One thing will limit the possibilities is the guideline "KISS", or "Keep it simple, stupid".

This means I wont edit wordspaces, add new locations or touch existing NPCs, add conversations and so on. After all, I don?t even have experience from doing any of that, I?m a scripter and my solutions are based on stuff I can do without editing anything existing.
I know this approach will give less immersion regarding explanitions to stuff like "Why are my things in a chest in the middle of wilderness? How did I get to where I woke up?". But I think the gameplay element makes up for it, and is more important.
After reading through all the suggestions and ideas, the following kind of setup would probably be something that?s both doable and hopefully still offer things people would like in the mod.
Regarding your loot:
-you loose X% of your money, and Y% of random items. (X and Y come from the INI)
-the items are placed in a chest that?s spawned in the location you died at. The chest is more symbolic, I realised the stuff has to be put somewhere safe so they don?t fall through the ground, get deleted from game with a modded NPC etc.
Regarding where you wake up:
-default: the last place you slept in.
-optionally (if I can do this), you can make a Soul Beakon at an altar at a chapel. You press some key while focusing on the altar, you?ll get asked if you want to pay the Church for divine protection, and will receive a special soul gem that you can drop anywhere to have a beakon to retrieve you back.
It could be interpreted that this method offers a "Divine insurance" to save your butt. Your body is called back to the stone when it?s about to die, leaving the assailants no time or less time to loot you. So different multipliers would be offered by the INI for the loot lost.
The idea would be to have a simple solution, that still allows configuration and a way to affect your fate beforehand. A possible default for the settings could offer a following kind of setup:
If you get beaten without "insurance", tough luck. All your money and half your stuff is gone, and you wake up in the last place you slept in.
(let?s just say you Never Die. You lost, you got beaten, humiliated, robbed, and finally crawled back to last save locations you remembered, delirious and no memory of how you got there)
If your wise, you made a deal with the divines, and had a Soul Beakon to save your earthly behind. You lost nothing but your pride. The good thing is that you may be close to where you got your butt kicked, but the bad thing is now you don?t have your "insurance" anymore. Will you take the risk and re-enter that dungeon, or will you treck back to town to lick your wounds, and revisit a chapel?