I presuming you only have a PC. Otherwise I would suggest playing Bad Company with me.

Also another guess (becuase you are on the beshesda boards) you have already played Morrowind and Oblivion, possibly Fallout 3/NV.
The Witcher? I have good things about it.
I have played Fallout 3 ( Loved it to death. Im in that stage of waiting for 6-7 months so i can replay it without being bored of it ). Played NV and hated it. I'v played Morrowwind, but I never was able to get back into it. Oblivion i'v also played, and beaten shivering isles. But the system it uses to level up, and being, basically required to level up an exact way svcks, otherwise you end up getting end-game and svcking.
I do have a PS3, however I tend to only play a couple games on it, such as Black Ops and Little Big Planet. I'm just looking for some PC games because I upgraded it and Want to use it more. But i'm not looking for new games specifically, just stuff to keep me entertained and whatnot.
I'v tried the witcher, wasn't a huge fan of it, but it was alright.
@ Spectre, let me check the specs and post back to you.
EDIT: You should be able to run gunbound. Its a turn based artillery game. Maple story might run slow however if you tried it. Especially since there tends to be alot of stuff on screen at once.