I'm pretty upset about this since the only people that had trouble with theses mobs were just spamming left click and spells, not dodging blocking or using CC
Funny, right now this is right next to the "Frustrating solo dungeons" thread.
If you have to think and use a health potion its too hard...jesus I hate the "mob"
Was one of the easiest to kill don't know why people would complain. Just needed silver bolts and the fight was a joke.
I had to add an ability to be able to defeat some bosses. But I was glad I did because that ability became a staple. Honestly I still think some of them were a little too difficult, but I hope it is still a challenge. It kind of proved my character was missing things. I could last forever on fights but certain mechanics made it so I couldn't finish them with my set up and piss poor dps.
Yes, the two was only a question of tactic, Gutstripper was mostly to avoid the charge, Dosha to kill the adds,
I wish they would have a difficulty slider for these solo quest Bosses. I too didn't have much issue with these mobs (didn't use silver bolts). Once you figure out the mechanics no Boss is impossible. Taking the challenge out of the game wholesale is just the wrong direction to go for the game.
Some bosses were wiping the floor with people and they weren't group content. I don't think bosses should be just slightly tougher trash mobs but some of these bosses were extremely hard and impossible for new players.
I literally ignored everything and just spammed CC on her and left click.
Like.. what the heck..? How can people struggle there at all...
I don't care if those bosses have ten times the HP.
What I do care about is being forced into solo-play when I'm grouped, within this MMO.
It's quite sad really .. Bosses are supposed to be hard and take multiple times to beat, otherwise they would just be stronger mobs, and not really a 'boss'. Unless of course they are absolutely impossible to beat, in which case one could always go level up and come back when you're stronger. I admit I was annoyed dying 10 times by Gutsripper, but that just adds on to the satisfaction when you finally beat him..if you could beat all the bosses so easily, this game would be boring.
People were upset because they couldn't bring in help to faceroll the content.
But just how nerfed, well I can't say because I haven't played through the changes but if certain class/weapon combinations were running into a brick wall I can see how some changes may need to be made within reason.
I can see how people with no CC / range / heal could be difficult against gutripper, but Dosha? its just a matter of time since the bubble heals you when you pop them. I have more trouble with the 3 mobs prior to dosha,
Again, difficulty has nothing to do with it.
That there is solo-only content at all in this MMO is what I vehemently oppose, and nothing anyone writes here has a chance in hell of altering that.
So make such bosses ten times the HP that a single-player would face, if I go in with a group of five. I'm fine with that. But DO NOT force me into single-player instancing.
Really don't see how this is confusing ... at all.
It IS about difficulty if people can just bring in friends to steam roll content because they can't do it on their own.
It being an MMO doesn't mean there can't or shouldn't be some solo content.
I agree with this. I do enjoy solo instances sometimes, but I think if they allowed groups to join the instance, but make the boss harder according to the number of player, that sounds like a good idea no?
erm, i want to play MMO to play with a friend, not to solo.
Solo content for main story content isn't exactly a new concept. As long as there are options for group content as well, don't see the problem.
Please re-read the part I wrote above, which I've now helpfully underlined for you - since you apparently missed it the first time.
they are not main story content tho if i remember correctly, they are 'guild' quest which ironically you did it solo
I can see why others might complain, I mean it took me in all honesty 5 or 6 times to kill gutsripper but that was mainly because I went in at too low a level. It was a nice challenge and if you go in all gung-ho you're going to have problems with these quests.
Once I was the right level my strategy worked and I was able to defeat him, it wasn't easy but I did. I never took on Doshia but I heard it was easy once you figured out the "puzzle". It's a shame they are changing these but players have to learn to come prepared to a boss fight. You need to be the right level, good weapon, armor and strategy.
I and others do. We want to remain grouped.
Again, (and I apparently can't stress this enough, since so many of you missed it the first time), the developers can feel free to ramp up the HP of instanced bosses and mobs in such dungeons, so long as we can remain grouped.