It won't, but I'm rather peeved that my mom just pulled the classic "my house my rules" thing when I politely asked about it. That's hardly mature on her part. At all.
It's also hardly mature be peeved because you didn't get an explanation.
Your mother doesn't owe you an explanation. It is your parents house, and they can set whatever rules they so desire. You are not a child, you don't have to live there. You are not their equal, you don't pay the bills, you don't contribute towards paying the bills, you haven't raised children, or had the life experience that your parents have. Either svck it up or move out. Has it occured to you that your parents are deliberately creating restrictions in an attempt to get you irritated enough to finally leave?
As for dealing with "extreme people"
If my children at age nineteen, were to give me attitude, stayed up all night, didn't contribute to the household, and demanded to be allowed to do as they please, their [censored] would be at the curb. Period. End of discussion. Actions speak louder than words, and actions in not regarding the needs other productive members of the household with their selfish behavior begs to be corrected. At the age of nineteen, they would be advlts, and therefore, legally capable of being responsible for themselves.
Mine have college already taken care of, so when they graduate high school, it's off to college that summer. advlt children need to strike out on their own for both their emotional well being and that of the parents.