» Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:03 pm
I was briefly doing some nehrim conversions for a... rather risque oblivion mod which I won't mention, but....
A few notes i've found Shivering Isles compatibilty.
Some mods will require shivering isles. Conversion of some (but not all) of these mods IS possible. But first you need to find out to what extent you use shivering isles.
IF THE MOD ONLY USES SHIVERING ISLES MODELS/SOUNDS/TEXTURES AND NOT RECORDS: Here is the procedure to get those to work: Simply copy over the shivering isles bsa's (they start with DLCShiveringisles and end with .Bsa) as well as the DLCShiveringisles.esp over to your nehrim data folder. Using either wrye bash, TES4edit, or TESGecko (my preference for Nehrim dependance changing.), change the DLCShiveringisles.esp's reliance on Oblivion.esm to Nehrim.esm, and make sure you activate it in your Nehrim load list. That's it, nothing else needs to be done.
Truthfully, the DLCShiveringisles.esp really doesn't do anything other than load the BSA files. It has no scripts, no quests, no records of any sort. Any Shivering Isles Records are actually loaded into the Oblivion.esm upon installing it. Though speaking of which:
IF THE MOD IN QUESTION USES ANY SIMPLE RECORDS: (In other words: not shivering scripts, not shivering quests, not shivering exteriors or interiors. This includes but isn't limited to: NPCs (not refs), Weapons, armors, ingredients, statics etc.)
This is a tad trickier. Obviously nehrim.esm does not have shivering isles records in it. So you will have to put these into the mod you wish to convert yourself. There are two ways you can do this and the choice is yours.
First, you could use the TESCS to manually recreate the missing records. However, this is rather tedious.
Secondly, you could open up Oblivion.esm and (insert mod here) in TES4edit (note: make sure if your running TES4edit in the oblivion folder to copy over nehrim.esm, or if in the nehrim data folder to copy over the oblivion.esm to your nehrim data folder).
Make sure you've already changed the mod's reliance from Oblivion.esm to Nehrim.esm, and Find out which records you will need, and use TES4edit to copy them from the oblivion.esm directly into the mod you are trying to convert. Note that you want to Copy as new record, NOT copy as override. When it asks for prefexes and such, ignore it. If it says that the mod will have to add oblivion.esm as a master, don't worry, just go to the file header for the mod and get rid of the oblivion.esm entry.
Also note you may have to do this for some normal oblivion mods too, especially ones that rely on records like "NPCHumangrunt" or other records that most oblivion modders take for granted.
Note by this I'm refering to something that significantly alters a shivering isles/oblivion exterior, such as a house mod, not for something simple like an armor or note found in (insert dungeon here). In the case of the former, this one is quite a bit tricker but it CAN be done.
First and foremost, you must do this BEFORE you change the mod's esm reliance.
1.Open the mod in TESCS (yes, you're working with cells now, you can't use TES4Edit for this unless your really good with maths.) Create a new cell (interior, even if what your taking it from is an Exterior.)
2. Find the exterior[s] in question, and the objects in question (Example: lets say a mod that adds a shack to an island north of new sheoth... the object of interest here is the shack. Any vegitation or landscaping surrounding it is to be ignored.)
3. Cut and paste the objects in question from the exterior to your temporary cell you created.
4. Save your mod, close it in TESCS (your done with that for the moment) and open the mod in TES4edit.
5. Remove all vanilla cell/exterior overrides from the mod. DONT delete any custom interiors though (in other words, the interior of the shack.)
6. NOW change the reliance on oblivion.esm to Nehrim.esm (preferably using TES4edit since you should still have it open.)
7. Take note of any Shivering objects/missing oblivion objects the interior might have, and as with the simple records above, copy them over to your mod via the method described.
8. save and close the mod in TES4edit and reopen it in TESCS (we're doing cell/exterior editing again.)
9. Check both the temporary and interior cells of your mod to make sure everything shows up. if there are any missing meshs or objects, make note of what these are, open it in TES4edit again and go back to step 7. Otherwise, move on to the next step.
10. Find a suitable location in Nehrim to put your house (or whatever it is).
11. Cut and paste your house from the temporary interior to your chosen location. Note that you may need to do some landscaping/exterior decorating. Also check the exterior and interior doors to make sure they point to the right place.
11. Delete the temporary interior and save.
you should be good to go now.
with simpler things, such as putting a set of armor someplace where the player can pick it up, this step is FAR easier: You simply need to delete the cell overrides and manually use the CS to put it someplace else in nehrim.
IF A MOD IS RELIANT ON CHANGING OBLIVION/SHIVERING SCRIPTS (ie integration the stranded light, choices and consequences, etc.)
Forget it. It's not going to happen.
scripts and editiorIDs
One thing to remember is that Nehrim runs off the german oblivion.esm, which means german editiorIDS. for things like interiors and cells, this is self-correcting. For scripts however, it is not. This is EXACTLY why duke patricks won't work for example: a script in DP CA references the object "Apple", whereas in nehrim the object is "Afel" (the german word for apple).
What I would recommend is if a mod has scripts, that you check them using the CS. Just use the arrow keys to skim through the scripts (most modders like to use a prefix for their scripts so it shouldn't be hard.) If a script asks you to save, it means something is wrong. Hit "yes" when this happens and it will give you an error telling you what is wrong (usually along the lines of "Error on line 123: Record "Apple" not found.") you will need to either fix this error or blank out the trouble spot if you can. It's usually either one of two things:
1. A record that is actually in nehrim, but the script doesn't reconize it cause it's looking for the english version of the editorID (example: if it references daedra hearts, the nehrim equivilent is "herz", or "Heart" in english.) Use TES4edit to find these equivilents.
2. A record in the oblivion.esm that isn't in nehrim at all (IE certain sounds... most common i found was NPCHUMANGRUNT or something like this.) in this case, follow the above procedure to manually insert that record into the mod.
These are the observations I was able to make before my computer broke down, so now i'm getting it fixed, so I might not remember everything I learned 100%. Nevertheless, I hope this helps your Nehrim modding/converting adventures some.