Configuring the mod is not working as it should - the INI is read only when you first activate the mod. Sorry about this, this is why it´s a BETA. :blush:
[EDIT: Cleansaving the mod naturally restarts it and re-reads the INI] Now naturally this is not a good idea if you got stuff around in containers. You can type "set skycaptainsdeathquest.ini to 0" to force INI reload, but this is safe only when you are in "normal" circumstances.
I´m trying to upload a an update to the bugs tonigt.
Ok, I'm finished and I'm very happy with the results.
There are three variations to choose from, pictured here:
I like the black and gold, my girlfriend prefers the black and silver, but it's up to you.
As you can see, all three of them are visible in complete darkness due to the use of glowmaps.
All of the necessary files are in this rar: Luggage.rar
Once you have chosen the chest you want to use, you can find the .dds files associated with that specific chest in Data\Textures\Never die\(only textures used by blah), and put only those in the Never die folder while deleting everything else.
Thanks so much for the hard work man! I´ll integrate the new mesh to the next update. :foodndrink:
I hate to ask, but is there any sign of an update for this?
I got killed shortly after exiting the sewers at the start of the game, tried a reload, got stuck with the slow motion bug. Killed myself again, ended up in Oblivion and immediately fell into a lava pit (I appeared off the side of a bridge), died again, ended up in practically the same place but managed to survive but had a chest of stuff in the lava. Reloaded an earlier save, was in slow motion. Exited the game, reset the slow motion setting in the INI to 1, restarted and loaded a save from before I even died. Stuck in slow motion still.
Slow motion as in even the menus loaded slowly, so I'm pretty sure it was from this mod.
That slow motion bug can be pretty big apparently.
fake edit: Okay, I just figured out why fixing the ini didn't work. I mistook the setting in the Never Die.ini for the one in the Oblivion.ini.
Will setting the multiplier in the Never Die.ini to 1 prevent this bug from happening?
Really you shouldn´t load the game when the script is performing stuff, Oblivion is buggy when it comes to reseting script variables on load. It usually happens with quicksaves, rather than normal saves, but I have seen it remember stuff "from the future" sometimes when you load the game.
So it´s safest not to load when an "effect" is running. Quicksaves should be banned, for that matter, cause they break scripts so easily, but I suspect you are not using them.
Anyways the slowmotion thing needs reseting if you enter the menu, or load a save, that I´m fixing of course. If it happens again that you appear elsewhere than at the gate, up the "transitdelayframes" in the ini to 2, or higher.
This settings exists because Oblivion doesn´t update the player´s position correctly if he´s in ragdoll state. That´s why I actually have to revive the player on-site when you die, wait for "transitdelayframes" and only then transfer to Oblivion. For immersion, the setting is lowest possible, 1, but if it looks like it´s not always enough there´s no other option than to set it higher.
"Will setting the multiplier in the Never Die.ini to 1 prevent this bug from happening?"
Yes, but see what I said about the INI in the top of this post.
Another important contingency is that sometimes you will die in places that will break your game if you leave them. Hernantier's dream is one example. Probably Camoran's paradise too, but I've never made it far enough in the game to see what that entails. Maybe there should be a separate death handler for these spaces that puts you back in the cell where you died after coming out of the oblivion plane?
This is a problem, but I don´t have enough time or knowledge about Oblivion´s quests to handle it.
I would need a list of quest conditions, a "black list" of sorts, to when to switch to alternative behaviour. Otherwise the player just needs to use normal loading of a save in these places.
Note that I don´t actually WANT to research this topic, cause I haven´t played half the quests, including main quest, myself.

Haven't seen anyone else with this problem. I died in a inn in chorrol, long story, but I have it set so I'm not sent to a oblivion pane. So I was revived exactly where my corpse fell since the inn was a safe place, thing is my camera is stuck in the ground. In third person view I can see up to my shoulders, but once I switch to first person the camera is actually in the floor boards of the inn. This is the second time it happened, first time I died out in the wild and was revived underneath the imperial sewers.
Are you running the 1.01b? Otherwise, this would the Cobl´s death handler failing for some reason, I have heard it CAN happen, never happened to me, and no one seems to know why it would fail occasionally, to catch the death on time.
Could be that if Oblivion is simply pushed hard enough, the scripts can out of sync, causing flukes like that.
Excellent! I appreciate the variation. Here are my takes on them:
The black and gold chest matches with the Oblivion structures scattered across the planes of Oblivion. Very fitting if you die without the safety crystal.
The dark redwood and gold has a regal look to it that's very elegant.
The black and silver chest is the one I most closely associate with death in general--it's a dark chest, with a shiny yet cold colored trim.
As I've said before, well done! It's much better than the simple Luggage retexture I had in mind.
For the average death chest option only you can find the solution. If you add an INI option to add this chest dependancy to the Luggage however, there will always be a way to get your goods. Yes it can be abused, but having everything go to the Luggage means no worry to the player. Everyone plays how they want, whether they summon the Luggage to their side after death or choose to exit Oblivion out of a wilderness gate and run naked through the woods from Blackwood to Bruma.
I´ll consider the luggage, but unfortunately I don´t have time this week to look into it. And I´m away whole next week. For now, I´ll just include the new mesh, maybe using some logic when different one should be used, like you suggested.

an idea may be to tie this mod to COBL. you get th eir Death Handling features AND have the option of spawning your gear in the actual luggage.
:P It IS Cobl dependent, and uses Cobl´s death handler.
Typo in the script: Use Left Control and LEFT SHIFT
My god another typo in the readme....
I must have done something wrong else ware (what that could of been I don't know) but Left Ctrl + Lest Shift aint working ether, I'm completely lost :unsure2:
I´m starting to suspect you are not running Obse or correct version of should download the latest one, this mod requires v18 b6. The installation section of my readme has the link and how to launch the game with Obse.