» Sat May 28, 2011 7:38 pm
My eyesight isnt all that good and I really needed a torch or light spell in dungeons.
I hated night eye with its blue tint, wich actually didnt make things easier to see as they all kind of blended in together. On Morrowind I just enchanted a shirt with 30% nighteye.
I have bought silent hill: homecoming and I shall never finish that game. I cant play it, its too dark, I cant see.
Games are no fun when my entire screen is just one black patch.
Caves should be dark, but not so dark as in that silent hill game, where I couldnt see besides a narrow flashlight beam that did not illuminate very much.
I have no problem with using a torch or light spell, or nighteye if it actually raises ambient light level like in Morrowind, but a big fat no to black screens.