Nerevarine Custom Class

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:33 am

I'm attempting to build a Nerevarine custom class, and I was just wondering, what skills should I pick for this class. I want it to be accurate to what the actual Indoril Nerevar would have used, such as weapons, armor, magic, and other skills. I looked on the wiki, but there was not alot of info in that depth.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:15 pm

oi, that's a tough one, really tough to get it accurate. the almost the same question was asked here some time back, but there was no set in stone definite answer, as lore is not all that specific from what i understand. i'd point you to the the topic, but its lost by now(it was pruned, i double checked :D ). unless someone saved a copy of it somewhere, its gone. and i think this would be better answered in Lore forum, as they'd have to give their input as to what's more lore friendly versus something else.

i think(and "i think" applies to all of what follows :D ), you can safely eliminate any skill set that's all stealth, or all mage or all warrior. Nerevar was a general, so a warrior-mage mix, with emphasis on warrior more, i think. weapons: swords, daggers and blunt weapons i think are more likely choices. armor: either light or medium because i don't think he'd have used heavy armor(though i can't discount the possibility that he was, as a warrior, trained to use heavy too, maybe(would make sense)). i'd say medium, as i am pretty sure Indoril Armor is medium and lore wise, Indoril Armor helmet was based on what Nerevar would have looked like(the Helm at least, not sure about the rest of the armor pieces) and it makes sense that if Nerevar used medium armor then Indoril would be medium to better keep with the lore). on spells: hard to say, for my at least. battle aiding, i'd say, but i can't say which school specifically. everything else, kind of hard to say, will have to be pieced together by looking over lore more.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:12 am

Well he had trueflame and as far as I know that is the only weapon attributed to him so long blade is in. I wouldn't expect any enchant, alchemy or armorer either. etc...

I'd think I'd give him willpower as a favored since he was the only one to able to resist the allure of the power of Kagrenacs Tools.

Heres the class i would use to be as accurate as i could be (not necessairly playable).
Atr: Willpower, Strength
Long Blade (trueflame)
Speechcraft (Hes a general, I'd assume he was well spoken He led armies)
Medium Armor
Light Armor (depictions of nerevar either have him in netch armor or indoril armor)
Block (true flame was 1 handed)

Acrobatics (I assume to be the greatest dunmer warrior he was fit)
Short Blade (goes along with long blade)

i dont know what else
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:32 pm

I'd say definitely he must've known the basics of alchemy to grant him skills in the wilderness that he couldn't conjure himself.

Besides that and all what's said by other users, I could only tell you about his birthsign. Anything! :woot:
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:44 am

Birthsign would be useful. Thanks for the insight, and I am still open to suggestions. Maybe I will make a post to the lore forum.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:37 pm

There is a Nerevarine faction in CS... This is what i recovered:

Fav. Attributes: Personality, Luck

Fav. Skills: Speechcraft, Marksman, Restoration, Mysticism, Spear, Block.

Also 'player' NPC is Acrobat (because it is the first class listed???) and has maxed out Hand-to-Hand, dunno why???
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:58 pm

This is what I have so far.

I have even come up with a few names I liked, that I haven't been able to decide from.

Indorai'el Nerevaine
Indorin Nerevaine
Inoril Nerevaine

These three names came from about 40 that I brainstormed up. As you can see I am giving him a similar sounding first name, and a last name that is similar to Nerevar.

This is what I have so far.

Specialization: Combat Favorite Attributes: Strength and Willpower
Major Skills: Longblade, Medium (or light) armor, Speechcraft, Athletics.
Minor Skills: Shortblade, Acrobatics, Blunt (or Axe), Armorer (for the hell of it).

I'm not sure yet what to use for other major and minor skills.
And I really need to figure out a good birthsign. I doubt it says Nerevar's birthsign anywhere in the lore books, but I'd like one that fits.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:18 pm

Most of the stuff was dwemer in origin, I can't see him using armorer... someone would have fixed and forged his weapons for him. Nothing really leads to blunt or axe either. But he was at least a novice at conjuration as he probably summoned azura before and attempted it at least once.(though his lack of expertise in it probably led to his demise) So maybe that for a minor skill. I'd take out blunt and armorer and put in light armor and conjuration ( leaving medium armor as a major).

The sign could be warrior. That is what he was first and foremost though there is one other possibility.

The Thief is the guardian for the Lover, the Shadow, and the Tower. When the thinking of the sign's charges as the Tribunal (Almalexia=Lady, Sotha= Tower, Vehk= Shadow) , it makes sense to see Nerevar (before the end at least) as a guardian to the Tribunal. Also the thief is holding a Scimitar-like weapon in his right hand (Trueflame is a scimitar).
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:24 pm

I could actually see him with Armorer. Sure, as a general he would've had people fix and make his armor/weapons, but he didn't start at the top. Somewhere in his military experience he probably had to be his own armorer, or even be the armorer of those generals who were above him when he was younger. Thus, he is probably a very skilled armorer, even if he may not have used it very often later in his life.

Warrior would make sense as a sign, but what Moody422 said about the Thief sounds good too.

I can't really see him with acrobatics, I think Athletics is a much better fit but since you have both then oh well.

As a general he'd also be quite skilled with multiple weapon types, but perhaps favors long blade, so you were right to put short and blunt as minors, though I think putting axe in there as well would be a little too much :)

Not sure about the magic, though I wouldn't choose conjuration. Would he really have been one to summon weapons and daedric minions to help him in battle? He's a general, I think he would not.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:07 pm

Well you'd definitely have to get Block to either minor or major skills. Two posters have said it already, but Trueflame is one-handed. AND I like vision of his armor. :D Also, an Indoril has a shield in

The things said about The Thief sign sound good. I only meant that whatever sign you choose, the game thinks Nerevar was born under it anyway, so it's all the same really. I'd also go with The Warrior though, just because that's what he was.

I like the name choices you have. "Inoril Nerevaine... I... I think you might be Lord Nerevar incarnate!" "Well, no [censored]?"

I'm also in the bandwagon of Armorer skill as a minor. Basically the same reasons I think he should know the basics of Alchemy. They must've been a part of his training. How to survive in the wilderness must've been a big part of a warrior's know-how.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:53 am

Hey does anyone know why 'player' entry in CS has maxed out Hand-to-Hand??? Prehaps Lord Nerevar was good at it? What you guys think?
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:52 pm

You guys have all been a great help. I will be creating this character either tonight or tomorrow. This is what I decided to go with.

I am still on the fence with the name.

Race: Dunmer (Or Altmer, since depictions of Nerevar show him with Golden Skin.)
Sign: The Warrior
Class Nerevar Incarnate
Specialization: Combat
Fav. Attributes: Strength and Endurance
Major Skills:
Long Blade
Medium Armor

Minor Skills:
Blunt Weapon
Mercantile (Goes with Speechcraft)

Well thats it. Spent a week thinking about this, and I am satisfied with the outcome. Once again thank you all for you're input.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:33 pm

You guys have all been a great help. I will be creating this character either tonight or tomorrow. This is what I decided to go with.

I am still on the fence with the name.

Race: Dunmer (Or Altmer, since depictions of Nerevar show him with Golden Skin.)
Sign: The Warrior
Class Nerevar Incarnate
Specialization: Combat
Fav. Attributes: Strength and Endurance
Major Skills:
Long Blade
Medium Armor

Minor Skills:
Blunt Weapon
Mercantile (Goes with Speechcraft)

Well thats it. Spent a week thinking about this, and I am satisfied with the outcome. Once again thank you all for you're input.

neravar had golden skin (like almalexia and vivec, though vivec chooses to wear half of his form as the dunmer are now) because he is chimer. suppose an altmer can represent this, though from the story, it seems for fitting for a dunmer to redeem the people of morrowind to azura. that's my personal opinion anyway.

as for skills, i see neravar as the prototype dark elf. long blade, block, both medium and light armor, destruction, athletics, speechcraft, perhaps a smattering of illusion. i see reravar as something of a warrior poet, like vivec, but more on the warrior, compared to vivec's more poetic standpoint. if each member of the tribunal was a specialist of something, neravar excelled in each area, but was not particularly the master of any. that's just my personal take on it.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:25 pm

race... i think there is a mod that adds Chimer race, so if you have the game on PC, then you might want to look for that mod. next best choice, Dunmer, since Dunmer is basically transformed Chimer. :)
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:36 pm

He would have worn heavy or light armor and fought with a sword or axe depending on the occasion. He would have had good personality and speechcraft skills as well. He probably had some magical ability. He should be a hybrid class focused mainly on combat.
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