I think I?m content with the features now, especially since they are all configurable, and play together nicely.

I implemented the Oblivion plain option. This means that if you use the option, without Soul Beacon bought and left somewhere to save you when you need it, the Javs of Oblivion will grab your dying carcass.

You wake up all hazy on a random Oblivion plane, and we all know what?s the only way to get out. If you die while on the plain, you end up where you started on the plain. There?s only one way to get out, as stated.
Now if you selected to lose equipment in the INI (to hunt it down later), it may add *some* extra difficulty if it happened that your killers took your best weapon. It?s totally random, so it?s quite a thrill to check with what equipment you are left with, considering you have to fight your way out. :toughninja:
Then also with every death on the plain some of your equipment may get left to where you "died" on the plain. So it gets harder before it gets easier.

When you get out of the plain, you appear in the last exterior cell in Tamriel you had visited. "Now, time to take care of those goblins who had my sword all this time..."

If you don?t choose to use the Oblivion plain option, then without a soul beacon death will mean ending up in the last place you slept in.
It?s really all so fluid, I?m very happy with how this went.