Needing Ideas

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:09 am

Hey, I am looking for a number (laarge) number of mini-quests, or long quests to be used in a sort of Job Mod, you collect a job and complete it then bring proof of compleition back to the place and you get your gold. Only thing is, with all the time its taking to create the quests, i havn't spent much time on Quest Ideas XD

So I am needing mini or long quest ideas that you would like to see in Oblivion.

Couple of Examples:

MQ (Mini-quest) - collect 10 Wyklward Stones, 300 gold reward

LQ (Long-Quest) - Locate the Bandit to get hold of the prisoners location and then free the prisoners, 400g reward + Random enchanted Weapon, leveled.

Those are the kinda ideas im looking for, doesn't matter if they are really short, i'm wanting at least 100 in this mod :)

Thanks guys


EDIT: Not all jobs have to be legal ;) I wont tell anyone ssh :)
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:56 am

How about you meet a fellow in jail who has no clothes (possibly a noble who's been caught being naughty) and you have to bring some to him. He's very embarrassed and doen't want to walk home with nothing on so he'll pay you something for them. It's just a little thing really so no massive rewards, but tiny quests like that add flavour to the world. Fleshing out the story of how he ended up naked in jail might be fun too... Maybe there was also something important in the pocket of his tunic that needs to be returned?
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:06 pm

MQ (Mini-quest) - collect 10 Wyklward Stones, 300 gold reward

no offense but hoarding fetch quests are the most boring things ever

quality over quantity. make a smaller amound of decent quests over a bunch of smaller ones nobody will ever want to play
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:08 pm

One thing that always though was messed up about the game: Remember in the Thieves guild quest where you you have to get into the Leyawiin jail? And you take a job of feeding the prisoners? How about actually being able to do that?

Messenger service in the Imperial city -- Pick a place that would need to frequently send out messages, (Office of Imperial commerce? Arcane University? The Elder Council? Imperial Prison?) and have the player set up outside it, and when a message is to be sent, the shop owner or other person comes out and gives you the message, and it's destination. Not letters, just short messages, by mouth like. Don't even have to make much sense.(could be in code. Ever read A tale of two Cities? like "recalled to life")

Or provide some necromancers with materials. (Have a harvest flesh spell or something that you use on bodies? Or for that matter a spell that temporarily turns the entire body into an item that can be picked up and dropped, (but which is of course very heavy)?)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:30 am

you could do something with pirate smuggling. You already have the ship in anvil that has the illegal sheep cargo? haha. Perhaps the sheep are just drug mules smuggling gold/skooma/jewels. And you could link this to a little sindicate of crimes going on. Leading you to bravil's skooma den, the orum gang in chorrol. Have some options as well. Expose it to the city guards and stop the corruption, and perhaps mark yourself for death. Or join in and reap in weekly profits doing repeatable drops.

that already has all the characters, you would just need to set up the quests and scripting.

would also be nice to see some real market supply stuff if you are looking for more of the fetch this quest. Go out to the farms and collect the crops, depending on how many you actually harvest dictates the amount of gold(have a gold cap)
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:42 am

An NPC wanting a lock of hair and sample of handwriting from another NPC in order to put a curse on them. They employ the PC to swipe a hairbrush and a letter from the target NPC's house....Cash on delivery, etc
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:32 am

How about you meet a fellow in jail who has no clothes (possibly a noble who's been caught being naughty) and you have to bring some to him. He's very embarrassed and doen't want to walk home with nothing on so he'll pay you something for them. It's just a little thing really so no massive rewards, but tiny quests like that add flavour to the world. Fleshing out the story of how he ended up naked in jail might be fun too... Maybe there was also something important in the pocket of his tunic that needs to be returned?

Hmm, noble who's been caught being naugty? maybe too many re-reads of the lusty argoanian maid :P. Might need to change that a bit but i'll keep it in mind, thanks :)

no offense but hoarding fetch quests are the most boring things ever

quality over quantity. make a smaller amound of decent quests over a bunch of smaller ones nobody will ever want to play

True but i bet there are Guild Quests you didnt want to do, but had to do to advance - only put these in to make it longer for the player ;)

One thing that always though was messed up about the game: Remember in the Thieves guild quest where you you have to get into the Leyawiin jail? And you take a job of feeding the prisoners? How about actually being able to do that?

Sure don't see why not
Messenger service in the Imperial city
or this.

you could do something with pirate smuggling. You already have the ship in anvil that has the illegal sheep cargo? haha. Perhaps the sheep are just drug mules smuggling gold/skooma/jewels. And you could link this to a little sindicate of crimes going on. Leading you to bravil's skooma den, the orum gang in chorrol. Have some options as well. Expose it to the city guards and stop the corruption, and perhaps mark yourself for death. Or join in and reap in weekly profits doing repeatable drops.

that already has all the characters, you would just need to set up the quests and scripting.

would also be nice to see some real market supply stuff if you are looking for more of the fetch this quest. Go out to the farms and collect the crops, depending on how many you actually harvest dictates the amount of gold(have a gold cap)

Pirate smuggling, guess I could do that ^^, might be a bit difficult to try and make it compatable ^^

An NPC wanting a lock of hair and sample of handwriting from another NPC in order to put a curse on them. They employ the PC to swipe a hairbrush and a letter from the target NPC's house....Cash on delivery, etc

^^ not thought of that before

I was going to make them all avaiable, but its going to be more of a linear line now, like the TG where you sell stuff (complete jobs) and then get offered a special job which promotes you higher ^^, the Pirate Smuggling could be a nice long quest for one of the special ones, any others?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:28 pm

Further to my quest idea above, the cursee (the cursed NPC) hires the PC to find out who cursed them. The PC would need to present some proof - perhaps the curser's diary in which they detail their activities and the curse ritual.....?
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:00 am

Look at it from another point of view. It may not be about the task itself, but be about the challende. As an example, quest to retrieve a stolen sword from a goblin dungeon. If you force this dungeon to only allow the player to retrieve the item by stealth (make some GOD like guardians), then the challende of sneaking past guards, avoiding traps, figuring out patrol timing, and really be FUN and challenging. Doesn't matter what I went to get, but the 3 hours of sneaking, waiting, hiding, maybe some assasination and disposing of body, was a heck of a challenge. So I would say focus some on the "dungeon".
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daniel royle
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:36 am

Look at it from another point of view. It may not be about the task itself, but be about the challende. As an example, quest to retrieve a stolen sword from a goblin dungeon. If you force this dungeon to only allow the player to retrieve the item by stealth (make some GOD like guardians), then the challende of sneaking past guards, avoiding traps, figuring out patrol timing, and really be FUN and challenging. Doesn't matter what I went to get, but the 3 hours of sneaking, waiting, hiding, maybe some assasination and disposing of body, was a heck of a challenge. So I would say focus some on the "dungeon".

Interesting perspective. It puts me in mind of the part in Half-life where you have to evade the Tentacle monster by creeping around it....
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:26 pm

the Pirate Smuggling could be a nice long quest for one of the special ones, any others?

Well, if you hit the pirates once, they won't be too happy about it. If you hit them again, they'll get really mad. After two or three quests involving pirates, you could have them kidnap the spouse or son/daughter (or all three) of your employer, after which the Player would have to rescue them. The Player could search for the location they're being held (which might take a while and require bribes), sneak in, free them and try to sneak out with them. Afterwards, the Player could be given a quest to wipe them out in order to prevent further retaliation.
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