But that was not a review, just a very narrow comment that focused on how ESO is not Skyrim but should be.
But that was not a review, just a very narrow comment that focused on how ESO is not Skyrim but should be.
http://fromfearrises.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/elder-scrolls-online-beta-review/ another one on a similar vein here though its just some blogger
These negative articles are used as click bait, and as we all know not everybody beta tests the game, negative reviews like these tend to affect the decision of people that havent. These negative reviews come in at this time since theres alot of people out there hungry for information about the game, as stated before not everybody does beta teta testing, they are a sharp weapon now...But after release when more people are finally able to play the game, all their lies, bias and [censored]spewing will be shown to light.
Theres a few sites who's review of the game actually matters a great deal, this isnt one of them.
I have no idea who that is, so I didnt click the link because I dont care.
I stopped reading the article right thar. Why would anyone read further? That statement as the title of their headlining picture wreaks a thousand words. Lame.
Not until now. I did read a wiki about them, and saw this:
On March 5, 2010, Ars Technica experimentally blocked readers who used http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adblock_Plus—one of several computer programs that stop advertisemants from being displayed in their http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_browser—from viewing the website. Fisher estimated 40% of the website's readers had the software installed at the time. The next day, the block was lifted, and the article "Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love" was published on Ars Technica persuading readers not to use the software on websites they care about.
So in short they're a bunch of greedy pretentious hypocrites. Their credibility in reporting news just got ruined. So they put money from ad campaigns over people having freedom of choice.
See I can take only the bad stuff and post it on my review too.
When Ars Technica do a review with a score it'll be picked up in Meta-Critic and like it or not people take Meta-Critic into account. Hopefully the final release has the phase questing fixed and it'll get the good overall score it deserves.
Because its a dike move to expect to get paid for their works right? Let's see, I read that from here.
You know, review sites have to spend money to operate and if they don't get ads revenue from the ads, guess what else could they turn to for money?
I don't get it, they want "open" worlds, but we already got this..... years ago!
I remember logging into The Legend of Mir 2 for the first time when I was 14, I enjoyed playing with my friends from school and it was great. It was open world as well, however my poor level 14 mage wielding his lovely +1 hooked spear walked into the wrong dungeon and was quickly dispatched in one hit. Dead, not only dead but dead and half of my possessions now scattering the floor. I logged out and back in (much was this mechanic back in the day) to find I was now lost in a small village in the middle of no where, the monsters outside of the village too powerful for me to kill, no money, no weapon and unable to continue. I ended up having to re-start just so I could find my brother and friends again. We've come a long way since the days of total free roaming and if you ask me its for the better, it soon became old watching global chat with lost people asking "where to go level next".
We need a mix of both, does TESO give us this? Not really its still on tracks that pull you through the main story. But I would rather have story, tracks and a path to follow than to be left wondering what to do next. The problem is they have called it ESO so a lot of people are expecting Skyrim online.
Its not a review site, apparently its a tech news site. Media coverage is not a pay service, they have a responsiblity to the public to provide it. If that's too hard for them to do so without greed, they should bugger off and let other more qualified people do it.
Comparing news with luxury pay services, God bless capitalism.
There had been tons of negative reviews about any MMO game including WoW. Since ESO is better then WoW or equal then it seems not so important to me. The ball is somewhere else.
You went from not knowing a site and then suddenly turn into an expert of the site in less than 10 posts. lol What is it? You know, tech news sites also does reviews too. And tech news sites also need to pay for their server. They don't work / review for free.
This is the reason why i turn off Ad Block for my tech review site as well as sites that I want to support.
News is a service.
All services have a running cost.
It is not unfair for them to ask for reimbursment for those costs.
They find their income through adverts, which do not pay if they are not seen.
If you use their site (hence their services) then they have every right to ask you to make their adverts viewable, so that they can get paid for their service.
It costs you nothing......all you have to do is have an advert on your screen (that you will likely ignore to a greater extent). So if you value & use their service, you will accommodate them.
Oh how noble, worldly and green of you. Now on to more pressing matters. In other news, no one cares.
As for me being an expert, its a news site. If you have an issue pretending to be a news site and fidgeting over profits, you're in the wrong business. The big news companies make a lot of money, which they shouldnt. For a company that pretends to be reporting the news to blatantly block people who are causing them to lose profits is disgusting.
This site=Ray William Johnson. Review I didnt read is obviously trash. That is all.
Apparently they dont because they took the block down less than a day later.
They apparently dont need to be accomodated. For every add block you dont use, Im going to use five.
News is free, when it becomes an industry of profit, its a joke. Like this site.
Maybe this isn't the game for you either.
NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, never blocked me and never asked me to pay a dime.
Sounds pretty damn free.
Isn't spot on in this case. Sorry, I went from hating it to loving it.
Some people just want Skyrim II with co-op. Sorry, that does not work.
Are you sure? I think it is, fundamentally free. I may pay the cable company but I get channels other than the news. I listen to it on the radio, but I don't pay for that. Advertisers do and I may or may not buy their products, ie free to me.
You know, those news are not free. They are supported by the companies which takes money from Ads as well as customers.
Also, In the UK, you have to pay for the TV license too. So, they are also not free.
The article is right, but we already knew all that.