-by Skycaptain
See "History" and "Upgrade" sections for info.
Name: Never Die!
Date: 3/26/2010
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements: Oblivion Patch, Oblivion Script Extender(OBSE) v18 beta6 or higher(!) (http://obse.silverlock.org), Cobl (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21104)
Author(s): Skycaptain
Source: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30586
Forum: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/forum/25-mods/
What happens to Heroes when they die? I personally can´t tell, my character has never died - that history has always been erased with a swift, usually annoyed reloading of a savegame.
Well that´s about to change now - defeats can be great adventures, and getting overwhelmed part of the game, part of the history of your character! All the best stories come from great defeats - and now the story will go on!
This mod introduces an alternative death system with great configurability via an INI file. The focus has been on creating an advanced but simple and reliable system that doesn´t feel like a punishment, but instead can provide a supprising twist to your daily adventures.
When you die you are actually knocked out. What happens then depends on how you configure the mod using the INI file. Most options can be totally disabled.
Where do you end up when you "die"?
By default, the idea is that careful adventurers acquire a Soul Beacon item by making a donation at any "Altar of Julianos". The cost of the beacon is tied to your level (mult from INI), and it will save your life by fetching you to safety when you are knocked out.
The beacon works by you leaving it somewhere - outside of a dungeon, for example. It works only once, then you need to buy a new one. And you can only buy one at a time - it bonds to your very soul!
Those who are unfortunate enough to die without divine protection, will be terrified to find out that they have been acclaimed by the Javs of Oblivion. Defy your fate and fight your way out of a random Oblivion plain!
No, death wont save you there - dying only means ending up to where you started on the plain (your progress is NOT reseted), so keep pushing forward or adjust to your new home.

Alternatively, the user may choose not to use Oblivion plain option, in which case he/she will wake up in the last location he/she slept in.
NOTE: The Oblivion plain feature can activate itself only when you visit outside (more accurately: Tamriel exterior worldspace).
What about your equipment and money?
Yes, indeed. This is what makes everything above so much more exiting, and is 100% configurable.
1. You may lose random equipment (% amount from INI). The equipment is never totally lost - you can take on a revenge/retrieve mission to where you died, and acquire it back from a chest* placed there! (*it´s for safekeeping/performance reasons).
The INI contains separate setting for equipment and loot lost for when you are saved by the beacon.
(Quest items, scripted items or unplayable items are never removed from the player)
2. You may lose money (% amount from the INI), similarly as equipment. Another % configures how much of the money lost may be taken by the NPCs in the area where you died and/or placed in nearby containers.
A quest is added to you the first time you die. This quest never advances, it merely points to your equipment chest until you activate it. Note that any new chests spawned before you find this chest wont get a marker.
To sum it up, death can become an adventure where you fight your way out of an Oblivion plain on your underwear and without your favorite weapon to help you out, while the bandits that killed you are living it up with your gold. But revenge is a dish best served cold...after returning back among the living of Tamriel, it´s time to plan how to best get your stuff back. And maybe invest in one of those Soul Beacons...

-Configure the mod! See "Oblivion\Data\INI\Never die\Never die.ini"
-To donate money and get a Soul Beacon, go to a chapel and find "Altar of Julianos". They should all have one. Target it like if you would activate it, but DON´T activate it. Press RIGHT-SHIFT + LEFT-CNTRL (at the same time) and answer the question. Wait until the charging is over (just sit back and watch).
-To use the Soul Beacon, simply drop it somewhere and leave it. You can fetch it later if you didn´t need it. If you lose one, buy a new one. But you can have only one.
-Don´t put Soul Beacon to a container. I have tried to prevent this.
-Don´t drop the Soul Beacon if you are on an Oblivion plain. I have tried to prevent this, and it wont intentionally work there anyways. On an Oblvion plain, you always simply wake in where you started on the plain, if you die. Eternal suffering and all, you see?

-Don´t change "useOblivionPlain" option while in Oblivion.
NOTE! You should not activate this mod before tutorial dungeon is over!
1. Install the latest version of Oblivion Script Extender! v18 beta6 or later is REQUIRED.
Here: http://obse.silverlock.org/
2. Install Cobl.esm if you haven´t already. It´s a library that offers modders useful resources, and it´s REQUIRED by this mod.
Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21104
3. Extract this mod´s files to Oblivion\Data folder. Answer yes if asked to merge/overwrite.
4. Check your load order. You want to load Cobl.esm early, after Oblivion.esm esm but before any esms from actual mods. To see and change load order, you will need Oblivion Mod Manager or similar utility.
Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097
Never die.esp wont care where it loads.
5. Activate Never die.esp and Cobl.esm.
6. Open up Oblivion\Data\INI\Never die\Never die.ini to configure the mod.
7. Use OBSE_LOADER.EXE or an utility that detects Obse to lauch the game. Note that the mod wont activate itself before tutorial dungeon is over.
Thank you for reading my instructions!

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the Never Die.esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod:
Oblivion\Data\INI\Never die\Never die.ini
Oblivion\Data\meshes\Never die folder
Oblivion\Data\Textures\Never die folder
Alternatively, just use Oblivion Mod Remover:
If this is not the first version of this mod, and you have used a previous version, it is required that you save at least once with both versions deactivated.
This is referred to as "cleansaving". Only then install and activate this version.
WARNING! All items currently in loot containers from this mod will be erased!
So first fetch back any equipment you have left behind when you died, before you deactive the old version and make the cleansave!
Incompatible with any other death handling mods, unless explixitly stated otherwise somewhere else.
Known Issues or Bugs
1. Dying while swimming will unfortunately leave player in swimming animation state. This is a loophole in the Oblivion itself, the animation state wont reset unless you go back to water and then back on land.
But, even then it resets to normal only for 3rd person if you are in 3rd person, and vice versa. It may be possible that both modes can be reset to normal, one by one, if you first go back to water in 1st person mode.
What this effectively means is that if you drown, you are forced to load a save - like you normally would without this mod.
2. Cobl´s "death handler" requires settings fEssentialHealthPercentReGain to 0. This means that any essential actor that gets knocked out will wake up with 1hp, instead of default 25%. Personally I think it´s rather realistic.
3. Sometimes player is in a location where you shouldn´t be removed from by a script, or the quest breaks. In these cases, just normally reload your last save.
1.02a, changes
-FIXED: The INI is now actually re-read on every load of the game, so that any changes you make take effect.
-FIXED: The slowmotion is cleared when you enter menu or load a save, to prevent getting stuck in slowmotion if the sequence is interupted.
-FIXED: The mod now shouldn´t activate itself before Tutorial dungeon is over.
-UPDATE README: Soul Beacon altar activating keys were wrong in this readme: the correct keys are LEFT-SHIFT + LEFT CTRL.
-NEW: Ini setting to control how likely you end up in Oblivion without Soul Beacon.
-NEW: Custom mesh and three different "loot chest" looks by johnguydude! Different meshes are applied depending on location type; exterior, interior, Oblivion plain.
-NEW: A quest marker to lead you to the equipment chest. Only one chest is pointed to at a time though, and any chests spawned before you find this chest wont get a marker.
Possibly other small fixes. Cleasave required when updating! (see
-1.01b, changes:
-FIXED: Now Oblivion plain cannot be escaped simply by using the gate (if there because of death)
-FIXED: The INI option "percentItemsLostBeacon" wasn´t used at all ("percentItemsLost" applied even with beacon)
-CHANGED: THE KEYS to activate the altar (laptops don´t have r-ctrl). New keys are LEFT-CTRL + RIGHT-SHIFT. [EDIT: this was a typo, this is wrong]
-message to inform how much gold is missing from the stash
-gold goes missing only if actors are around AND alive (can go both in containers and in the actors´ pockets)
Note: creatures never play role in this, why would they take gold? To go shopping?

-option to disable destroy chest question, in which case after first activate the chest will always destroy itself (careful with it!)
-made better detection for Altar of Julianos, now it should work with non-English versions. (thanks Waruddar for tipping the method!)
-updated README:
* the Oblivion plain option activates only when you first visit an exterior
* you should not change useOblivionPlain option while in Oblivion
* you should not use this mod before tutorial dungeon is over
-1.0b, first beta release.
Contact me on gamesas forums, either in one of my threads or via PM.
To the Obse crew - they are amazing and like all my mods this one owes it´s existence to them!
To Wrye - for the wonderful Cobl, as well as for those that helped him.
To the creators of Nifscope - a mesh editing tool even a scripter can understand and learn to love.
TO johnguydude for the new loot chest mesh and textures!
To the great people from who´s great suggestions most of implemented features finally originated from. Thank you everyone who brainstormed!
Also, here´s a few names I can directly connect to some features or decisions and thus want to give them credit for their participation in the WIP thread.

-showler: idea to store the last place you slept in as a possible return point.
-guyshall: idea to use Oblivion planes. The idea may sound given, but it was the fact that he posted it that made me research into it.
-waruddar: suggestion to distribute some of the gold to nearby containers/NPCs, making me realise I can do that even though I considered it too risky for equipment.
-garx: for his lore digging and suggestion to use Julianus, that was a nice catch, thanks.
Finally, thank you Bethesda for making Oblivion, and especially for making CS and allowing us to make Oblivion to what ever we want it to be!

ps. Thank you lHammonds, for the readme generator!
Tools Used
NIFSkope - http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) - http://obse.silverlock.org/
TES4Files - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8489
TES Construction Set - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11367
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp
You are not allowed to reuse parts, redistribute the files or release modified versions of this mod without my permission.