Hry guys, thanks for all the comments, and a question:
Why is the comments disabled on this mod?s Tesnexus page? And ratings, for that matter. I didn?t block them myself, and I can?t find a setting to turn them on!
This is looking good indeed!
I've got two questions for you:
1. Would this be compatible with The said mod disables the healing/curing of the altars (might be just the Church ones, not the Wayshrines though). I'm not sure how shadeMe did it, but I thought i'd drop it in for consideration.
2. Wondering about compatiblity with T.I.E. Since that one disables level scaling, the creatures in the Oblivion plane could be of any level, right? I'm curious as to what chances one has of ever seeing Tamriel again with a fresh character

Of course, if you could add a bed and some food in there, it would be an entirely different matter.
On the tutorial dungeon thing, isn't it as simple as checking if that quest is done before activating the mod?
And the chests - say I don't want them to disappear immediately, but I don't want them to remain there forever either (it would look weird having the entire map full of chests. Could you add/is there already an option to have the chests disappear on a cell reset?
Great work Skycaptain!
Compatible yes, on both. Of course, it could be a little harsh to end up on an Oblivion plain early on. Then again, Soul Beacons are cheap at level 1.

I guess part of the TIE experience is that it?s hard and unforgivable, so the Oblivion plain option on level 1 mostly just adds to that.

But if it?s too hard, you could just disable the feature on early levels.

About the chests; good suggestion, I could make it so that if you select "decide later" it sets itself to disappear on cell reset, unless you activate it again and select to destroy it immeaditely or keep it.
Oh yeah, yes that quest stage would be an easy thing to do...[writes on the list]
Howdy SkyCaptain.
This is absolutely brilliant. I think it's one of the most clever game overhauls I've seen. Great job.
Not my place to offer suggestions, but I'll toss one out anyway:
If dying in tamriel / dungeons / etc without a Soul Beacon.... would it be possible to add a random chance of instead of dying and going to Oblivion, some other adventurer, good samaritan came along to rescue your mangled unconscious self and you would then wake up in the nearest inn?
So... let's say I'm fighting some nasty ogres near the Lost Coast and they knock out all my health... screen could go black and I wake up in a bed at Brina Cross Inn with all my gear, but armor and weapons badly damaged, and a bill from the innkeeper for nursing me back to health. Maybe even let a few days of gametime pass while the player is knocked out and healing.
Thought it might be a nice addition. Percentages of going to Oblivion or being rescued / nursed all configurable in the .ini file.
Thanks so much for all your wonderful mods! They make the game so much better!
Thanks, I?m very glad you like it!

Hmm, yes a percentage chance could be nice, would add some extra excitement when you didn?t know for sure what happens.
But the alternative would most likely be the "last place you slept" option, cause that?s basicly what it?s for, to dynamically tag an inn or similar place for you to wake up in.
I know you use a chest which is placed at where you last died, but could you give the option for all lost possessions to go into the COBL Luggage? Also, have a check so it won't go to the Luggage if the player hasn't found it yet. Giving Luggage support makes the player's lost loot retrievable in many places.
Here's a few ideas for distinct containers:
1) Use the COBL Luggage, or at least an edited version of it's model. The red color makes it stand out.
2)Could you make a player duplicate and have all of the player's equipment on it--like coming back to your own corpse to get your things back.
3)Just add an effect to the container or near it, if that's possible. A sparkling treasure chest can stand out very well.
4)Use quest markers to guide the player to it, which should distinguish it from other chests
5)Get congratulated by the Grim Reaper and get back you things (check for a lore friendly version of this)
I'd really be happy with any of your decisions, but I'm just trying to add some positive input into the thread. I say the little glowing NPC johhnyguydude mentioned should do nicely.
I do have an important question to ask however: how would a Shivering Isles death play out? Besides the scenario, if the player moves from either world without the use of the blue portal, the game may not notice the player move across into the other one. So if you died in the SI expansion world and ended up in Cyrodiil, NPCs may say "I HAVE NO GREETING", a common bug that occurs when a player moves between the two realms without Oblivion toggling the necessary flag. Another common problem to watch out for is the Grey Cowl of Nocturnal. If the player dies with it on and losses it along with everything else, the player may be stuck with the Grey Fox's infamy and low disposition permanently. A common bug when moving to either realm in any manner whatsoever, and when items are pulled off your player forcefully, leaving behind the effects.
So far those are all the suggestions for I could think up. Hope to see more in the future!
Good suggestion, hmm...I?m not very familiar with the luggage, and I don?t know if it suits the mod very well to get your stuff back by any other means than actually going to where you died - but using the mesh could be a great idea.
I didn?t use a body, cause I think the game would clean it out on cell reset, it had to be a container - also I personally like to think you are in your body all the time, especially with the "non-Oblivion plain" option it would be strange, and even with it I like to think you are taken as a whole - after all you have (some of) your stuff and everything.
Anyways I?ll check the mesh, at least that would be unique.

Not a hundred percent sure, but I'm fairly sure that this mod only works with the altar of Julianos, which isn't a healing altar. Plus, it doesn't put a script on the altar, and you don't activate the altar, you just have to be looking at the altar so even if another mod alters the altar, it won't alter the functioning of this mod, at all.

Plays smoothly, sans a few issues.
1. No Shivering Isles compatibility. Haven't tested the soul beacon in there yet, but upon escaping from Oblivion, you end up outside the Mouth back in Cyrodiil. Just a little annoying.
2. In some caves, finding your equipment chest can prove to be excruciatingly annoying. I spent a good few minutes looking for my chest in a SI cave that was flooded, made especially annoying since I was afraid I'd lose my valuable things. I eventually found it, but I see this coming back later.
3. If you die in an outside cell, you stand a hefty risk of losing your money quite permanently, especially noticable in SI. Perhaps make it so that if you die outside, you don't lose your money, as there's less risk of your gold getting distributed in far flung caches.
Other than that, it's pretty fun escaping half-nvde through Oblivion.
1. Whoops, yes see I don?t have SI (or I have it in my drawer..). But there?s actually a function to check if you are in SI, so it?s a simple thing to take care of.
2. Is he Cobl luggage mesh Ok?
3. I would recommend to set the dispersion percentage to 0 then, cause it mainly exists to add such risk. You may find all the gold that was taken from the stash, but it?s intentionally not guaranteed (cause the NPC may wander off, the cave may reset especially with random respawn time mod etc..).

Thanks for fixing the issue with the Oblivion gate. As for the items that were taken, I'll watch for a chest where I died. I probably overlooked it because I was just trying to get away from the lesser balrog as quick as possible.
I made an explicit test to check that scripted items are not taken from the player, I set the equiment parameter to 100 and checked if for example DR?s config tool was left on the player. The result was that none of the scripted items I had got taken from me.
So if items that are used to activate scripts WERE really taken from you, I wonder how they work without a script? It?s practically impossible to protect items that are technically 100% generic, not quest items, no script, etc, as they cannot be told apart from normal clutter then. :ahhh: