Negative effects

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:22 am

I like making things intake and can really get into a character that has some thing tamgable to ground them into the world, now being an alchemist is great as you get the explore and gather ingredients but the making and take is a bit boring...
Now we know skyrim will have a new crafting system for potions as per the great spreadsheety battle between good and evil...but will the tacking be improved.
What I think would add to the depth of testing making and using potions would be simple negative drug like effects to balence out strong potions would be cool, like the bark scorpion and cazador effect with coloured blurred or shaky vision buzzing and distorted hearing, it could be used when you take to many or mix to many or just if you wish to make strong potion at lower skill they come with negative effects. How would you see effects for potions adding a new depth to testing your alchemic skills and making for some tense action or real balence for spamming potion without the strange force stop menu close open repeat action for ob.
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