It sounds like he is letting his personal TES/MMO combination desires blind him to what Eso is really like. Happy with other MMO's to do similar things, yet hating the fact that Eso does those things.
Also, coming from a supposedly experienced gamer, he fails to understand the issues inherent in a stress test, and seems to be of the mindset that this should play like a beta.
He/she has barely touched on much of the game, and seems reluctant to even look.
Thats not to say that my personaly wish for Eso at the beginning was a more TES style game, but I fully undersand & accept the necessity of the compromises.
I get the distinct impression tha this reviewer walked into the stress test with his/her opinion already formed & just did enough to veryify that opinion. All the while, disregarding anything else about the game or the fact that it was not a Beta.
Maybe Im wrong?
But it was by no means a complete review of the same game that I played.