These are the improvements id like to see rather in updates or with a dlc.
1. Being able to know if a person has a job. Now i dont mind not knowing the specific job as then that kinda forces me to get specific outfits for specific jobs. Its kinda cool for me to keep track of it my own way. But to at least know who is jobless would be nice.
2. Shared caps. The caps you get in settlements should be shared. Its annoying to try to go to every single settlment when some only have 20 or so caps from the stores. So you should have some way to access total caps from all connected workbenches.
3. Better material scavanging. Instead of a random scanenger bin make a seperate object each applied to one of the many materials. This way i could have a farm that just focuses on wood production or what have you.
4. I don't know how happiness works. But if its tied to the average happiness of all civilians it would be nice to see civilian happiness. So I can focus on the specific person that is down.
Besides that id just like more and more stuff to create included in dlc or something. I really love the base idea. Made the game have much more hours of content when you've done everything.