It might also me wise to remind everyone that Vivec isn't totally a male. Now, I'm sure there is a little guy-on-guy action going on downstairs with the whole Bouyant Armigar thing, but it's not totally homo-erotic, considering Vivec is both male and female, and therefore neither. In other words... Muatra might have a sister...

And I don't mean internet-transgender-cheap-porm-type-stuff either. Nor do I mean ambiguous genetalia, like what happens in our world when the hormone signals don't happen properly in the 5th month of fetal development. I mean truly male and female in equal parts.
Oh, and CP... I'm pretty sure they mean love as a verb in the physical sense and not a noun. Vehk's a naughty naughty girl/boy. Mephala's his anticipation, and one of her/his (Meph's a hermie too) is six. Vivec is a god of six. You don't just love a six god with your heart... You do it with your whole body.

Seriously, though, in this respect it would be a very extreme and sincere form of worship.