This mod is not dead, yet. I've just had some other things to work on. Right, so what remains to be done in the mod before 1.8 will be out, is to take all the conversation trigger abilities I've used (of which there are about 20, probably more) and make them tokens instead. It's boring machine work, and needs to be tested a lot, so things probably won't pick up until the end of May. Sorry, you guys.
I'm having a little trouble advancing to Ancient stage. I've got everything needed, but the Patriarchs and Matriarchs don't gave anything in their conversation options about it. Did I break something or am I talking to the wrong people?
EDIT: Also, despite having the book asked for, the scorcerer won't give me the magedrainer spell.
I'll take a look at those Patriarchs. The Magedrainer is definitely a bug, somehow the result script of that dialogue has been erased. Fixed in v1.8.
How does appearance (the purely cosmetic aspect) work in this mod? I'm one of the very few people who enjoys having his vampire look like, well, a vampire and not an anime character or something (ie I like the vanilla vampire appearance or at least something that distinguishes me from non-vampires appearance wise).
The vanilla face aging is removed, so the player and NPCs will show their true ages. When you are Well Fed, you look just like a human, but as you grow hungry, your appearance will change, and NPCs around you will initially refuse to talk to you.
Is this thread alive? I must say that this is the best vamp mod I've ever used but I am getting a problem-
This problem only started recently; When feeding the person I'm feeding upon wakes up and walks away (because of the feeding) and so I don't get the bloodpoints, but I do sate my blood thirst. Is anything causing this?
Also, it would be awesome if one of the rewards for becoming an ancient, per se, would be transformation into a bat/wolf (a la lithian's nature of the beast) and that when you feed on someone, their max health is decreased by a certain amount; meaning that you can kill people by feeding (otherwise feeding just gets silly - you can feed on the same damn beggar permanently and he won't bat an eyelid!). also what would be cool (if you implemented the last idea) would be a texture to give the victim a "dried" appearance - kinda like in the mummy when imhotep svcks those guys dry (in a non-pormographic sense).
Anyway - awesome work generally! xx
Weird Bug Award. Seriously, that's a pear-shaped, 9-legged beetle mofo with parsil growing out of its ears you've got there. What really puzzles me is that you don't get the blood points, because that means my script has gone bad. I take it you are using the latest version of OBSE.
The waking up could be a fluke of the Oblivion AI, or it could be some mod interfering... but if it's a mod, here's what it must be doing:
1. Detect if player.hasvampirefed returns 1
2. Place an activator near the player's feet and make it cast a small AoE spell that excludes the player.
3. That spell must have a script forcing the target to do something other than sleeping.
This is because there is no way for the game to figure out who you recently fed from. Of course it could be an old script that I forgot to remove, but it's more likely an AI issue. Does it happen with everyone, or is it just one particular person? Are there people around you when you feed, so that they turn hostile and wake him up, or do you have a ridiculously large bounty? Try sneaking up on a well hidden beggar and feed undetected. Again, congratulations on the award *hands you a golden statue of the bug described*