I had to go back and reread a few of your posts - I'm not clear on a few things. are you making brand new bandits or improving the ones in the game already? I think what I hear you saying is more tending toward overhaul - as in bosses for the whole game - should they respawn. I'm not certain - much less do I know how often respawn ever happens in Nehrim. Since it is an experience point system there - it may be imbalancing.
I kind of like the sparseness of Nehrim - that it isn't teaming with NPCs from every other overhaul bashed together - I already rung two versions of that kind of mod set up for Oblivion - so I'm liking the simplicity of Nehrim and I've not yet finished it or even had my character leave fold valley yet. I'm more interested in game mechanics and ridding the modverse of bad vanilla content with regard to Nehrim.
I like the idea of ownership of the crates.
Sorry I'm not much more help - but others feel free to pitch ideas in to help.
Sorry let me Make it clear I hope.
To Do list
AI for Pickpockets Done Minor tweak only left (an easy fix I hope)
Safe Pathgrids for Pickpocket Locations around traps
1 Done
Fixed a MapMarker Miss Named simple Typo Done
AI's for all of the Other Bad NPC's
Fixing Ownership for Crates and other Items in cities
Questions for group**** Varied Classes for Bad NPC's
Questions for group**** Determine Life of NPC IE Respawn or not.
Questions for group**** Determine Life of Boss NPC IE Respawn or not. but not major NPC's There are some that I will not even consider putting to respawn.
Questions for group**** Are the NPC's tough enough or do they need minor buffing.
1. All Pathgrids for the Pickpocket locations are good at this time.
2. Now things that I am considering are either changing weapons on some of the Pickpockets for bows as I said previously or adding more pickpocket NPC's to the Lair in either case about 2. And or making some into true thieves or adding them. Now as in the Keep that I told you about that is a rather small keep. If I added instead of changed it would be cramped inside the keep. Also why are there no mages in these groups. There are enclaves out there.
(On a side note I am not at this time planning on adding any Locations or adding them to any empty locations I also like that it is not as bunched up as Oblivion as in with in every 30 feet there is something to explore)There are only 9 different NPC's for Non Boss Pickpockets.
Now on the Low Level Pickpocket side at this time I have them Respawn I was not asking about respawn times I could do like OOO and change that but it would affect all Respawn not just bad NPC's. I was Asking a General Question of Would you or anyone like to let them respawn so you have something to clean Out from time to time.
As far as Boss NPC's it was just an Idea, I would actually have to ask the true modders if it is possible to do what I was thinking. In theory it should be possible kind of like how TNO does his quests from the merchants but I would have to ask some serious questions, so that is something for very much later.
And yes While I am talking to you by name I am actually asking a general Question of the group for suggestions.
You know I will put up the little I have sometime this week As I get it done I will do an update just to keep it simple as I don't have much time to work on this from wednesday thru saturday. I will let you know when I get the file up on Nexus.
Suggestions are always welcome if I can I will give it a go, but only if it will enhance the game.