I have this neighbor next door who's dog keeps barking whenever a noise is made in the house or someone goes out to the backyard. The owner does not care one bit that it is disturbing others.
I was wondering if any of you could give me some ideas on how to quell this little mutt without calling the city or authorities.I'll use that as a last resort, but I'm curious if there are other ways.
1. Serious answer - Talk to them if that doesn't work - Call Police
2. Horror Fiction Answer - Wait till they're gone sneak into thier house and put Fido in the oven.
3. Mysteroius Answer - Steal Fido and take to a shelter
4. Comic Answer - Put bowl of peanut butter in their back yard
5. Romance answer - Get same species of dog - opposite six. Forget this one.. .could end in disaster.
Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the writing of this skit