Ok. I need some help guys. I'm going into Videogame Withdrawls... Well not really, but i'm in one of those stages where you're like "... I really don't know what to play.. I love these games but.. I'm sick of them" type thing. I need some suggestions for a good single player game, preferably an RPG, and on PC. I'll give some information below on what I like // don't want:::
::Preferably within the last 4-5 years. However I'm all for older games (seriously, I played Diablo 2 like... 8 months ago)
::Story driven.
::At the very least, decent character customization. -- By this, I don't mean my "looks", I mean skills, abilities, possibilities. Whatever. Just, no lame ass weak, lame, depthless crap. My entire life doesn't need to be "FIREBALL" or "HARD SWORD SWING".
::No FPS RPGs. Whilst this may be slightly biased, I had MORE than enough of this from FO3 and FO:NV
::Don't recommend FO1 and FO2. I have them.
::Something similar to Oblivion would be neat. However I hate Oblivions story and basic level-up system.
::Never Winter Nights is a no-no for 2 reasons -- If I wanted some DnD style gaming, i'd go get into DnD with my friend. And when I run it, everyone is invisible on my game.

::I'm pretty much open to most types of games. If you suggest something with some FPS elements, I will still take a look into it because, again sometimes you find gems. I just need something immersive I can lose myself in. I would play Morrowwind, but I had a really bad experience with that game on release, and hate it now. It;s unfortunate because I hear it's really good.
Thanks for any suggestions you guys can offer. I'm definitely going to hit some Diablo 2 single player (Don't [censored] with single player!) until I find something here. Thanks in advance!