I didn't think this was posted before...
Anyway, they're right about the "polarizing" effect the game has. Me and a bunch of friends all got ETQW when it came out and the majority of this group absolutely hated the game, too hard to build turrets and artillery and escort vehicles etc. I'm a fan of the last two games developed by Splash, so I know I'll get at least some enjoyment out of it.
ETQW had the primary problem of being overcomplicated and unexplained. It's a good character trait to be curious and investigative and a bad character trait to lack perseverance and effort. However, it's still better to be nice and teach despite the lack of discipline people may have.
Also, the same people that would be willing to investigate, think, and understand are the same people that create actual plans for teamwork. These are the best people to be around.
tl;dr game's too hardcoe, your friends too weak. get better friends.
Also, BRINK is NOT that complicated. The guy in the video can't handle much. People in "official" game videos like this always sound so uninformed. Being "at the mercy of what the AI is doing" is a stupid complaint. People avoid bots in recent games because even the best AI is worse than human common sense. Also, why do people in these "official" game videos always seem so impressed by showy story games and less so by intelligent, functional games? Are they that simple? I see children impressed by flashy presentation not intelligent enough to handle any complex reasoning or unforseen problems. On a final note, everything I've seen from BRINK looks VERY polished, and the only reasons I expect it would seem unpolished is that AI is dumber than people and that it doesn't have any fancy presentation just pure gameplay instead. Neither of which are legitimate reasons to say it's unpolished.
P.S. He said in the video that Rage's AI is great. I suspect it may "act" like it's great by animating taking cover instead of just avoiding open areas. I will investigate this.