The old thread reached its post limit, and the mod reached a new version, so here we go again!
Download links:;13712603;/fileinfo.html
1. Important info
2. Vampire characteristics
3. Vampire Society
4. Hunger
5. Age and Powers
1. Important info
To install the mod, put the .esp in your Data folder and load a game or start a new one. Any vampire saves you have will make the transition from vanilla vampire to Nekhanimal's awesome ones, though you might have to feed once in order to get all the new abilities. Make sure you load this mod as recently as possible, or you might get some strange dialogue options.
This mod requires OBSE to work (, version 0015a or higher.
Dialogue (important):
In order for the dialogue in the mod to be readable, you need to install Tes4Gecko and use its "Generate Silent Voices" option on this .esp. Gecko takes about 500kb, and saves you the hassle of having to download 50 megabytes of silence.
To uninstall this mod, you need to write
set uninstallvampiremod to 1
in console, and do what the messagebox says. If you don't uninstall it correctly before removing the .esp, problems can and will occur.
The Sound folder is taken from the "Quiet Feet" mod, and disables rat footsteps. This saves an enormous amount of stress on the sound card when using the Verminate ability. It is higly recommended if you are using a laptop or have an old soundcard, as well as the rest of the "Quiet Feet" mod. Put the folder in your Data folder with the .esp(s).
The GREETING fix .esp is intended for those of you who don't want to put NAVM in the bottom of your load order, perhaps because of a mod conflict. If you load NAVM before any mod that edits dialogue, people might start saying "GREETING" to you in various situations. To stop this, activate "NAVM GREETING fix.esp" and put it in the very bottom of your load order. You can then load the NAVM main .esp wherever you like.
The NekhanimalLifeDetect.esp is a custom life detect shader that is intended for vampires to use. NOTE: If you use Supreme Magicka and want it to work with my Life Detect, you must set SMDetectLifeOn to 0 in the Supreme Magicka .ini.
This mod was made by Nekhanimal. It is based on the default vampire script (which is as bug free as any), and includes the fixes done by MJA in his mod. You are encouraged to send your thoughts about it to Nekhanimal at, post in the mod's forum thread or PM Nekhanimal in the Bethesda forums.
Good night!
2. Vampire characteristics:
To become a vampire, wait for three days after having contracted Porphyric Hemophilia, and then sleep somewhere. If this somewhere is indoors or outside after dark, you will then awake as a vampire. Loading a vanilla vampire save works fine, but the process will not be complete until you feed on something.
All vampires have a 100% weakness to fire.
All vampires are 100% resistant to paralysis, poison and disease.
All vampires can breathe underwater.
All vampires take damage from the sun, but some less than others.
All vampires are initially friendly to each other.
3. The Society of the Damned:
Vampires acknowledge each others' struggle. Even the most lowly vampire will be given refuge from its persecutors in the lair of others, though he might not be treated with much respect, as an inexperienced fledgling is often a nuisance to the elders.
Most Undead fear the vampires, and avoid getting into combat with them if they can. Liches, being the kings of the underworld, are not intimidated so easily. Necromancers are of course not fooled, either.
A vampire will often find himself depending on the aid of others. Asking other vampires if they need help might in turn help you.
Vampires can feed on bottles of Human Blood, though this is not as potent as feeding on live humans. Such bottles can be found in the wild, or they can be bought from other vampires, given that they have any and that they respect you enough. Contrarily, if you have an extra bottle of Human Blood with you, you can sell it to other vampires. Depending on your age and Mercantile skill, you might get better deals on such trades.
There are two major crimes in the Society of the Damned: killing a vampire and feeding on a vampire. Normally aged vampires can commit three offenses before being outlawed, while older vampires can stretch the laws of the Damned far longer. However, there are exceptions. Clan warfare is normally not judged by vampires outside the clan.
You must usually be an advlt vampire to take on quests. Once you learn about a quest from a vampire, that particular vampire will become your quest-giver for that quest. These quests do not show up in your quest log, but you can ask the quest-giver about them once you've accepted them.
Evil Warrior quest - Eliminate the witnesses:
This quest will be given to you by any vampire Barbarian, and requires that you have an Infamy of at least 20.
The reward is a sword called the Voidshard, which is lighter, sharper and faster than other swords, needs hardly ever be repaired and carries some wicked abilities as well.
Mage quest - Find the Book:
This quest will be given to you by any vampire spellcaster.
Additional Content - The Lord's Release
Talk to Lord Lovidicus as a vampire to start this "quest". The rewards are many.
There are two vampire clans in Cyrodiil, the Bloodworkers and the Kindred. Joining either clan will make the other hostile. Non-clan vampires will not care about which clan you are.
The Bloodworkers reside Beneath the Bloodworks in the Imperial Sewers. To join them, you need a key to the Imperial Palace Sewers. This key can be had from one of the Bloodworker clansmen by asking them about their clan, or you can get it from the Thieves Guild. Talk to one of the clan leaders in the Palace Sewers to join. The joining fee is 300 gold, and you must be an advlt vampire to do it.
Once you are a Bloodworker, you will get a free bottle of Human Blood every day from the clan leaders in the Palace Sewers.
The Kindred reside in the Barren Cave, on the way from Cheydinhal to the Imperial City. You must be Mature in order to join them. To join, talk to one of the vampire Matriarchs/Patriarchs in the cave. The joining fee is 1000 gold if you've done no quests for Kindred vampires, 600 gold if you've done either the mage or warrior quest for a Kindred vampire, and 300 gold if you've done both vampire quests for Kindred vampires.
Once you've joined, you will have access to a merchant in the Barren Cave who sells nothing, but accepts all items except stolen ones, has 800 gold to barter for (more if you are using Living Economy) and is open day and night.
4. Hunger:
There are 4 hunger stages, like in ordinary Oblivion. To keep things fairly balanced, it's not advisable to set TimeScale below 20 in the console (30 is the default). Hunger will drain many of your attributes (and enhance some), make you unattractive to NPCs and really make you fear the sun, but like in ordinary Oblivion, there are some benefits to it as well...
Stage 1: Well Fed
The vampire is at its most human stage at this point, looking just like an ordinary mortal. It is said that some of the oldest known vampires can actually linger outside in the sun for a while, as long as they stay well fed. Although a vampire looks normal at this point, its body is much stronger than that of an ordinary human.
- Fortify Strength 10
- Fortify Speed 5
- Fortify Willpower 5
- Fortify Agility 5
- Fortify Health 25
- Shield 4
Stage 2: Hungry
The vampiric nature becomes obvious, and any mortals you pass will often notice this and say as much. Talking to one of them while Hungry is not recommended, unless you have the ability to hypnotize them. Light will glare your eye, mortals will appear as tasty pieces of flesh, and the sun will cause almost immediate death. Still, a Hungry vampire is stronger than most regular humans.
- Detect Life 35
- Fortify Strength 5
- Fortify Health 10
- Fortify Speed 10
- Fortify Willpower 5
- Feather 10
- Shield 2
- Sun Damage 5
Stage 3: Famished
A Famished vampire is reduced to a gaunt, shady beast, veering on the edge of paranormality as its stolen blood reserves wither away. Humans will despise and fear such a creature, and most would say that a Famished vampire is an easy match in combat, compared to a well-nourished human. Looks can deceive, however - such a vampire is an able spellcaster that can move like the wind and see in the dark, and though it is more susceptible to magic than a well-fed vampire, it takes less damage from ordinary weapons.
- Drain Strength 20
- Drain Agility 20
- Drain Fatigue 65
- Drain Health 25
- Detect Life 70
- Fortify Speed 20
- Fortify Acrobatics 30
- Fortify Athletics 20
- Fortify Magicka 30
- Feather 50
- Night-Eye
- Resist Normal Weapons 35
- Sun Damage 10
- Weakness to Magic 25
Stage 4: Ethereal
A vampire without blood is nothing. Should it go too long without feeding, a vampire will dissolve into a blur of wisps and shadows. Yet the soul may survive if the body is strong enough. As the vampiric soul is left in peace by the Undead, can hardly be damaged by ordinary weapons or great falls and may even walk on water, there have been reports of vampires starving themselves to near death, hoping to become invulnerable. Those few hopeful soon discovered that an Ethereal vampire is easily destroyed by magic, and that using any kind of physical attack is futile in such a state.
- No Strength
- No Agility
- Drain Fatigue 60
- Drain Health 60
- No Blade
- No Blunt
- No Marksman
- No Hand to Hand
- No Block
- Detect Life 150
- Fortify Speed 30
- Fortify Acrobatics 70
- Fortify Athletics 50
- Fortify Sneak 60
- Fortify Magicka 60
- Feather 140
- Night-Eye
- Resist Normal Weapons 80
- Sun Damage 20
- Water Walking
- Weakness to Magic 50
- No Fall Damage
Power: Slip Through Keyhole
A lesser power that is available when you become Ethereal, and only then. Unlocks and automatically opens any door on touch, but not containers, and not doors that need keys. Opening owned doors like this does not incur a bounty.
Perk: Melding in the shadows
Crouching while Ethereal makes you completely invisible. You must be undetected for this to happen.
Perk: Ghostly Flight
You do not take fall damage while you are Ethereal.
5. Age and Powers:
As you feed, you will gain Blood Points. When you have enough Blood Points, you will advance in age. Each age level comes with perks and powers, these are described below. To acquire the highest age levels, you must go through additional ordeals besides getting the required Blood points. These tasks will be made clear to you by older vampires. Once you've achieved the required blood points, go talk to a vampire elder to learn how to reach the next age. The vampires that can age you are listed in the Spoilers section.
Age 1: Fledgling
Fledglings require blood every 8 hours.
1 Shield
10 Sun Damage
1 point of fatigue at night.
Power: Vampiric Senses
Toggled by holding the V button down. A lesser power you can switch off and on, which costs no Magicka and gives 70 Life Detect and Night-Eye, but also adds vampiric eyes and therefore reveals your nature to NPCs, who will in most cases refuse to talk to you. This does not affect your hunger status. You cannot use Vampiric Senses when you are Famished or Ethereal, but there's no need to, either. If you are Well Fed, you must use Vampiric Senses for other vampires to recognize you... unless you have reached a high age.
Fledgling vampires are not yet accepted into vampire society.
Age 2 (25 blood): Caitiff
Caitiff vampires require blood every 10 hours.
8 Sun Damage
2 Shield
Fortify Endurance 5
Fortify Strength 5
Fortify Speed 5
Fortify Agility 5
Fortify Personality 10
2 points of fatigue at night.
Perk: Vampiric Deception
You can now talk to NPCs that would normally hate you for looking like a vampire or using Vampiric Senses, including quest characters. You cannot do this when you are Famished or Ethereal, and you can still not hypnotize guards without consequences.
Power: Blood Buff
A greater power that gives tremendous boosts to physical attributes, athletics, acrobatics, sneak, hand to hand, health regeneration and shielding. It lasts for 2 minutes, but will start to lose efficiency after 30 seconds. Unfortunately, it also advances your hunger status one level when used. You cannot use Blood Buff when you are Ethereal.
Caitiff vampires have enough respect with other vampires to small-talk and barter with them.
Age 3 (55 Blood): advlt
advlt vampires require blood every 12 hours.
Shield 3
Sun Damage 6
Fortify Endurance 5
Fortify Strength 5
Fortify Speed 5
Fortify Agility 5
Fortify Personality 10
Resistance To Magic 3
Fortify Magicka 15
Resist Normal Weapons 4
2 points of fatigue, 1 point of health, at night.
Power: Violent Feed
You can feed from all humans and dremora if not in combat, damaging them a little bit, often knocking them out and restoring your Health and Magicka, but also draining your fatigue. This is likely to alert nearby guards, so it's not recommended if you're in town. Feed on sleeping characters to avoid attention.
You can also feed in combat, damaging your enemies more than when you're not in combat, but with less chance of knocking them out. This will also drain your fatigue much more, and restore your health and magicka less, than feeding when not in combat. Successfully feeding in combat depends on character level and skill. Having a high Hand to Hand skill is important for you to succeed, as is a high Block skill for the enemy to defend against it. For example, Bandit Archers make good targets for combat feeding, Imperial Guards do not.
You can feed from creatures like rats, boars and deer. Feeding from creatures restores nothing and does not advance blood points, but it will keep you nourished. You cannot feed from daedra, undead or large creatures like bears, horses or minotaurs.
You can feed from the dead, as long as they match the criteria for living feed targets.
As with most other vampiric powers, you cannot use the feed spell in Ethereal mode.
advlt vampires have enough respect within the vampire society to accept simple quests and be rewarded for them, and to join certain clans.
Age 4 (90 blood): Mature
Mature vampires require blood every 16 hours. They need a Willpower of at least 50 to be able to feed on animals.
Shield 4
Sun Damage 4
Fortify Endurance 10
Fortify Strength 10
Fortify Speed 10
Fortify Agility 10
Fortify Personality 10
Fortify Willpower 10
Resist Magic 6
Fortify Magicka 30
Resist Normal Weapons 8
2 points of fatigue, 1 point of health, 1 point of magicka, at night.
Perk: Strong Will
You can now hypnotize guards into thinking you are a regular human, and saying Boo! to people will now spook them. Your Willpower is also permanently increased by 10.
Power: Banish
A wicked power that becomes available when you are Famished. Cast on any mortal, it will slowly banish them from the physical world. Attacking their manifestation will speed up the process. During this period of limbo, they are much weaker than usual, though their magical abilities remain unchanged. You cannot banish more than one target at a time, so choose them wisely. Naturally, you are unable to loot banished targets.
Once a victim has been banished, a part of their soul will merge with yours and restore health, fatigue and mana. Banishing three targets counts as feeding.
You cannot banish animals, daedra, dremora or the undead, nor other vampires. Unlike most other vampiric abilities, this one remains available when you are Ethereal.
Mature vampires can join any clan they wish.
Age 5 (130 blood): Elder
Elder vampires require blood every 20 hours. Elder vampires need a Willpower of 70 to be able to feed from animals, and feeding from bottled blood or dead victims will not age them.
Shield 5
Sun Damage 3
Fortify Endurance 10
Fortify Strength 10
Fortify Speed 10
Fortify Agility 10
Fortify Personality 10
Fortify Willpower 10
Resist Magic 9
Fortify Magicka 45
Resist Normal Weapons 12
Reflect Damage 5
2 points of fatigue, 1 point of health, 2 points of Magicka, at night.
Power: The Vermin God
Ancient vampires can accumulate an army of plague-bearing rats and unleash them on any target. By casting a spell on an ordinary rat, it will become infected and follow you wherever you go. After a while, it will grow in size, and if your rat pack is larger than 2 individuals, they may multiply. You may have as many rats as you like.
Casting the same spell on any non-rat target will make your rats attack that target. They will not stop until they or the target are dead. Marking a target this way is not a hostile act. Rats will not attack other creatures.
When you cast the spell on a non-rat target, there is a chance that this target will get Plague. If it does get the plague, there is also a chance that the plague will spread to any nearby targets.
You can turn the plague shader on dead victims off by writing
set plaguevictims to 0
in console. This will only effect new plague victims.
Elder vampires have enough respect within the vampire society to get better deals when buying and selling blood. They can commit more crimes within the vampiric society without becoming outcasts.
Age 6 (175 blood): Ancient
Ancient vampires require blood every 24 hours, and cannot feed on animals.
Shield 6
Sun Damage 2
Fortify Endurance 15
Fortify Strength 15
Fortify Speed 15
Fortify Agility 15
Fortify Personality 10
Fortify Willpower 10
Resist Magic 12
Fortify Magicka 60
Resist Normal Weapons 16
Reflect Damage 10
Reflect Spell 10
2 points of health, magicka and fatigue at night.
Power: Forecast
The greatest of the Ancient's powers is perhaps its ability to shield itself from the sun's harmful rays, simply by obscuring them with rain and clouds. Once activated, this power summons a raging thunderstorm that will greatly reduce any sun damage.
You must be outdoors in order to Forecast, and you may only do it in normal weather situations. The storm will remain active until you deactivate it. After deactivating it, you must wait 24 hours to Forecast again.
While the storm is active, your Magicka will constantly suffer from the concentration needed to uphold it. The rate at which it is damaged depends on your Alteration, Conjuration and Illusion skills. Your Fatigue will also be damaged.
Power: Chronosphere
Chronoshifting, the power to bend time and space, is available to Ancient vampires. By focusing their mind on a particular object (the one in their crosshair), they can instantly transfer themselves to it. Trees, rocks, animals, plants and ruins are good targets for Cronoshifting outdoors. Indoors you can Cronoshift to any spot, whether there is an object there or not.
Opening a portal through the void always carries the possibility of setting free a part of the void itself. This possibility is very low when you are Ethereal and higher when you are Well Fed.
The distance you can Chronoshift is directly tied to your Mysticism skill and your hunger level. Increasing these will allow you to Chronoshift more efficiently.
Age 7 (250 blood): Antediluvian
Antediluvian vampires require blood every 48 hours.
Shield 10
Sun Damage 1
Fortify Endurance 20
Fortify Strength 20
Fortify Speed 20
Fortify Agility 20
Fortify Personality 10
Fortify Willpower 10
Resist Magic 15
Fortify Magicka 75
Resist Normal Weapons 20
Reflect Damage 15
Reflect Spell 20
Spell Absorption 15
Regeneration: 2 points of health, magicka and fatigue at night.
Power: Diluvium
You have the power to sire humans as ghouls, which is a term for a blood-bound servant. Since they are not vampires, they will not be bothered by the sun. Both the undead and other vampires will recognize ghouls as your property and leave them alone, though they might respond violently if your ghouls attack them. You cannot sire essential characters, and you can only have a maximum of 3 ghouls.
To sire a ghoul, approach a sleeping target and give them a sip of your blood by using the Diluvium spell on them. You can only do this once a day, and if you are detected by anyone while doing this you will receive a bounty increase of 50. After having given the target your blood, simply wake them up and talk to them with your vampiric eyes showing.
Given the right command, a ghoul will try to follow you everywhere you go, including fast travel and Chronoshifting. They will aid you in combat, but only against foes they dislike themselves. If a ghoul dies, you can sire another.
You can ask a ghoul to stay put. It will then wander around the current location until you tell it to do otherwise. Such a ghoul still counts towards your total ghoul limit of 3.
You can command a ghoul to forget everything about you. It will do so, and attempt to resume its mortal life. Doing this will free up space for another ghoul. If you ever want to sire this particular ghoul again, all you have to do is talk to it with your vampiric eyes showing.
If your ghoul is a guard and you have the money, you can ask it to erase your bounty. You can only do this once per ghoul, and you cannot erase bounties larger than 1000.
You can ask a ghoul to take a nap, which will make it search for a nearby bed and sleep indefinitely. It will sleep in an unowned bed, but not one owned by the player. You can use this opportunity to feed from it, or you can wake it up and let it keep following you. Like a waiting ghoul, a sleeping ghoul will also count towards your maximum ghoul limit.
Attacking your ghoul will not make it hostile, and it will not try to arrest you or increase your bounty. Attacking a ghoul does however count as a crime to other mortals.
Antediluvians will never become outcasts, but they can be exiled from clans.
Other stuff I've planned:
More clans, and more quests for them.
A way to access ghouls' inventory.
The ability to start your own clan.
A vampire hunters' guild, that will start hunting you if you attract attention. You can join them as a non-vampire.
Good night!
Download links:;13712603;/fileinfo.html
Good night!