Yes you can do a lot in CS, far more than in a spellmaker. You can do simple thing just by tweaking values like in the spellmaker, or complex things with custom animation and effects.
Yes lot of this stuff will be totally gamebreaking like novice summon dragon spells.
I also understand that spells use far more special effects and scripting now, this makes it hard to manipulate in the spellmaker.
Now add that many spells can be used in different ways that makes this even harder.
However I’m pretty sure that the list of spells we will get will leave a lot to be desired, also wonder how spells of different strength will work.
Multiple options: you have to buy a new and stronger spell probably easiest.
Strength level with skill workable, more so with charging it up against stronger enemies.
You would anyway need to have a large set of base spells for different area effect sizes, self and touch. This will also be far more restrictive than Oblivions perk levels as functions like short duration huge area effect frenzy or long time low level heal on touch is unlikely to be inn
Well I really want to see how new magic system will be implemented, if dynamic spell weaving and spell combination will make mage experience more rich and in touch with mystical forces of Magic more then in classical magic system thats will be Brilliant Awesome.
For example before we need to have different spells of different magnitude and range in spellbook now we can have spell charging like in this mod
Chargeable Spells
When actual magnitude of spell or range of area effect can changed dynamically in game thats will simulate gathering of mystical powers and concentration of mage to control such powers, thats greatly improve roleplay of mage since no need different spells where difference between them only in basic parameters like range duration and magnitude (M D R) this spells can be created ingame on fly with chargeable magic out of just one spell.
So no need to have a large set of base spells for different area effect sizes, self and touch thats will clutter spellbook
and have only difference in basic parameters like (M D R).
How it can be balanced?
By caps in parameters of spell (M D R), thats caps can be affected by skills and perks or by parameters of %PCname like Magicka and Fatigue.
so thats limit player from creating of unbalanced spells since there can be cap for minimum and maximum in (M D R) there can also be applied spell success thats depend on skill level, charge of spell, wearing armor and actual fatigue of Mage nice to see some hardcoe features like in this mod
Audacious Magery so magic can be actual wild mystical and unstable force.
But thats will be handle only pure spells, for creating spell with additional effects need to have spellmaking or simulate spell effect blending ingame
how thats can be done?
Well for first one it creating spell in CS, for second one its adding side effects to main one effect of spell, for example this old one mod for Oblivion
Phisic Magic Effect
or more advanced version in Deadly Reflex and Supreme Magicka
For third one there can be ability to equip two different spells on your left and right hand in one time so thats also expand spell combinations.
For fourth one there can be perks in magic skills thats can add additional effects to spell, for example weakness to elemental damage of fire in destruction perks tree
at next level it can increase in power, such perk can be added to all elemental weaknesses investing all types perks eventually will open way to weakness to magic perk and additional spell effect.
As you can see most of predictable features from Skyrim magic system already was in Oblivion with mods.
If new magic system will be flawed, there still CS so we can mode magic system to be better, well if need even classical spellmaking can be simulated via scripts at some stage of Skyrim modding.
Custom spells like novice summon dragon spells can be done with CS, but they are mods so completely optional so they isn't gamebreaking since we cant create such spells in game.
Oblivions perk levels as functions like short duration huge area effect frenzy or long time low level heal on touch is unlikely to be inn
For example Illusion skill level can affect magnitude of frenzy spell (actual level of enemy), charged time and skill cap can affect duration and range, some perks can expand (M D R) caps greater.
Heal on touch can be heal on self but with altered target
3.5 - Spells and alternative casting:
The spells this mod adds have been built upon the basis of just very few patterns for ease of usage, and it all has been carefuly designed to be as logical and intuitive as possible. Here are some considerations that may help understanding better this new spells.
To activate the "alternative casting mode" the block button must be held down the moment the cast key is released.
"Benefical" spells that are cast on self (restore health, resist poison, etc) can be cast on target using the alternative cast, either to heal a companion, to give water walking to a slaughterfish or to cast light on fleeing enemy.
Quote from mod above and yes thats was dynamically done in game, charging applied to this spells also.