Aren't pathgrids easy to do. I can't imagine they are not. In game the area you are concerned about toggle path grids ~tpg - they should be everywhere.
Wasn't one of the things that caused so much chaos and killing of bandits and the motivation to make them steal - to make them hungry and give them no food?
I'm not certain I've seen an actual pick pocket - where would I find one?
Does the Term Doooohhhh! Mean anything. I did say that I was just learning the indepth side of the CS. Thank you for pointing out the area. I did have to Crack open the WIKI to find out the way of it, also I needed to delete path ways over traps so they would not kill themselves. I have one done several keeps to go.
No PickPockets and Bandits are stealing to avoid work Not Hunger. Besides I will leave food out for them.
Also the place to find a Pickpocket would either be Los Angles and or New York. In game you can find them in several places Aldlefd is one of them.
once the Pickpockets are done do you want me to put up the Initial file or wait I am asking because I only have the pickpockets done and I am thinking that it will take just a little bit done and out so people can use. And Releasing once I get a group done.
Now on a Side note I will ask you Several Questions.
1. I have the Pickpockets on Respawn Do you want this? Original is that it is not on respawn.
2. What about the Bosses Respawn, I would like to find a way to get the game to change the bosses so they are not always the same for each keep.
3. There are NO archers for them I am thinking of adding some to each group.
4. Also some sort of minor Mages also some Thief types so they are in Sneek mode.
Now an example of the load out for the keep that I am working on is 10 NPC's I am thinking of putting in one cleric minor mage type and 2 archers and 3 Thief types.
So the question is What do you think. Also can you think of anything else that needs to be changed in that reguard.
I would love to get some traps to work like they do in Oblivion example is the Darts.