there is a sequel to this blockbuster hit? that a foreign translation of this blockbuster?
"Oblivion allows 254 mods. Many small mods that add only a single item can be merged into one and other mods can be merged using either Wrye Bash or tes4geko. Sorry, but the 254 is hard wired into the game engine and cannot be changed.
It is the max size of the 8 bit register allocated to mods that is the limiting factor. And that register size cannot be changed.
254 mods plus Oblivion.esm = 255 in decimal or 11111111 in binary, the largest number that can fit in 8 bits.
Note that there is another limit that few people ever see, and that is the total number of mods, both and not active that are in the data folder. That is around 400. I'm not sure of the exact number or reason. But it will cause your game to crash on start if you have too many. " ~bben46
I have read through this entire post. First off, I knew Tomlong is a chick. If you guys take 2 seconds to go to her profile is says

Second, she deserves more than a cookie. Third, I commend anyone who continues to try and help him with this effort - even though I believe we can all agree this is not possible. Fourth, I also commend breakdown for having the morale to want to complete this...either that or he is just plain stubborn.
anyways, nonetheless, Tomlong, good luck, and if you start hearing voices in your head - don't worry, you're just going clinically insane. As for everyone else, I also wish you luck on this. However, I am out. I'll read this thread (I cannot express how entertaining it is reading you guys either A) Rip on him, B ) get frustrated about him) but I am not going to post anymore. Besides, I do not have the knowledge to help with this at all.