Nehrim/Oblivion Visuals

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:06 am


I'm sorry if a question such as this has already been asked but I have been unable to find anything relating to this and it may be because it has not been asked or I did not look hard enough, either way.

Anyone who has played Nehrim should be familiar with the depth of field visuals and how the landscapes look visually stunning. While the conversion-mod is fun it feels lacking in many aspects, examples like with the NPCs having zero dialogue or conversation topics aside from quests etc.

Anyways I will cut to the chase, I want to know if it is possible to add similar landscape visual to Oblivion like Nehrim's. I loved standing up on a hillside and being able to see a castle or a building or whatever off in the distance and not having it appear crystal clear and crips. I mean, in Oblivion head up near Bruma and look south.. The White Gold Tower looks.. ugh. I am sorry if I am not properly describing my query here but I am a little frazzled.

I have tried things such as OBGE, Qarl and Timeslips depth of field mob, and various shader mods to achieve the same (or somewhat similar look) and have come up short. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated and again I appologize if this has been asked and for my lack of a proper description.

Thank you.
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James Smart
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:50 pm

You'll probably have more luck asking in the mods forum Dollparts. :foodndrink:
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:43 am

Aye, I realized that only too late.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:11 am

Well you are not clear about what you want but this is all the best knowledge I have:

Try and explain maybe someone can point you in the right direction. Are you wanting clear viewed while distant or blurred in a different way.

OBGE just got a few updates on DOF today.
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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 am

Well you are not clear about what you want but this is all the best knowledge I have:

Try and explain maybe someone can point you in the right direction. Are you wanting clear viewed while distant or blurred in a different way.

OBGE just got a few updates on DOF today.

He wants to have Nehrim's visual effects in Oblivion.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:43 pm

He wants to have Nehrim's visual effects in Oblivion.

I was under the impression that it was a variant on Qarl & Timeslip, but I wouldn't know for sure - it is not script extender driven so it may just be a distance depth of field. For certain Nehrim looks better with it if one does not port OBGEv2 over. Without it land seams and bare cliffs are very easy to see.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:15 pm

I was under the impression that it was a variant on Qarl & Timeslip, but I wouldn't know for sure - it is not script extender driven so it may just be a distance depth of field. For certain Nehrim looks better with it if one does not port OBGEv2 over. Without it land seams and bare cliffs are very easy to see.

Pretty sure about that as well. It's definitely the refraction shader being used, just like in Qarl's & Timeslip's. I know that because with my graphics card the refraction shader shines through everything so for example I can see Oblivion gates even if they are behind a hill (the refraction shader part of it at least). Unfortunately this also causes the problem that everything (no matter how close) is blurred with this kind of DoF so I had to turn it off in Nehrim and can't use it in Oblivion either.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:56 pm

the distant blur effect is added by quest...there is a special activator which is moved to the player position if blur is is even possible to resize this activato (ball) ...if you want these effects added to Oblivion you will have to ask the Nehrim crew for permission to use their resources and scripts for that...

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