[RELz] Nekhanimal's Awesome Vampire Mod!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:08 pm

I am not sure if it is how you intended (it might be for all I know), but
the renegade bloodcrust vampires that have to be killed as part of the mage's guild quest
... I cannot even go in the cave and watch the vampire slayers kill them or I get credit for their deaths. Even if I wait outside for them to finish, I can't step into the cave afterwards or I get instantly outlawed from the Society for all those deaths.

[censored]! Good thing you mentioned that. There's really no way to tell if the player has killed somebody, so I had to make the script check whether you are in the same cell as a dead vampire or not. Didn't think of the Bloodcrusties, though. I suppose it's fair that a vampire would get a lot of flak from his kin for not intervening in a situation like this, but it's always annoying to have a quest broken because of a mod. So in the next hotfix I'll make an exception for Bloodcrust cavern in the script.

Speakingly fluently Englishly! You're right that it's awkward. I'll try to make that sentence look a bit more anglo-saxon in the next hotfix.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:02 pm

[censored]! Good thing you mentioned that. There's really no way to tell if the player has killed somebody, so I had to make the script check whether you are in the same cell as a dead vampire or not. Didn't think of the Bloodcrusties, though. I suppose it's fair that a vampire would get a lot of flak from his kin for not intervening in a situation like this, but it's always annoying to have a quest broken because of a mod. So in the next hotfix I'll make an exception for Bloodcrust cavern in the script.

Speakingly fluently Englishly! You're right that it's awkward. I'll try to make that sentence look a bit more anglo-saxon in the next hotfix.

That's kind of how I looked at it. I did send the vamipire hunters down there after all. :D So I can't say I'm free from blame.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:33 am

This isn't a bug report as much as it is a help request.

When I had this mod installed (1.7b) but before my character became a Vampire, I killed two or three vampires in the Bloodworks beneath the Imperial City Arena, and was told that I had been exiled - e.g. "I should avoid this place". I did a clean save, and then re-installed the plugin. But now, if I enter the cell, I get the same message. My question is: (assuming I reload to before I got the message in my Vampire state) can I just avoid the cell until the bodies disappear and be fine? If not, is there a console command I can use to repair the damage?

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 pm

This isn't a bug report as much as it is a help request.

When I had this mod installed (1.7b) but before my character became a Vampire, I killed two or three vampires in the Bloodworks beneath the Imperial City Arena, and was told that I had been exiled - e.g. "I should avoid this place". I did a clean save, and then re-installed the plugin. But now, if I enter the cell, I get the same message. My question is: (assuming I reload to before I got the message in my Vampire state) can I just avoid the cell until the bodies disappear and be fine? If not, is there a console command I can use to repair the damage?


Reinstalling the updated version of the mod will prevent you from becoming an outcast unless you are actually a vampire, but it won't repair the damage done in saves from v1.7b. If you have a v1.7b save from before you killed the vampires, loading that one should work as long as you have v1.7c installed.

If that doesn't help, it means Satan has assumed your computer and is messing with your games, because it does work on mine. In this case, you need to reset the variable that checks if the Bloodworkers hate you. It's done like this:
set vampireisoutcastblood to 0
and you're golden. After doing this, you might have to feed once before reentering the bloodworkers dungeon, and it must be on a sleeping person, nothing else will work. I could explain why, but it's a lot of headache. Hope this works out!
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:28 am

Also, the mod is now available for download at the TESNexus!

Thanks :)
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Jah Allen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:25 pm

A new hotfix is up. This will probably be the last you'll hear from me in a week, as I'll be working on some web design and then go skiing in the mountains for a few days. after that, I will start working on some mo' clan quests. Try moving 10 NPCs to a totally different cave using PositionCell without editing their IDs, and you'll see why I put this off for later ;)


You will no longer be outcast from vampire society because of the vampire deaths in Bloodcrust Cave, because irritating mods aren't fun.

When trying to advance to the Ancient age, the script used to check if the OTHER vampire had the required items, not you, thus making it impossible to age any further. This is no longer the case.

Improved language in the message telling you you can't deactivate Vampiric Senses.

Fixed some bad stats on the Voidshard, gave it a new model and moved it to a different item ID. If you already have it, it will be updated the next time you feed.

Ghouls and rats should now follow you in a slightly less annoying way when you change cells or Chronoshift.

Improved messages for killing vampires in various situations. Less spammy.
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Markie Mark
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:38 pm

I am not sure if it is how you intended (it might be for all I know), but
the renegade bloodcrust vampires that have to be killed as part of the mage's guild quest
... I cannot even go in the cave and watch the vampire slayers kill them or I get credit for their deaths. Even if I wait outside for them to finish, I can't step into the cave afterwards or I get instantly outlawed from the Society for all those deaths.

If I remember right
killing the vampire slayers
will also advance that quest.
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TOYA toys
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:32 pm

All right, problem with the one quest Origin of the Gray Prince
where you speak with Lord Lovidicus. He says his first two lines of dialogue correctly, and then I only get the option to say 'Goodbye'. He then attacks me.
I gather this is not supposed to happen by looking at the Construction set... is it possible OOO or some other mod is interfering with the dialogue?

Thanks in advance,

Also: one other thing, Rats and some Wolves now attack me, which did not happen in previous versions. This happens even when I am showing my Eyes. Is this likely a conflict with some other mod?
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:23 am

how long does it take for the kindred in barren cave to stop hating you after you piss them off in conversation?
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:20 pm

how long does it take for the kindred in barren cave to stop hating you after you piss them off in conversation?

Until you feed on a sleeping person. I did this for gameplay reasons: you have to get out of the cave and spend some time away from them. I could introduce a timer, but if you pissed them off at 23.59, that would make them hate you for exactly 1 minute unless I went out of my way to make an hour-timer, which is a lot harder than people may think. I assumed most people would just quit the cave, go somewhere else for a while and then when they returned they would have fed on a sleeping guy at some point.

You must have a bottle of blood to give him, otherwise he'll attack!

I've noticed this too... I don't know what it could be. I'll investigate some more.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:06 pm

Ah, the speed with which new bugs pop up in the game and I whack them down with the patch-hammer... It's like the old Whack-A-Mole games!


Updated the Spoiler section of the readme.

With an Alchemy skill of at least 90, you can now brew the Ancient potion yourself.

The daily blood ration at the Bloodworkers' hideout is now free.

Slip Through Keyhole will now open containers, IF your total encumbrance is less than 50 pounds.

Drinking blood bottles will no longer decrease your age when you are Elder or above.

Feeding on rats will no longer remove your hunger and make you Well Fed, instead it just resets the hunger timer and delays your next hunger stage. This has actually been in the mod since v1.7 blank, I just forgot to mention it in the readme.

Fixed a bug in the Kindred dialogue that prevented the Elders from letting you advance to the Ancient stage.

Fixed a bug with Lovidicus' dialogue towards the player at older ages.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:42 pm

Hiya, Nekhanimal, I'm thinking of trying your mod but first I need to ask you a favor. I'm using another VO, Darkness Everlasting, and my vampire character is at the age equivalent of advlt for you mod. I don't want to have to start over as a fledgling vampire(it would ruina my role play for one) so is there a console command to set my age to advlt and to infect me with vampirism again?

I recall reading that the stat "necks bitten" would determine which age level I would be at but DE handles age progression differently than your mod, and I don't have alot of "necks bitten" lol.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:23 pm

Luscilla don't worry I know there is but jst can't think of the way - Await Nekhanimals reply.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 pm

Luscilla don't worry I know there is but jst can't think of the way - Await Nekhanimals reply.

It's in the Spoilers section of the v1.7e readme. Thanks for giving it a try!
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:16 pm

Thank you, Nekhanimal.

I have another problem though. I downloaded it and all I got was a sound fold, the readme, something "Nekhanimalelifedetect" and some other file. But no meshes and textures folder.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:20 pm

I got a problem i jest became a vampire in the test hall sleept 3 days the thing telling me my heart stoped and ect came up but i cant turn vampire sences on i can turn it off no problem tho when i got the full vampireism useing the other grave i had it on i could turn in off but after i turned it off i cant turn it on. Help? :obliviongate:
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:39 pm

I got a problem i jest became a vampire in the test hall sleept 3 days the thing telling me my heart stoped and ect came up but i cant turn vampire sences on i can turn it off no problem tho when i got the full vampireism useing the other grave i had it on i could turn in off but after i turned it off i cant turn it on. Help? :obliviongate:

Don't use the other tombstone. It is made to work with the default Vampirism and cause glitches. Revert to a save prior to activating the second tombstone. Or feed on someone, that might get you back on track.

Sorry if I'm upstaging, Nekhanimal, I just check this thread too often... >.<

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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:07 am

You sure there's no way to tell if the player kills something? Vampires don't take kindly to my companions( or vice-versa), and my followers ended up killing 3-4(first one killed brought up a message saying "he deserved it.") and getting me outcasted. What about Guild expulsions, if a fighters guild member, or a mage, or whatever dies without me doing it I don't get blamed. Also in the "much more complex" category Vows and Covenants has a death tracker that keeps track of every death, and certain conditions under which they were killed in order to reward/punish players.... So are you sure it's not possible to track if the player kills a vampire or not?

Also, anyway to fix mods that added Vampires that need to be killed? Like Origin of the Mages Guild has a quest involving two warring Vampire factions.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 pm

Hey, just a quick bug report:

When I hypnotize someone to ignore my eyes, I get the standard "Hey, we're friends, remember?" The NPC will then say "Oh, oh, it must have been a trick of the light." Then, instead of being able to say "Now, where were we?" like normal, I only get the option "GREETING". I am loading this in about the middle of my load order, as I have to put it past OOO for Blood Bottles to work properly.

Thanks in advance,
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naome duncan
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:12 am

There are no meshes or textures in this mod! Install the Sound folder if you plan on using Verminate a lot, as the footsteps of a big rat pack can fry your soundcard. Why the devil did Bethesda add footstep sounds for creatures anyway?

@ farman13
You must press V on your keyboard to activate and deactivate Vampiric Senses. You aren't supposed to do it by casting the spell. If you are Famished or Ethereal, you cannot deactivate your vampiric senses. Try feeding on someone right after having become a vampire, and then press V to see if it works. Oh, and like a5atar said, for the love of God don't touch that other tombstone! It could crash the game when you feed after having used it.

Of course you won't be welcome in vampire society if you bring in a lot of trigger-happy types with you every time you come to visit! But I see your point. As of v1.7, the Vampirism100 ability, which is the one all of the vanilla vampires have, has a small script. Here's what I'll do in that script:

1. If the vampire is in combat AND the combat target is the player AND the vampire does not have ability X, add ability X to the vampire. I use abilities because they cannot be stolen like items or dispelled like spells, and persist through cell reset.
2. If the vampire is dead AND has ability X, blame the player. If he doesn't have ability X, do nothing.
3. If the vampire's combat target is not the player and the vampire has ability X, remove ability X.

I hope this'll work. As for vampires added by other mods, that I cannot do. You should plan to kill those vampires when you aren't one yourself.

Broody herr!!! That's what I was afraid might happen. It happens because the mod directly edits the text of the greeting topic (a dumb thing to do, but it works as long as you load the mod last.). Any other mod that edits the greeting topic will then overwrite the text, causing it to spell GREETING again.

If you load NAVM after any mods that add dialogue, this should not be a problem. If for some reason you don't want to do that, here's what you can do in the CS:
1. Create a brand new .esp
2. Open the Filtered Dialogue window.
3. Find the topic called GREETING.
4. Change its text to "Now, where were we?"
5. Save. Put this .esp at the very bottom of your load list, so it is loaded last. You can then load NAVM whenever you like, and the GREETING topic will still display the correct text. I'll do this myself and include a file like this in the next patch.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 pm

Okay, thanks a bunch. I have to load NAVM before OOO, because it makes changes to the Human Blood potions, which are incompatible with your Vampire System. But I'll certainly look at that Dialogue fix, thanks!

Also, just in case you don't have enough half-witted suggestions already: you are free to kill Vampires of an opposing clan. Are you also free to feed from them (e.g. Diablerie)? If so, it might not be a bad idea to make this grant you some of the victim's powers.

(Hey, the Vampire Matriarch in Barren Cave was being condescending... I want some way to get back at her once I join the Bloodworkers :lol:)

Thanks again,

Edit: I did load this mod last, actually... meaning other mod's dialogue would have overwritten yours. Did you mean first, meaning it loads before other dialogue? Because as far as I recall, when I had it loaded there it worked perfectly.
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James Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:12 pm

Okay, thanks a bunch. I have to load NAVM before OOO, because it makes changes to the Human Blood potions, which are incompatible with your Vampire System. But I'll certainly look at that Dialogue fix, thanks!

Also, just in case you don't have enough half-witted suggestions already: you are free to kill Vampires of an opposing clan. Are you also free to feed from them (e.g. Diablerie)? If so, it might not be a bad idea to make this grant you some of the victim's powers.

(Hey, the Vampire Matriarch in Barren Cave was being condescending... I want some way to get back at her once I join the Bloodworkers :lol:)

Thanks again,

Edit: I did load this mod last, actually... meaning other mod's dialogue would have overwritten yours. Did you mean first, meaning it loads before other dialogue? Because as far as I recall, when I had it loaded there it worked perfectly.

Diablerizing vampire Patriarchs/Matriarchs is one of the ways to increase your age to Elder/Ancient, once you have enough blood points. It doesn't matter which clan they are. As far as I recall, feeding from other regular vampires is okay if they are in a different clan, but feeding from Patriarchs/Matriarchs will immediately cast you out of vampire society regardless of their clan. Check the VampireFeed script in the .esp, it's in there. I'm also pondering on a way to make it possible to become Antediluvian as an outcast (currently it isn't), since sooner or later I'll have to put the vampire hunters in, and they sure would love a rogue Antediluvian on their side...

In order for the GREETING topic to display the right text, you probably need to load NAVM "on top of" all other mods. I guess this would be loading it last. In the bottom of OBMM's load list is what I'm thinking of. If you loaded this mod first, before OOO and everything, and the dialogue still worked, then... that's weird :P because that's not supposed to work. I'll try doing that myself, though it might work no matter what I do because I only run about 4 mods. We'll see.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:32 pm

Best vampire mod i've ever used.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:04 pm

i did it both ways guys with both tomestones and with the darkbro way and still i cant feed at all i cant turn it on i off ( i already told you i tryed v i held for 30 secs notheing happens! i cant even feed when its off only when its on im stuck its turned off i cant turn it on
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:47 pm

Just another report of dialogue weirdness. After freeing
Lord Lovidicus
, the topics "What do you think of the townsfolk" and "What happened to (Name)" are added to all vampires after you Chat with them. I assume these are intended solely for LL, so not sure what's going on there.

In other news, though, your idea for a dialogue patch did work, so thanks for that. :)


Edit: At the above poster, do you even have OBSE? It's a requirement for the mod to run, if I recall.
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