Ok here's the issue I'm having. I have the Glenvar Castle mod installed, and the very first encounter you have is a vampire clan living underneath. I killed 3 of the Vampires down there before deciding that it was a bit higher level than I could handle at my level, so I moved on. I started on the DB quests and accepted Vincent's offer to become a vamp. I then installed NAVM. I went back to the castle and started just walking around, safe and sound because I was a vampire. Well, I entered one area through a load-screen inducing door (we'll call the first side side "A", and the new area side "B"). After wandering a bit and pickpocketing a key, I went back to area "A" to check a different door. As soon as I was through the load-screen door, I received the expulsion pop-up, and was attacked. So I tried again, same deal. I loaded pre-pickpocket of the master key, same outcome. I tried the "setvampireisoutcast to 0," with the same result. As I type this I'm uninstalling and reinstalling the Glenvar castle mod in hopes that it will reset the whole scenario, so wish me luck. I was curious though as to if it was me having killed those other 3 vamps before I became a vamp myself that got me into trouble. Note that it was more than 3 days (standard reset) before I returned to Glenvar. Any help or explanation would be appreciated

Ok so I reinstalled the mod, and ran through it again. Would killing skeletons be enough to be expelled from a sanctuary? Things were very hairy escaping the halls with 15+ angry vampires chasing me, and now I'm scared to go back in =/ So I'm back at square 1