» Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:51 pm
I'll go out on a limb here(only read page 1 responses) and say: If you're being to loud, it's not your parents job to "close their door" to block out your noise. It's YOUR job to keep the noise down so they can sleep. Assuming either of them works and gets up a pre-set time every day, they need sleep to function correctly. Now, I read that you are sick at the moment, apparently a fairly serious sickness from the sounds of it, so I'm guessing that eliminates the whole "Get a job and get your own place". I understand that, truly. I also understand where you're coming from when you say "I'm not a child, why do they insist on treating me as such". Unfortunately because of the sickness, they likely are still viewing you as one. You need to sit them down, AGAIN, and explain to them that even though you are sick, you are not a child anymore, that you have the RIGHT to set your own bed-time. In return, you agree to keep the noise down to an absolute minimum, so as to not disturb them. This ALSO means that you can't tramp up and down the hallways of your house finding food for a late night snack, or moving from your room to the livingroom and what not. Pick a spot, stay in it, at least for an hour at a time.
To those of you who say a parent is unreasonable if they kick their child out at 18 if the child won't obey their rules: LOL. Just because your 18 doesn't mean you can go hog-wild crazy and do whatever the hell you want. If you live with your parents still, it IS a "Their house, their rules". Yes, those rules need to be reasonable, but as long as they are, you can't expect to just flaunt them "Because I"m an advlt and I can do what I want". Do that at your own risk, but don't blame your parents when you get tossed out on your rear. They have their own life to live, and past 18, you aren't their responsibility anymore(with the exception of New York and states like that where it's 21). You should be damn well grateful that they are still letting you LIVE at their house, likely rent free AND also likely not paying anything towards the food bill.