it wrong with level scaling, you were forced to create stupid spells (couldn't turn down that difficulty slider could you?) and in turn people decide spellmaking is bad?
People come up with reasons for everything, and the reasons I am hearing for spellmaking being removed do not make sense. If this were the problem, its level scaling. If 2-3 second spells was the issue, blame conversations from not being in real time. And if people made exploits and didn't like having the ability to exploit, maybe beth should get rid of our modding utilities so that they don't feel the pressure to "cheat" by making a mod allowing them to do so...
If this trend continues then before we know it we'll loose the TES CS.
Its like if you in the real world happened to have super speed. You're so fast that that people can't even track you with their eyes. Should you just ignore that fact about yourself, because it breaks the laws of physics in our world and is unfair to other people when you're playing with them? Its really as simple as that. You shouldn't have to pretend that a part of yourself doesn't exist, because it would give you an unfair advantage in sports.
Even when role playing...its a simple fact that a mage would want to get stronger than what they are at now. Very few role play characters would avoid using stronger spells. They would be afraid of the power they could gain by using those spells, so they choose to use weaker ones. Thats it really. Most roles that are mages want to get stronger, and the best way to do that is with spellmaking. The character wouldn't gimp themselves because they don't want to be overpowered. No, that's the players wish. The character itself would want to get stronger, its the player who doesn't want to cheat. Once the player makes a decition that the character wouldnt make...the roleplaying is broken. Youre not really role playing at that point.
The game shouldn't be like that. You shouldn't have to roleplay as a mage who is afraid of what they could become, just for the mechanic to fit into the game world.
Let's not get way off track discussing esoteric stuff here. Your super power anology makes no sense in regards to spellmaking.
Point is that the character becomes more alive when he can use magic as he pleases instead of casting recipes at people.
Once again this goes into the if you don't like it, don't use it arguement. Just because you can not control yourself when it comes to spellmaking means every player should have options removed? When I make charm spells I keep a duration of 10 seconds on them. I don't use fortify exploits, except fortify acrobatics for 8 seconds, but thats hardly an exploit.
Some people might view fortify actobatics for 8, or even 3 sec as an exploit for jumping far.. But if you think about it in an RPG sense, where the mage channels magic to his feet then pushes off the ground to make a huge leap it makes all the sense in the world.. His acrobatic skills wont be awesome when he lands.. Auto balance - broken legs.
I dont see anything wrong with saving up 4 black or grand soul gems and making an ueber spell. Maybe the spell making ability could be balanced by rarity of soul gems or expense of creating your own spell....But I dont want it to be limited in power if I can provide the materials!
Good idea! Not all mages have plundered every dungeon in entire skyrim collecting raw materials have they? Many can't even kill a Golden Saint. If you can collect 10 grand soul stones filed with golden saint souls then doesn't it make sense that you should be able to make something, at least, a LITTLE more powerful than the the other mages of the guild?
Feather yes in compare with fortify strength its looks bad, but if Feather effect become combined with slowfall there will be difference also if feather have smaller cost then fortify strength difference between spells become better and Feather become useful.
Light also good utility spell for marking enemy and lightup dark places in forward just need some improvements, for first Night and dungeons must be darker then before (thats will make all light source useful not only Light spell) for second combine it with blind effect (was in Morrowind but removed from Oblivion) on target, light spell can do damage to vampires
Difference between Light spell and Nighteye will be better in oblivion light source penalize stealth no torches or light spells when sneaking around so use Nighteye if you want sneak, but how about add this to NPC also, why this apply to %PCname? NPC mages can use light spell and detect life for searching sneaky characters, but NPC also must sneak around and try to critical stab so detect life and light spells will be useful player also.
Well yes someone can say thats quietly annoying to recast resist spells every 10 seconds, there can be some possibilities to fixing it make shielding spells have more work time or make dynamic ward protection when player need cast spell at time of enemy cast to nullify incoming danger thats like timed block with shield or parry with weapon but for spells
You've got a LOT of great points! Well worth a re-read for everyone.
Imagine all the strategic possibilities of light spell, vs nighteye, burden, etc.
And as warriors use shields and rogues dodge, mages put up a shield when they SEE the spell approaching. If they are fast enough to manage doing so.
What's more impressive? A dude walking around burning mana constantly by having a fire ressist shield up at all times, or the mage who notices a huge wall of fire headed his way and pop's a fire shield just as the inferno hits him then stops wasting his mana once it's gone?
Spellmaking is, by itself, a great form of freedom - BUT - if it comes at the cost of the spell range being larger and more epic, then I say scrap it. The question we all gotta ask ourselves should be "Do we even need to create any spells from scratch? Will we be so satisfied with the new system that custom spells become redundant, at least to most players?"
If the above is true, then to heck with the spellmaking system and let's just allow players to choose between a massive range of tailored spells. Oh, and Bethesda - do include the "Clairvoyance" effect I once suggested to you, with which you're able to surrender your vision for the vision of your target (as a tactical feature in the game, especially for patrols and whatnot). Just imagine being able to discover a new place on the map because you just took the vision of a target Dragon and it started flying over the area.
Read the previous quote, sit still and think of all the possibilities here. Not just for the 3 or 4 spells mentioned but for all the spelleffects ingame! .. THIS is what TES is all about.
Well you can't really come up with anything that surprising I'm sure, because all you are already limited to the effects the devs added to the game already, the only thing you change is the combination/duration/magnitude, I'm sure they don't go "this person combined spell a and spell b for duration c, holy [censored] why didn't we think of that!" No custom spell is really that surprising to the devs. They could have done better on pre-made spells in OB yes, but I'm sure they learned from past mistakes and if they were to remove spellmaking they would surely improve them.
Same as above.
But my point was that the devs aren't just gonna implement something in a game just because "it's cool" for hardcoe fans. It needs to make "game sense" for the majority of the players and it needs to be better than something else they want to add into the game (sometimes, they do have to choose, after all).
I'm not against spellmaking at all, much for the same reasons as you, but I ask myself if it's really needed. If there's no problems with the spells' power - if in fact the lack of spellmaking allows the devs to make the spells even more unique and up to par with the enemies you're fighting - then I welcome it.
Spellmaking can give you a lot of freedom, but it can also limit you in a number of ways. E.g. with regards of the spell effects and just the general variety of spells. Besides, with the ability to wield two different spells at the same time, I don't really see why you'd ever need to create a single spell that does both fire damage and self healing. It's easier that way, sure, but totally redundant in the greater context of things.
It makes all the "Game sense" in the world since it's been in ALL previous games. If water suddenly dissapeared from this world it woulden't make a lot of sense now would it? . A little extreme example but you get the point. (Say we remove argonians.. Game sense? Nope.)
Imagine that that one spells damage is maxed at some point, and the dev's didn't provide many powerful alternatives, and it isn't strong enough to combat high level enemies.
Sure, it was a problem in Oblivion, but we should still heed it. Just because they are working on level scaling doesn't mean we might not see the same issue.
A lot of this has to do with disagreeing with Todds design philosophy of removing what is, "superfluous." I don't think spellmaking is, but they might (im guessing they do, but im no mind reader)
I won't be satisfied with premade spells, I don't care how cool some of them are, its such a major loss for mages. And I don't see why we need to settle when they could just implement both. They might have difficulty, but it can be done and be balanced.
EXACTLY!!! . What will be the point of getting past level, say 30? If all your spells are still level 25? . Or when your 40 with 25 level spells fighting level 40 monsters..
It doesn't matter how long you charge that fireball spell, it's just gonna tickle that huge aligator munching your face off..