[RELz] Nekhanimal's Awesome Vampire Mod!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:14 pm

i killed the vampires in the bloodcrust cavern while on the mage's guild quest and was outcast by the society. i entered "set vampireisoutcast to 0" in the console and it said the global variable stuff.. but immediately after i enter it and exit the console i get a message saying i was outcast again. is there more i have to do? i'm not sure if it's important, but i switched to the newer version of NAVM after i killed them.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:00 pm

Just don't go into the cell and you'll be fine. It checks to see if there are dead vampires there, and if there are, you get nailed. Use the command again and don't enter for as long as it takes for the cell to reset (default 3 days).

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:44 am

Thanks for bug reporting, obviously only Lovidicus is supposed to have those dialogue lines. Also, I have a question: If the NPCs in a dungeon are removed for some reason, but not killed, say if they all got Teleportitis and ended up in the Merchant's Inn:
As long as they have no incentive to leave, will they stay out of that dungeon and remain in the merchant's inn on cell reset? Will a whole new set of NPCs spawn in the dungeon, while a duplicate set still remains in the Merchant's Inn? Or will the NPCs in the Inn be removed and a new set spawn in the dungeon?

It seems like the vampirism script doesn't get initialized properly... although if you get the initial vampire message, it should.
Are you using the latest version of the mod?
When you become a vampire, do you get a small message in the corner saying "You are hungry"?
Does your hunger increase? After becoming a vampire, wait 8 hours and see if you become Famished.
When you are hungry and feed (assuming you can), does your age increase?

If the conditions above match, it means the mod is working like it should, but that the Vampiric Senses part of the script fails to run. My guess is OBSE is the culprit. The script uses IsKeyPressed2 to activate Vampiric Senses, and that function requires OBSE. Make sure you've installed it right and are running the OBSE program to start Oblivion, not Oblivion.exe.

@the lobotomist
The best plan:
Install v1.7e, load a save from before you killed the vampires, and go kill them. You won't get blamed. Or, try killing the hunters instead!

The workaround plan:
Load a save from after you killed the vampires, REMOVE yourself from the cell that has the dead vampires and then enter the console command. Don't enter that cell again until it resets.

The patient plan:
Wait for the next patch, where I will have a system that detects whether you actually killed the vampires yourself. You will still need to load a save from before you killed the vampires, though.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:00 pm

Thanks for bug reporting, obviously only Lovidicus is supposed to have those dialogue lines. Also, I have a question: If the NPCs in a dungeon are removed for some reason, but not killed, say if they all got Teleportitis and ended up in the Merchant's Inn:
As long as they have no incentive to leave, will they stay out of that dungeon and remain in the merchant's inn on cell reset? Will a whole new set of NPCs spawn in the dungeon, while a duplicate set still remains in the Merchant's Inn? Or will the NPCs in the Inn be removed and a new set spawn in the dungeon?

I'm not quite sure how to test that... under what circumstances would this occur? In any case, I'd try looking at the CS Wiki: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Cell_Reset and http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:NPC.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:48 pm

There's nothing like discovering that 8 months of sweat, tears and blood (especially blood) have gone to waste. There is a horrible, gaping hole in the CS that I've overlooked, and which breaks the mod like nothing else:
When an ability is added to an NPC or creature, every instance of that NPC or creature will have that ability on cell reset.

This means that every rat in the game will suddenly get the plague when you Verminate just one. If you get the Voidshard quest from a vampire Barbarian, you can get the reward from any vampire Barbarian in the game. There are probably dozens of other flaws like these, and here's what I'm going to do about it:
Every clan vampire will be a named, persistent reference, and have its own base object. This means hand-placing them in the dungeons.
The quests will only be given by clan vampires.
The ancient potion will only be given by clan Patriarchs/Matriarchs. I'll have to add some more
The Verminate ability will be removed, and replaced with one that is just as awesome, but doesn't break the game.

Needless to say, this will take some time. I'll release a small patch soon that takes care of some minor problems, and then work on the big ones in v1.8. In the meantime, don't use Verminate. Sorry for bugging up your game, everyone!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:57 pm

There's nothing like discovering that 8 months of sweat, tears and blood (especially blood) have gone to waste.


Needless to say, this will take some time. I'll release a small patch soon that takes care of some minor problems, and then work on the big ones in v1.8. In the meantime, don't use Verminate. Sorry for bugging up your game, everyone!

Dang, that's harsh! Well I for one appreciate this awesome mod, it is the only way I can ever play a Vampire.

Good luck!

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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 pm

Needless to say, this will take some time. I'll release a small patch soon that takes care of some minor problems, and then work on the big ones in v1.8. In the meantime, don't use Verminate. Sorry for bugging up your game, everyone!

That's really annoying. Not only because of all the work you've put in but because this approach by necessity adds some compatibility issues that weren't present before.

On an unrelated note, in the previous thread you said I could do some work on the dungeons themselves to to make them more 'vampire-esque' if I wanted, and I have done this to Barren Cave - mostly by adding in elements of shrine and imperial dungeon tileset to make it look like the rooms actually have a purpose rather than just random cave formations. If you want screens or the .esp itself, just send me a PM or something. I appreciate, of course, if you're wary of including other people's work in your mod, even as an add-on.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:35 pm

...When an ability is added to an NPC or creature, every instance of that NPC or creature will have that ability on cell reset...
doh! this just dawned on me as well after a recent CS thread about token scripts.

edit: actually, i didn't find arbitrary npcs having the ability on cell reset in my mod - because i remove the ability very soon after the player moves away from the npc. but that could be the case.

nekhanimal: here's a good article in the wiki about token scripts: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Unplayable_Items#Properties_of_unplayable_items
and here's the CS thread windom earle pointed it out to me: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=959335
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:30 am

edit, stupidity post
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:23 pm

I'm having a little trouble advancing to Ancient stage. I've got everything needed, but the Patriarchs and Matriarchs don't gave anything in their conversation options about it. Did I break something or am I talking to the wrong people?

EDIT: Also, despite having the book asked for, the scorcerer won't give me the magedrainer spell.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 pm

I've loved this mod and I've created a char just for it.
The thing is... I'm bugged. Your vampire mod prevents me from .... becoming a vampire.

As said before I get the lungs stopping message, something about a perfect night on the top right corner and then nothing.
I have the disease but Im not a vampire. I cant feed and I don't have any vampire powers/attributes. I tried waiting and sleeping but it doesn't seem to work.

Any hints?
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:03 pm

Oh, I'm thinking one of my other mods may be interfering.
I'm using:
-akatosh mount by Saiden Storm
-Daedly reflex 5
-DLC Vile Lair
-KT_Costume Racefix
-Ren beauty pack

I'm using the vanilla version.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:38 pm

How does appearance (the purely cosmetic aspect) work in this mod? I'm one of the very few people who enjoys having his vampire look like, well, a vampire and not an anime character or something (ie I like the vanilla vampire appearance or at least something that distinguishes me from non-vampires appearance wise).
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:40 pm

Very nice Presentation of a pretty cool mod. I guess you are into Vampire Rpg.

Do the Statsbuffs work like normal fortify or vanilla vampire buffs?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:26 pm

Bookmarked for near-future download :) As Bakarus said, the feature list is very intriguing. Just a couple questions though. Vampires are hurt by sunlight. And moonlight is just reflecting the sun. So why can Vampires go out during the night and not the day? On a more serious note, will the mod still work if you become a vampire after getting cured? Anyways, fantastic work m8, I'm really looking forward to the addition of hunters :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:34 pm

Bookmarked for near-future download :) As Bakarus said, the feature list is very intriguing. Just a couple questions though. Vampires are hurt by sunlight. And moonlight is just reflecting the sun. So why can Vampires go out during the night and not the day? On a more serious note, will the mod still work if you become a vampire after getting cured? Anyways, fantastic work m8, I'm really looking forward to the addition of hunters :D

If I had to venture a serious guess it would be that the amount of light reflected off the moon to earth is insignificant, it's something like 5% and is also clouded by dust in the atmosphere. The amount that water reflects, on other hand, is like 80% by comparison, which is why it's very easy to get sunburned while kayaking or canoeing etc..
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Becky Cox
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:27 pm

I hope Nekhanimal is still working on this - he hasn't posted anywhere in two weeks and hasn't said anything in this thread for longer than that.

Hopefully he'll get back soon - question seem to be piling up. From poking around in the CS so much, I can answer some questions, maybe...

@Bakarus: Stat boosts are added as a disease (though they'll be added back instantly if removed - the disease part is really a technicality) and so you will be able to reach totals over 100.

@Horstz: I see no reasons why any of those would conflict. If in doubt, run OBMM's conflict detector function. Also, make sure you have OBSE Installed, as per the readme.

@Chaaar: to the best of my knowledge, this mod doesn't affect aesthetics - though when you're well fed, your character will, in fact, look normal and not vampiric. Vampire Race Disabler is the best Vamp Aesthetics mod to use, IMO. It's modular, so you can disable whatever parts you like of the default vampire appearance - aging, paleness, eyes, whatever.
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:29 am

So, I fixed my problem (turns out I had to reinstall OBSE), but now I have another problem.
I don't know if this has been answered before.

My vampire doesn't age. I can be 3143213 days without feeding and nothing happens.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 pm

It kinda svcks the fun of being a vamp.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:21 pm

Is this thread alive? I must say that this is the best vamp mod I've ever used but I am getting a problem-

This problem only started recently; When feeding the person I'm feeding upon wakes up and walks away (because of the feeding) and so I don't get the bloodpoints, but I do sate my blood thirst. Is anything causing this?

Also, it would be awesome if one of the rewards for becoming an ancient, per se, would be transformation into a bat/wolf (a la lithian's nature of the beast) and that when you feed on someone, their max health is decreased by a certain amount; meaning that you can kill people by feeding (otherwise feeding just gets silly - you can feed on the same damn beggar permanently and he won't bat an eyelid!). also what would be cool (if you implemented the last idea) would be a texture to give the victim a "dried" appearance - kinda like in the mummy when imhotep svcks those guys dry (in a non-pormographic sense).

Anyway - awesome work generally! xx
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:33 pm

those using this mod, be warned by Nekhanimals post:
There's nothing like discovering that 8 months of sweat, tears and blood (especially blood) have gone to waste. There is a horrible, gaping hole in the CS that I've overlooked, and which breaks the mod like nothing else:
When an ability is added to an NPC or creature, every instance of that NPC or creature will have that ability on cell reset.

This means that every rat in the game will suddenly get the plague when you Verminate just one. If you get the Voidshard quest from a vampire Barbarian, you can get the reward from any vampire Barbarian in the game. There are probably dozens of other flaws like these, and here's what I'm going to do about it:
Every clan vampire will be a named, persistent reference, and have its own base object. This means hand-placing them in the dungeons.
The quests will only be given by clan vampires.
The ancient potion will only be given by clan Patriarchs/Matriarchs. I'll have to add some more
The Verminate ability will be removed, and replaced with one that is just as awesome, but doesn't break the game.

Needless to say, this will take some time. I'll release a small patch soon that takes care of some minor problems, and then work on the big ones in v1.8. In the meantime, don't use Verminate. Sorry for bugging up your game, everyone!

he may still be working out the bugs.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:51 pm

This mod is not dead, yet. I've just had some other things to work on. Right, so what remains to be done in the mod before 1.8 will be out, is to take all the conversation trigger abilities I've used (of which there are about 20, probably more) and make them tokens instead. It's boring machine work, and needs to be tested a lot, so things probably won't pick up until the end of May. Sorry, you guys.

I'm having a little trouble advancing to Ancient stage. I've got everything needed, but the Patriarchs and Matriarchs don't gave anything in their conversation options about it. Did I break something or am I talking to the wrong people?

EDIT: Also, despite having the book asked for, the scorcerer won't give me the magedrainer spell.

I'll take a look at those Patriarchs. The Magedrainer is definitely a bug, somehow the result script of that dialogue has been erased. Fixed in v1.8.

How does appearance (the purely cosmetic aspect) work in this mod? I'm one of the very few people who enjoys having his vampire look like, well, a vampire and not an anime character or something (ie I like the vanilla vampire appearance or at least something that distinguishes me from non-vampires appearance wise).

The vanilla face aging is removed, so the player and NPCs will show their true ages. When you are Well Fed, you look just like a human, but as you grow hungry, your appearance will change, and NPCs around you will initially refuse to talk to you.

Is this thread alive? I must say that this is the best vamp mod I've ever used but I am getting a problem-

This problem only started recently; When feeding the person I'm feeding upon wakes up and walks away (because of the feeding) and so I don't get the bloodpoints, but I do sate my blood thirst. Is anything causing this?

Also, it would be awesome if one of the rewards for becoming an ancient, per se, would be transformation into a bat/wolf (a la lithian's nature of the beast) and that when you feed on someone, their max health is decreased by a certain amount; meaning that you can kill people by feeding (otherwise feeding just gets silly - you can feed on the same damn beggar permanently and he won't bat an eyelid!). also what would be cool (if you implemented the last idea) would be a texture to give the victim a "dried" appearance - kinda like in the mummy when imhotep svcks those guys dry (in a non-pormographic sense).

Anyway - awesome work generally! xx

Weird Bug Award. Seriously, that's a pear-shaped, 9-legged beetle mofo with parsil growing out of its ears you've got there. What really puzzles me is that you don't get the blood points, because that means my script has gone bad. I take it you are using the latest version of OBSE.
The waking up could be a fluke of the Oblivion AI, or it could be some mod interfering... but if it's a mod, here's what it must be doing:
1. Detect if player.hasvampirefed returns 1
2. Place an activator near the player's feet and make it cast a small AoE spell that excludes the player.
3. That spell must have a script forcing the target to do something other than sleeping.
This is because there is no way for the game to figure out who you recently fed from. Of course it could be an old script that I forgot to remove, but it's more likely an AI issue. Does it happen with everyone, or is it just one particular person? Are there people around you when you feed, so that they turn hostile and wake him up, or do you have a ridiculously large bounty? Try sneaking up on a well hidden beggar and feed undetected. Again, congratulations on the award *hands you a golden statue of the bug described*
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:42 pm

I've been enjoying your mod, but I tend to get a lot of CTD's when I wait for a long time. Like if I wait long enough to perhaps go from fed status to starving status it tends to CTD. I'm not sure if its something in your script or possibly another mod causing the bug, it seemed to be stable at first but I've added a few other mods.

Any ideas what might make my game crash when I wait?

EDIT: I disabled reneer's guard overhaul and the crashing has gone away under about an hour of play, so I think that was it. Keep up the great work on your mod!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:54 am

Madmole- I dunno if this is the best fix, but it works pretty well for me. Download weOCPS and add it to your /obse/plugins folder. Fixes pretty much every CTD I had to start with.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

I've been playing this mod a lot. One thing I noticed was when you violent feed on a corpse, the whole corpse disappears! Is that intentional? It seems to me that it should just drain the blood from the body and leave the body.

Wustehase: It doesn't seem to crash any more with RGO removed. That mod had some other bugs which annoyed me as well so I don't mind leaving it uninstalled.
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