Nehrim and Mods

Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:37 pm

Other than adding mods that up the damage from enemies I'm not sure there is much to do to increased the challenge - leveling is certainly a more complicated way to go with that.

You don't have to buy learning points.

The thing is, as I understand it, the world is primarily static leveled - what you meet in a certain section will be there regardless of your level. With this scheme and their option to not place very difficult to beat enemies and creatures then without an overhaul to up the mobs from spawn points, add spawn points, relevel encounters, and other overhaul like aspects then what you will always have are those wolves in that forest and those clanfear looking things in the other forest regardless of level.

So yeah adding new content is the most difficult thing to do.
Slowing your own leveling is another.
but also upping the damage via a mod like Kuertee Attribute and Skill damage mod or Phitts Phighting Phixes will then make the encounters more challenging.

Most of the leveling mods I've seen off more out of leveling not less.

I think the heart of the issue is that they just did not make the world very challenging and that it is to closely copying the Gothic series and shoehorning that system into Oblivion. It also does not help that the developers are not very supportive of modding either. They seem ok with it, but don't seem to communicate with modders on how to better mod it.
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:37 am

Iv'e been chatting to someone on the sureAI forums & he pointed out that for this to work you would need to reduce the rate at which skills level up as well. One advantage of Nehrim's leveling system is that it's already XP based.
I'm hoping that it is possible to globally reduce the number of points you get from kills & to increase the points needed to both level up & to raise your skills.
The fact that the world is static has some advantages . I can have a lot of fun by always being in areas that are several levels above my characters level, but then I level up even faster as there are so many experience points attached to my kills.
I'm already not using my learning points at least not after about level 8.
Iv'e been having a look at OblivionXP & it has settings in it's INI for everything I want to achieve but when I looked at it's ESP I was overwhelmed. It is also way to Oblivion Specific to be easily ported, but its basic method is similar to, Nehrim's in that they are both XP based.
I'm already using all the damage increasing mods on the list & have the slider set to max.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:57 pm

Iv'e been chatting to someone on the sureAI forums & he pointed out that for this to work you would need to reduce the rate at which skills level up as well. One advantage of Nehrim's leveling system is that it's already XP based.
I'm hoping that it is possible to globally reduce the number of points you get from kills & to increase the points needed to both level up & to raise your skills.
The fact that the world is static has some advantages . I can have a lot of fun by always being in areas that are several levels above my characters level, but then I level up even faster as there are so many experience points attached to my kills.
I'm already not using my learning points at least not after about level 8.
Iv'e been having a look at OblivionXP & it has settings in it's INI for everything I want to achieve but when I looked at it's ESP I was overwhelmed. It is also way to Oblivion Specific to be easily ported, but its basic method is similar to, Nehrim's in that they are both XP based.
I'm already using all the damage increasing mods on the list & have the slider set to max.

Beebee from what I have seen doing the rework of the AI's I have seen different EXP scripts so it should be easy to fix it to do what you want. I wonder if instead of several scripts you could not make it a INI so a gamer could edit with only minor trouble. I could try to look at the script once I convert it to english. Also as previously discussed the set level areas are just that "set" I.E. I am lvl 42 if I go to the abby I dont even to work hard to get through it, so the areas are what ever lvl they are set for there is very little variation in that lvl system. On the Oblivion XP system do they have base XP for vaious system steps and for NPC's say 20 EXP X Lvl. or is it just set and fixed per individual NPC's.
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:09 am

Is there any "map marker" mod working for Nehrim?
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:40 am

Has someone heard about "Nehrim Weapons Rebalance" ( )?
Where can I get it ?
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:00 am

Has someone heard about "Nehrim Weapons Rebalance" ( )?
Where can I get it ?

Well there is

The issue is that while changing the stats on the weapons it also changes their names to German equivalent. Someone here made a translation .... forgot who or where it is .... try going back though this or previous thread.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:55 am

Beebee from what I have seen doing the rework of the AI's I have seen different EXP scripts so it should be easy to fix it to do what you want. I wonder if instead of several scripts you could not make it a INI so a gamer could edit with only minor trouble. I could try to look at the script once I convert it to english. Also as previously discussed the set level areas are just that "set" I.E. I am lvl 42 if I go to the abby I dont even to work hard to get through it, so the areas are what ever lvl they are set for there is very little variation in that lvl system. On the Oblivion XP system do they have base XP for vaious system steps and for NPC's say 20 EXP X Lvl. or is it just set and fixed per individual NPC's.

Oblivion XP uses an INI file with just about every conceivable perimeter covered

; This is the INI file for Oblivion XP Leveling v4.1.5
; -----------------------------------------------------
; This file must be in your "Oblivion\Data\Oblivion XP" folder! The mod will not
; run if the file is not found.
; For your convenience, the defaults of each setting are listed after the semi-
; colon.
; ---------
; These settings control various things related to your level.
; - attributePointsPerLevel -
; This constant determines how many Attribute Points the player gains when
; increasing his/her level.
; - skillPointsPerLevel -
; This constant determines how many Skill Points the player gains when
; increasing his/her level.
; - trainingSessions -
; This sets the number of training sessions you gain per level. Unused sessions
; carry over to the next level!
; - trainingCostMult -
; This sets the training cost multiplier. It will override any changes made
; to this variable by other mods.
; - multXPNeeded -
; The amount of XP Needed per level is multiplied by this factor.
; - multXPNeededLevel -
; Controls the per level increase of the amount of XP Needed to gain a level.
; - multXPNeededBase -
; Controls the base amount of XP Needed to gain a level.
; - maximumAttributeIncrease -
; Determines the maximum number of points a player can put into a single
; attribute when leveling.
; - skillPointPreset -
; Specifies the preset to determine how many Skill Points it costs to increase
; a Skill by 1. Set to 1 for Specialist preset, set to 0 for Master of All.
; - minimumLevelApprentice -
; Player level required to progress to Apprentice Skill Level.
; - minimumLevelJourneyman -
; Player level required to progress to Journeyman Skill Level.
; - minimumLevelExpert -
; Player level required to progress to Expert Skill Level.
; - minimumLevelMaster -
; Player level required to progress to Master Skill Level.
; - minimumLevelGrandMaster -
; Player level required to progress to Grand Master Skill Level.

Set ObXPSettings.attributePointsPerLevel to 13 ; 13
Set ObXPSettings.skillPointsPerLevel to 36 ; 36

Set ObXPSettings.trainingSessions to 5 ; 5
Set ObXPSettings.trainingCostMult to 10 ; 10

Set ObXPSettings.minimumLevelApprentice to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.minimumLevelJourneyman to 5 ; 5
Set ObXPSettings.minimumLevelExpert to 10 ; 10
Set ObXPSettings.minimumLevelMaster to 20 ; 20
Set ObXPSettings.minimumLevelGrandMaster to 30 ; 30

Set ObXPSettings.maximumAttributeIncrease to 5 ; 5

Set ObXPSettings.skillPointPreset to 1 ; 1

; ---------------------------------
; When first using Oblivion XP on an exisiting character, you are given the
; option to redistribute all your Skills and Attributes.
; - redistRefundSkillBooks -
; When set to 1, you will get 1 additional Skill Points per Skill Book that you
; read before first using Oblivion XP.
; - redistRefundTrainingSessions -
; When set to 1, you will get 1 additional Skill Point for every time your have
; have trained a Skill before first using Oblivion XP.

Set ObXPSettings.redistRefundSkillBooks to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.redistRefundTrainingSessions to 1 ; 1

; ------------------
; The formula for XP Needed to Level is as follows:
; XP (x) = multNeeded * (Mult * atan(Slope * x^2 / 250) + Linear * x + Base)
; where x = Player Level. This is then rounded to multiples of 100.
; This formula describes a curve that, at first, goes up really quickly, and then
; after a while goes over into a straight line. With the default settings, what
; this means is that, before level 30, the XP Needed to Level will increase more
; and more and faster and faster each level, until you reach around level 40-45
; and then every level your XP Needed increases with almost the same amount
; every next level.
; To better understand this formula, here follows a qualitative description of
; what each variable does.
; - multXPNeeded -
; This simply multiplies the result of the formula. If you like the shape of the
; XP needed curve, but just want to make it slower or faster to level, than this
; is the easiest variable to change.
; - multXPNeededBase -
; This controls the very base amount of XP that is Needed to Level, regardless
; of the rest of the formula.
; - multXPNeededLinear -
; This variable controls the increase of the straight line, it mainly determines
; how much XP Needed increases after level 40 (before that it has a lot less
; influence).
; - multXPNeededQuadraticSlope -
; The slope variable controls how quickly the peak of increasing XP Needed per
; level is reached. If you set this to 2, for example, your XP Needed will go
; steady at level 25-30 instead of level 40-45. Increasing this variable also
; slightly increases the XP Needed, but not by much.
; - multXPNeededQuadraticAmp -
; This variables determines the amplitude of the quadratic part of the formula.
; What it determines is really the maximum amount of Needed XP contributed by
; the quadratic part. This value is reached when the curve goes into the
; straight line (which point is determined by the Slope variable).

Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeeded to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeededBase to 1500 ; 1500
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeededLinear to 150 ; 150
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeededQuadraticSlope to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNeededQuadraticAmp to 20000 ; 20000

; ---------------------------
; This controls the amount of XP that is awarded per kill. The calculation is
; as follows: First, the Base XP of a kill is calculated, after which the stats
; of the NPC are compared to your own, which determines the Bonus Multiplier.
; This Bonus Multiplier is then applied to the Base XP to yield the XP awarded.
; - multXPKillBase -
; Increase this to have kills yield more Base XP.
; - multXPKillBonus -
; When this is set to 1, the Bonus XP Multiplier is normally equal to 1 when
; the NPC's stats are equal to yours. Setting this to 2 for example will make
; it so that if your stats are twice that of the NPC, you get the base amount
; of XP. Essentially, this is the toughness ratio of the NPC to the Player. If
; you set it to 2, then that means the NPC will only have to be half as tough
; as the player in order to yield full XP.
; - multXPKillLevel -
; After the above is applied, the XP gained is multiplied by the 1 plus the
; player's level times this factor.
; - multXPKillSneaking -
; If the player makes a kill in stealth and remains undetected, the XP gained
; for the kill is multiplied by this factor.

Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillBase to 5 ; 5
Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillBonus to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillLevel to 0.3 ; 0.3
Set ObXPSettings.multXPKillSneaking to 2 ; 2

; -------------------
; This controls the amount of XP that is awarded per action.
; - multXPLevel -
; Any XP gained is multiplied by (1 + player level * multXPLevel). Set this to 0
; if you want the same actions to always yield the same XP regardless of your
; character's level. Quest and Killing XP are not affected by this, but they
; instead have their own level multiplier.
; - multXPQuestLevel -
; Any XP gained for completing a Quest is multiplied by
; (1 + player level * multXPQuestLevel).
; - multXPSleeping -
; Unlike the other XP gain multipliers, this is a percentage of the total XP
; needed to level. By default, it's at 3% with a maximum of 8x3% = 24%.
; - globalQuestXPMult -
; The XP gained for completing any quest is multiplied by this value.
; - lockpicksBrokenMax -
; This determines the maximum number of lockpicks the player is allowed to break
; while still getting XP for picking a lock.

Set ObXPSettings.multXPLevel to 0.2 ; 0.2
Set ObXPSettings.multXPQuestLevel to 0.1 ; 0.1

Set ObXPSettings.multXPArtifacts to 300 ; 300
Set ObXPSettings.multXPBook to 25 ; 25
Set ObXPSettings.multXPEating to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.multXPExploration to 30 ; 30
Set ObXPSettings.multXPFame to 50 ; 50
Set ObXPSettings.multXPGates to 200 ; 200
Set ObXPSettings.multXPHorses to 65 ; 65
Set ObXPSettings.multXPHouses to 180 ; 180
Set ObXPSettings.multXPInfamy to 50 ; 50
Set ObXPSettings.multXPInvest to 150 ; 150
Set ObXPSettings.multXPLockpick to 15 ; 15
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNirnsFound to 50 ; 50
Set ObXPSettings.multXPNPCDisposition to 25 ; 25
Set ObXPSettings.multXPPickpocket to 4 ; 4
Set ObXPSettings.multXPPotion to 25 ; 25
Set ObXPSettings.multXPSouls to 20 ; 20
Set ObXPSettings.multXPStealing to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.multXPVampireBite to 50 ; 50

Set ObXPSettings.multXPSleeping to 0.03 ; 0.03

Set ObXPSettings.globalQuestXPMult to 1 ; 1

Set ObXPSettings.lockpicksBrokenMax to 5 ; 5

; ----
; This controls the caps for your Level, Skills and Attributes. Note that when
; you allow skills and attributes to raise above 100, you will need to use one
; of the various uncappers (e.g. Elys' Uncapper) for the attributes to have any
; effect above 100. Also, these caps simply serve to not allow ObXP to raise
; variables beyond them; they will not, however, lower any level/attribute when
; it already is beyond the cap upon first using ObXP.

Set ObXPSettings.capAttributes to 100 ; 100
Set ObXPSettings.capLevel to 50 ; 50
Set ObXPSettings.capSkills to 100 ; 100

; -------------------------------------------
; This controls the various settings determining your Derived Attributes.
; In Vanilla, the values are calculated as follows:
; Health = PCHealthMultBase * End + PlayerLevel * PCHealthMultEnd * End
; Magicka = PCMagickaMultBase * Int
; With the default Oblivion XP settings, this changes to:
; Magicka = PCMagickaMultBase * Int + PlayerLevel * PCMagickaMultInt * Int
; + ( Sum of Magic Skills ) * PCMagickaSumMult
; The PC...MultAgi etc, change the per level bonuses for each attribute. OXP
; also provides the option to have the level of your Magic skills influence the
; amount of Magicka you have:
; - PCMagickaSumBase -
; Set this to 1 to enable having your Magic skills influence your Magicka pool.
; - PCMagickaSumMult -
; This is the multiplier applied to the sum of your Magic skills
; - fatigueControlEnabled/healthControlEnabled/magickaControlEnabled -
; Set this to 1 to enable having Oblivion XP determine your Health/Magicka/
; Fatigue.

Set ObXPSettings.fatigueControlEnabled to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.healthControlEnabled to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.magickaControlEnabled to 1 ; 1

Set ObXPSettings.healthMultBase to 2 ; 2

Set ObXPSettings.healthMultAgi to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.healthMultEnd to 0.1 ; 0.1
Set ObXPSettings.healthMultInt to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.healthMultPer to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.healthMultSpd to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.healthMultStr to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.healthMultWil to 0 ; 0

Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultBase to 2 ; 2

Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultAgi to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultEnd to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultInt to 0.1 ; 0.1
Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultPer to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultSpd to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultStr to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.magickaMultWil to 0 ; 0

Set ObXPSettings.magickaSumBase to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.magickaSumMult to 0.25 ; 0.25

Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultAgi to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultEnd to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultInt to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultPer to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultSpd to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultStr to 0 ; 0
Set ObXPSettings.fatigueMultWil to 0 ; 0

; ------------
; These settings determine the rate of regeneration of Health and Magicka.
; - healthReturnEnabled/magickaReturnEnabled -
; Set this to 1 to enable ObXP's Health/Magicka Regeneration.
; - healthReturnBase -
; This specifies the Base rate of Health Regen.
; - healthReturnMult -
; This specifies how much each point of Willpower influences Health Regen.
; - magickaReturnBase -
; This specifies the Base rate of Magicka Regen.
; - magickaReturnMult -
; This specifies how much each point of Willpower influences Magicka Regen.

Set ObXPSettings.healthReturnEnabled to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.magickaReturnEnabled to 1 ; 1

Set ObXPSettings.healthReturnBase to 0.75 ; 0.75
Set ObXPSettings.healthReturnMult to 0.02 ; 0.02

Set ObXPSettings.magickaReturnBase to 0.75 ; 0.75
Set ObXPSettings.magickaReturnMult to 0.02 ; 0.02

; ----------------
; These are the settings that control the XP gain messages.
; - messageBufferSize -
; This determines the number of lines kept in the ObXP message buffer.
; - messageLogAutoHide -
; Setting this to 1 will automatically hide the Oblivion XP message log if
; nothing happened for more than 5 seconds.
; - messageIcon -
; Set to 0 to not show the ObXP icon, set to 1 to show it.
; - messageInit -
; Set to 0 to not show the ObXP initialization message, set to 1 to show it.
; - messageSoundX -
; Set this to 0 to not play any sound for action X, set to 1 to play it.
; - keyControl -
; This defines which key needs to be held in combination with the other keys in
; order to control the Oblivion XP message areas.
; - keyHideLog -
; This defines which key needs to be pressed to hide the log/status text.
; - keyShowLog -
; This defines which key needs to be pressed to show the log/status text.
; - keyScrollUp -
; This defines which key needs to be pressed to scroll up in the message log.
; - keyScrollDown -
; This defines which key needs to be pressed to scroll down in the message log.
; Note: For a list of key codes, check the following link:

Set ObXPSettings.messageIcon to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.messageInit to 1 ; 1

Set ObXPSettings.messageSoundInit to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.messageSoundLevel to 1 ; 1
Set ObXPSettings.messageSoundXP to 1 ; 1

Set ObXPSettings.messageBufferSize to 50 ; 50
Set ObXPSettings.messageLogAutoHide to 1 ; 1

Set ObXPSettings.keyControl to 38 ; 38 (L)
Set ObXPSettings.keyHideLog to 203 ; 203 (Left)
Set ObXPSettings.keyShowLog to 205 ; 205 (Right)
Set ObXPSettings.keyScrollUp to 200 ; 200 (Up)
Set ObXPSettings.keyScrollDown to 208 ; 208 (Down)

; ---------------------------
; These settings control script timing; if you're experiencing lag, try setting
; bigger delays. Conversely, if you find Oblivion XP doesn't respond quickly
; enough, try setting lower delays. Do note that lower delays may come with a
; performance hit.
; - cellScanDelay -
; Controls how often the 25 cells surrounding the player are scanned for NPCs.
; - scriptDelay -
; Controls global ObXP script delay.
; - scriptKillingDelay -
; Controls XP for Killing script delay.
; - scriptMiscDelay -
; Controls XP for Miscellaneous Actions script delay.
; - scriptQuestDelay -
; Controls global ObXP quest scripts delay. This is the delay for the scripts
; that control XP gains from quests.
; - scriptUIDelay -
; Controls script delay for UI control (level up and stats).

Set ObXPSettings.cellScanDelay to 5.0 ; 5.0
Set ObXPSettings.scriptDelay to 0.05 ; 0.05
Set ObXPSettings.scriptKillingDelay to 0.1 ; 0.1
Set ObXPSettings.scriptMiscDelay to 0.1 ; 0.1
Set ObXPSettings.scriptQuestDelay to 1.5 ; 1.5
Set ObXPSettings.scriptUIDelay to 0.05 ; 0.05

; -------------------
; Set to 0 to disable having Oblivion XP automatically detect whether any NPC
; near the player is in combat with any of the player's followers. This is a
; somewhat experimental feature and may cause strange XP gains or unwanted slow-
; downs. If you're experiencing any of those, try disabling this part.

Set ObXPSettings.enableCompanionSupport to 1 ; 1

; -------------------
; Set to 0 to disable the fix for poison kills not increasing the player's kill
; counter. This is obviously not recommended but the option is there in case
; this gets fixed by another mod.

Set ObXPSettings.enablePoisonFix to 1 ; 1

; -------------------
; WARNING: Do NOT change the following!

Set ObXPMain.initia

But the ESP is really something & I suspect impossible, or at least very difficult to import to Nehrim Beebee
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brenden casey
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:16 pm

DR 6: Like my attempts with Companion Share and Recuit (untill just recently) It does not initiallize (when I say that, I mean the game loads, but the mod does nothing. It does not start, no features from the mod is present, etc) Perhaps someone can use the file I linked as a starting point however?

However, I have had success with SP1stpLegs. No changes other than a Master switch necessary.

Hi What is SP1stpLegs? I have goggled it with no success, just a few load order references in forums, Beebee
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:32 pm

A Nehrim Fair Female Kim mod is here:
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:10 am


I've been far from Oblivion for more than a year now. Then just recently I heard of Nehrim (I read it won a Mod of The Year Award) and I am thinking to gite Nehrim a try.
I just wanna know if someone can surely tell me if the following Oblivion mods are also Nehrim-compatible (or if I have to DL a specific Nehrim version of them, should they exist):

- Lightweight Potions;
- Bag of Holding (if compatible, after installing it where do I find the Bag in-game?);
- Keychain;
- Map Marker Overhaul (anyway, are the Nehrim map markers improved if we compare it to Oblivion vanilla?);
- Darnified UI (again, the Nehrim's interface is better than Oblion vanilla?);

As you can see, the mods above don't terribly change the Oblivion or Nehrim gameplay :)

Regarding the Nehrim installation, I have the Oblivion GOTY DVD-version (not Steam). Shall I install only Oblivion "core" or can I also install Shiv Isle and KotN without issues?

How about the textures used in Nehrim: they're improved if compared to Oblivion or do I need a QTP-version for Nehrim (if it exists of course)?

Thank you for attention paid! Again, I was far from Oblivion game for the 12-14 months now.

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liz barnes
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:41 am

Well many of your questions are answered above, but to summarize what I know.

You can use QTPIII - yes, but it won't cover new textures.

You can use Darn, but expect some oddities to appear. If feeling really industrious you could hobble together a few of the parts of Darn and be happy.

Never used Lightweight potions preferring the Wrye Bash Tweaks. Don't know if it will work.

Never used bag of holding - and if it requires placement in tamriel worldspace it probably won't work - read post 2 on how to port it.

Map Marker overhaul - no, but TBO said he was interested in making a paired down version - probably after he finishes 10 other mods though.

Kyechain is not needed if you use Darn, but I don't use Darn with Nehrim so that is not a bad idea. Though I've not collected a lot of keys on Nehrim.


As for installing Nehrim it will create an alternate folder and give an alternate launcher. It will use the Oblivion resources, but not the Oblivion plugins (none of them). So you only need the base game.

I highly suggest you comb over the first few posts for solutions to installing Nehrim with Oblivion and managing multiple installs - especially with regard to using mTES4 Manager.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:12 pm

Well many of your questions are answered above, but to summarize what I know.

You can use QTPIII - yes, but it won't cover new textures.

You can use Darn, but expect some oddities to appear. If feeling really industrious you could hobble together a few of the parts of Darn and be happy.

Never used Lightweight potions preferring the Wrye Bash Tweaks. Don't know if it will work.

Never used bag of holding - and if it requires placement in tamriel worldspace it probably won't work - read post 2 on how to port it.

Map Marker overhaul - no, but TBO said he was interested in making a paired down version - probably after he finishes 10 other mods though.

Kyechain is not needed if you use Darn, but I don't use Darn with Nehrim so that is not a bad idea. Though I've not collected a lot of keys on Nehrim.


As for installing Nehrim it will create an alternate folder and give an alternate launcher. It will use the Oblivion resources, but not the Oblivion plugins (none of them). So you only need the base game.

I highly suggest you comb over the first few posts for solutions to installing Nehrim with Oblivion and managing multiple installs - especially with regard to using mTES4 Manager.

Yeah... long time away from Oblivion isn't good. I feel like a newbie again :P
So I can tweak potion weight at Wrye Bash, like in Oblivion... that's good (I don't remember how to use Wrye Bash, but I think I will learn again).
As for Bag of Holding, I already thought it couldn't be used with Nehrim. I just want to confirm that.
Map Marker Overhaul - great mod, I feel sad there isn't a Nehrim version of it!
"Keychain is not needed if you use Darn" - now that's a thing I never knew. Darn UI can group keys together in inventory? What version did it begin working?
mTES4 is a thing I also never knew. But I will do a fresh Oblivion install only to play Nehrim, so I don't need to manage "multiple installs", do I?

Thank you!
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:33 am

mTES4 is a thing I also never knew. But I will do a fresh Oblivion install only to play Nehrim, so I don't need to manage "multiple installs", do I?

100% up to you.

If you install Nehrim then ever start a normal Oblvion game then it will mess with Nehrim and vice versa - I detailed as best I could the issues in the first post. They share the same ini, save game folder, and App Data folder, but not the same launcher and Not the same install path. It gets complicated and mTES4 Manager (which is relatively new) is the most complete answer so far in keeping the games separate.

Bash patch does not work but you can set several of the tweaks to work.

Since Darn allows for collapsing of inventory sections (like keys) the keychain not ever needed as far as I've known. I like Darn but don't use it with Nehrim preferring to use the integrated interface thingamajig that JOG made. Keychain would probably be good to use though.
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:31 am

I'm having an odd problem with OBMM.
The BSA browser won't open the NehrimData - TexturesData.bsa or the Sounds.bsa .
The rest open just fine but these two just sit, It is rather difficult to know if the BSA browser is working, as it gives no indication that anything is happening until the window fills with data . But I have left it alone for a couple of hours & there is still no result. Has anyone else had a similar issue Thanks Beebee
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meg knight
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:55 pm

I'm having an odd problem with OBMM.
The BSA browser won't open the NehrimData - TexturesData.bsa or the Sounds.bsa .
The rest open just fine but these two just sit, It is rather difficult to know if the BSA browser is working, as it gives no indication that anything is happening until the window fills with data . But I have left it alone for a couple of hours & there is still no result. Has anyone else had a similar issue Thanks Beebee

Bsacommander works. Use it
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:56 am

I had to use BSA commander too, but repackaged them just fine with OBMM.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:21 pm

Since Darn allows for collapsing of inventory sections (like keys) the keychain not ever needed as far as I've known. I like Darn but don't use it with Nehrim preferring to use the integrated interface thingamajig that JOG made. Keychain would probably be good to use though.

And that integrated interface is ... well ... already integrated into vanilla Nehrim or it is a mod I can download separately? If so, you or someone else can tell me the name of this Interface mod?

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Killah Bee
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:39 am

Have you actually read the opening posts?

It breaks down like this:
1st post - how to use tools and have multiple installs.
2nd post - info on how to port mods from Oblivion yourself.
3rd post - list of mods that are easy to port or made to work with Nehrim - is is found there called interface extension.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:19 am

Have you actually read the opening posts?

It breaks down like this:
1st post - how to use tools and have multiple installs.
2nd post - info on how to port mods from Oblivion yourself.
3rd post - list of mods that are easy to port or made to work with Nehrim - is is found there called interface extension.

Thank you Psymon!

When I said earlier I was feeling like a newbie again, I wasn't joking, I really meant it !!

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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:57 am

[quote name='Psymon' timestamp='1294960695' post='16981243']
Well many of your questions are answered above, but to summarize what I know.

You can use QTPIII - yes, but it won't cover new textures.


One more question (and this time I searched the thread and couldn't find an answer): Shall I install QTP3 before or after installing Nehrim?
I just don't wanna replace the Nehrim's textures if they are the same quality as QTP's.
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:34 am

All your concerns stem from not jumping in.

As stated - Nehrim uses Oblivion resources (Oblivion BSA for meshes, sounds, textures, and misc) ... this means that for the vanilla resources used it is vanilla. Nehrim also has its own BSA archives too. Mostly it looks vanilla with a lot of unique models throughout the game.

Just like with Oblivion you can't install QTPIII prior to the game itself. But frankly I'm so over QTPIII - there are a few other texture packs I consider just as good, It is as if everyone reads dev's old TOTO page and says "OK QTPIII on my list" without ever looking at what else may be available.

If you want to mod Nehrim then first decide if you want both a Nehrim and Oblivion game playable - if you do investigate the tool mTES4 Manager. If you don't and only want Nehrim then install Oblivion then immediately Install Nehrim. Doing this will clarify most things as you will see it will create a different install path.and data folder. If you later get nostalgic for Oblivion and want to play it again you can still use mTES4 Manager later - it is just easier to set all up prior to adding mods to either game.

Then all that I wrote in the first post will start to make sense. If you look you will see that although it has a different install path it still uses the same registry settings of Oblivion, same save game folder, and same AppData folder. Knowing these are important to knowing how to use the existing tools (CS, OBMM, Wrye Bash, TES4edit, Gecko, etc).
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Post » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:20 pm

I had to use BSA commander too, but repackaged them just fine with OBMM.

Great glad it not just me thanks for the input everyone Beebee

Addendum One odd little issue I had with installing Nehrim in a non default path. The Launcher couldn't find the internet unless I had already installed the latest patch. I still haven't had the opportunity to test if it is really working as there is no new patch yet, but at least the update servers are online.

One other thing with rebuilding bsa's . Are there likely to be update issues if you split & rename your Nehrim Data Textures bsa.

It struck me that the automatic update might have problems if you had renamed your texture or Meshes bsa's Beebee
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:53 am

So far the updates seem to only be with the plugins (ESM/ESP), so I would imagine not.

I've moved my Nehrim Launcher twice and still no issues with connection (neither in default location either), but then I've never used or knew about an auto update feature it has (like to do by hand you know).

I guess it is time for a new thread ... I'll start working on that ... please don't post in the first three posts of it until done - may take me a few minutes.
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:13 am

All your concerns stem from not jumping in.

As stated - Nehrim uses Oblivion resources (Oblivion BSA for meshes, sounds, textures, and misc) ... this means that for the vanilla resources used it is vanilla. Nehrim also has its own BSA archives too. Mostly it looks vanilla with a lot of unique models throughout the game.

Just like with Oblivion you can't install QTPIII prior to the game itself. But frankly I'm so over QTPIII - there are a few other texture packs I consider just as good, It is as if everyone reads dev's old TOTO page and says "OK QTPIII on my list" without ever looking at what else may be available.

If you want to mod Nehrim then first decide if you want both a Nehrim and Oblivion game playable - if you do investigate the tool mTES4 Manager. If you don't and only want Nehrim then install Oblivion then immediately Install Nehrim. Doing this will clarify most things as you will see it will create a different install path.and data folder. If you later get nostalgic for Oblivion and want to play it again you can still use mTES4 Manager later - it is just easier to set all up prior to adding mods to either game.

Then all that I wrote in the first post will start to make sense. If you look you will see that although it has a different install path it still uses the same registry settings of Oblivion, same save game folder, and same AppData folder. Knowing these are important to knowing how to use the existing tools (CS, OBMM, Wrye Bash, TES4edit, Gecko, etc).


I installed Oblivion, Official Patch for it, Nehrim, official patch for it, then some Nehri-compatible mods (including QTP3) I found description in the first posts of this thread. Until now, everything is OK. No CTDs!
I am a mod-user, not a mod maker/mod designer. I tend to skip the posts instructing how to mod Oblivion or Nehrim or any other game. But I read the 3rd post on this thread listing the mods that are Nehrim-compatible.

Regarding QTP3, I just want to give my opinion. But before this: I know this is NOT the right thread to give this opinion. But considering you touched the theme, here it goes:
I know TOTO page is old, not updated web site. But if everyone reads it and have this same idea like "QTP3 is a must have, I just can't play Oblivion without it" (and I totally agree with you here, I also had - and still have - this same idea) is just because we beginners in the world of Oblivion game can't find another good page with great Texture Pack Mods, like TOTO.
You see: TOTO page is not update anymore. And yet so, every newbie (me included, why not?) comes to the Bethesda official forum asking for helps/hints regarding QTP3.
Why is that? Because TOTO page is old, I agree, but there aren't many pages with information about Oblivion texture packs. Actually, there aren't many pages with information about texture packs newer than QTP3. Even newer texture packs we can find out there are optimized or Pyffied versions of the good ol' QTP3. If there are dozens of great mods (vampire mods, weapons mods, magic mods, quest mods, ....), there are not many good Texture packs for Oblivion. Or if they exist, they're hard to find.
Or then QTP3 has a great propaganda, an unbeatable word-of-mouth.

PS: I gladly accept suggestions (aka links) for texture packs other than QTP3. It seems QTP3 is alone in its category.

Thank you!
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Post » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:05 am

It is unfortunate that Dev's site is left unattended for more reasons that just the TOTO page (the FCOM page is now very misleading and not up to date with what is available here).

I find QTPIII to be too heavy no mater how optimized.

Other options for comprehensive are,,

I threw some ideas for others to include in BAIN packages in an older BAIN thread,, and I don't mean to call these authoritative - but they have a lot of links. If not interested in BAIN then just follow links.

LOD replacers will not work.

Also might want to check out the as an update to a lot of the info on TOTO, but again a lot won't work with Nehrim, but a few of the smaller may work.

And of course the
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