Yes, you heard me. I still have an enforced bedtime, and quite frankly it annoys the HELL out of me. Not so much because I don't want my parents to encourage me to get enough sleep, but because they get VERY [censored]y if I'm even just a few minutes late, repeatedly yelling at me to get in bed. Yes I have health issues right now, but how much sleep I get doesn't matter, I still feel crappy either way. Now on top of that it's currently summer, so I have no reason nor motivation to wake up before noon. Repeatedly they tell me that if I get in bed on time more then they will ease up a bit, yet I can't show that I'm responsible enough to call it quits at a reasonable hour due to the fact that they ALWAYS tell me to get in bed no matter how many times I make it on time.
This. Has. To. Stop. Now. I'm 19, MY being up should not prevent THEIR going to sleep. If they think I'm too loud, or if my going to bed later disturbs them, could they not close their door? Yeah, they could, but, uh, they aren't. They haven't done anything to sort of have a "middle ground" in terms of giving me more freedom and the ability to show my being responsible. And I get that my dad has to go to work, but there are things that can be done to prevent his sleep from being disturbed.
So essentially, how would you guys go about telling them to shove off in a polite, yet firm way? I'm just sick of being treated like a kid, and it's really starting to make me want to find a way to move out now. The reason I'm asking here is because I've tried to talk to them about it before, yet they keep pulling the whole "Majority rule, my house my rules" crap. Even as I speak my dad just yelled for me to take a shower.
Any advice? I could REALLY use help before I jump off the deep end and yell right back. Because, frankly, I've had it.