its fine dude i dont care anymore, im just gonna smoke something to calm myself, download this and hope it was worth it
its fine dude i dont care anymore, im just gonna smoke something to calm myself, download this and hope it was worth it
i not linking anything but i heard lawsuit mention on a couple forums. i have to say dont like fans suing games company. but unless does something i see it happening. not matter there they ship a incomplete product atleast.
A disc costs like nothing ...
It's just laziness from beth.
But hey, "betther" than Konami with MGSV and only a lonely steam installer on the disc ...
And if 3 disc are annoying for you, be glad you didn't to play during CDROM times.(?)
Up to 5, 6 discs to install a game
I might have to look into this.
I remember those days and they weren't all that bad. I think the worst I had to do was 8 cd-roms for an EA game. Can't remember which one though.
seems like some people care... some of them dont want to download so much of the game when they went to a store to buy the disc version SO maybe you should get lost?
why don't PC gamers start using blue ray? it holds more data. games for the Xbox One are three to five times larger than for the 360. blue ray holds more data than dvds.
why blame Beth? some like real fancy graphics which take up much more space on disks and hard drives. i had a game called civilization 5 which needed steam to install. i guess some game companies don't want spend more money to include all the disks needed for full install.
assassins creed unity included alot of discs for pc... why cant bethesda do the same? even the less popular watch dogs included more than ONE disc
For misrepesenting the issue. Besides where on the box does it say I will need to download 80% of the game? I didn't see that in the EULA either. It says at most "REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION AND FREE STEAM ACCOUNT TO ACTIVATE"
If you want I can take a picture of the box and post it to prove my point. Also I can't [censored] return the game because the box been opened.
The infrastructure for 100% digital does exist in most places outside US. Even some of the poorer countries here in Europe have better connections. So don't blame the devs for not doing the minority a favor, blame your service providers. Besides Bethesda did tell you in minimum specs how much space the game takes, and they also said they would only ship one disc. So if you had done the math, you would've known this was gonna happen.
Personally though I think publishers (yes this does include Bethesda) should start pushing Blu-Ray already. Sure people don't have the drives now, but games are what make the transition to new media on PCs, not movies. We're getting to the point where the amount of discs needed for games is ridiculous. 7 DVDs for GTA5, back in 2004 just before DVDs Unreal Tournament 2004 came on 6 CDs.
So sue them... or ask for refund etc. You may win, but still - no FO4 for you then. I understand people frustration about this, but it will not change anything. Not for FO4, at least. And it will get worse... (I am lucky to have 20 Mbps and no FUP, sorry).
Chicken and egg conundrum - there is not enough blue ray mechanics on PC installed, so no games on blue ray. But without blue ray games, there is no reason for PCs getting upgraded with blue rays. So...
No it's not even outside of the US it svcks.
it svcks in some countries in Africa, it svcks in some Eastern European countries like Romania, which I vacationed in for a few months and they don't even bring cable internet to some rural villages at all. Or they can only afford to pay for electricity, but not internet at all.
But question is - are such "problematic" (sorry for the expression) gamers really a target group for nowadays (AAA) titles?
Well I think so. I send AAA video games or video games about twice or so a year that are 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free physical boxed versions of the PC versions of video games to my family members who live in Romania.
They have a pretty good PC which I purchased for them in 2006 and then another one in 2012 and I send to them as gifts for their birthdays, Easter, and Christmas so they can play, because they can't afford many video games every year either, because they earn 500 Lei a month which is about $200 dollars (USD) I think? They earn Euros too, but not a lot.
I don't blame the devs, I blame the publisher. Also press releases don't count for those not paying attention and only read the box. It clearly doesn't state on the box that it only has one disc and you have to download the remaining 80% of the game. That is were the fault lies. If it's not on the packaging then there is clear grounds of concern for this kind of practice.
I will be asking for a refund or some other compensation like the rest of the [censored] game on discs. I wan't what I payed for and that is MOST of the game on disc.
Guys, Just down the road from me by about 20 min is a neighborhood with houses that START at 500,000, not counting fees for the Golf course.
they finaly upgraded the internet in that neighborhood (over 10 years after they finished the development)
to half meg bandwidth. (Cable is still limited to 250kb belive it or not)
they still have data caps, the MOST you can get from either AT*T or the ISP there is 20 Gig/month. after that BOTH cut your bandwidth and BOTH charge 2c Per Meg. They have been promising to have options for 1 meg bandwidth at some vague point in the next 5 years. the thing is they have both made that promise for the past decade now.
I wish I was kidding. we have a couple members of our church who live out there who say they basically have to lug laptops to McDonald's to do downloads over there WiFi anymore (our church currently does not allow members to borrow the bandwidth for since the church runs a post release ministry at a off sight campus and apparently most of them have a no internet clause on there probation ,fortunately Somehow McDonald's is able to provide a restaurant full of Down loaders a decent connection. (and yes we know about Cellphone hotspots. out there thats bascialy plan D.)
So you *knew* there would be a download, but still you're complaining that you had to download a part of the game? Sheesh. Some people complain about everything.
Next time get a better internet connection or buy it for consoles. Most PC games are distributed digitally nowadays (and many PCs and laptops don't even come with an optical drive anymore)
Next up: Somebody complaing he can't get Fallout 4 to run on Windows 95.
i hope ur not suggesting that ur better than other countries because then id suggest to take down ur profile pic if u are
Can I get compensation for the brain damage suffered reading this thread?
I have a few friends in real life who live in states like Ohio and and Wyoming in rural areas who have absolutely no internet where they live and have to carry their laptops to fast food restaurants or coffee shops in order to get work done.
they said "partial", so why did they keep the exact size a secret?
PC peasents are too cheap to adopt the bluray model, that right is only reserved for console elitists.
Interesting I have a Blu-Ray drive in my PC. I also have a Blu-Ray player to for movies sold on Blu-Ray discs to watch those movies.