Jacobstown Representative - NeilPresident Sutler
"Ah, FEV-Creature," he said with a grimace. "I have an offer that I doubt you'll consider but I feel obliged to make giving the nature of my position. Are you prepared to listen?"
*Neil smirks and looks Sutler in the eyes*
"Yes, Mr. Sutler, I will listen, because, unlike some,
I see all variations of humans and mutants as equals and am willing to hear all parties out."
President Sutler
"The matter in question does not partain to FEV-Mutants themselves, but rather that the FEV-Mutants residing at Mt Charlston are in posetion of something I require - alive and unharmed; I am considering posting a bounty for the capture of this individual, tell me Mutant - what is your relationship to the other Mutants. Bearing in mind of course that my predecessors are responsible for the creation of the majority of your kind."
*Neil's brow drops and a slight twitch can be observed on the left side of his mouth*
"I assure you, Mr. Sutler, that Jacobstown is not in possession of anything belonging to you. I'm going to assume that you are talking about Dr. Henry, who, and you probably know this already, is living in Jacobstown because he disliked the practices, or rather atrocities, of your group. And if you think even for a second that we will throw him -- who found a cure for the Nightkin and who has helped more mutants than anyone in recent memory -- to your wolves, then you're insane. The choice would be up to Henry of course, but, knowing what you probably have in store for him as I'm sure you have labeled him a "deserter," I doubt he will go with you, and we will not let you or anyone else take him Jacobstown."
*Neil calms himself and turns to Lobo*
"Thank you for your support, it is much appreciated. I have other, more promising things to discuss with you once our problems with Mr. Sutler have been worked out."
President Sutler
*Sutler moved his hand closer to his Gauss Pistol*
"It'd be prudent not to threaten me Mutant, and as for the Dr Henry it's clear that you're willing to sell morality for results; Henry was a brilliant geneticist but as amoral as could be expected of him, he was there at Mariposa as just a young scientist barely out of education - he found the whole ordeal most fascinating. What-ever value he is to your kind now I'd consider you to remember he just-to-say covers his previous attrocities; maybe he grew a heart, who knows, I never did try to figure out deserters. I am obliged to persue methods of bringing him to justice before the American people on the crimes of desertion, theft and proliferation of classified, secret and top secret materials and assisting an enemy during a state of war; he's crimes constitute treason and I'll see him brought to justice for it."
*Neil's lip curls*
"You're delusional, Sutler. Your concerns about Henry are completely irrelevant to us. He has done nothing but help the mutants in Jacobstown, and we will not stand for your views of "justice" infringing on the lives of anyone in Jacobstown, which is, by the way, territory out of your jurisdiction."