I have two ideas for a Nerevarine character, and I'm hoping for some feedback and tips on how to pull either of them through.
One would be a Dunmer Temple zealot, a religious fanatic. That way Nerevarine could re-live the personal tragedy of Nerevar. The other one - The Naked Nord - a fitting gift from Azura to the cursed Dark Elves

Now I don't remember the details, but as far as I remember, the main quest requires quite an amount of comprehension skills from the character (my Naked Nord wouldn't be able to understand much beyond Barbarian's ABC), as well as Personality - either skills in Illusion or better yet Speechcraft. As for the Nord, I don't understand how exatly Intimidate works - does it check Speechcraft or Strength? Is it a valid way to "persuade" folks for a dumb brute? Obviously, he wouldn't command any kind of magic and drink potions - his only magic and medicine would be err..beverages and a sound sleep.
As for the Zealot - he also can't have a grand personality, especially speechcraft - he may have some scholarly interest, but not the patience to debate with wrong-believers. I don't know though if Illusion magic is ok for a Temple fanatic - if not, the I don't know how to pull such a character through. Maybe fortifying attributes and skills via Restoration, but that too doesn't sound like what a self-righteous zealot would do. Also, at the very beginning of the main quest it is required to descrate an ancestral tomb - I don't know how he could justify doing such a thing. Yet I like the idea of personal tragedy as he learns the truth about Tribunal.
So - any feedback, any tips?