You must have never seen their training video, Mr. Fusion, otherwise you'd know why Game Crazy was kind of bad at times.

I've never ordered from Gamestop to begin with, nor will I ever any time in the future.
I hate that store.
If you never ordered from them in the first place, did you ever buy something there, ever? Because if you never used their store, you can't logically hate it.
As someone with lots of money too, more so than the OP,

, I have had no problems with Gamestop.
I'm sorry that your bank didn't let you get the game, or whatever caused it, but that's no reason to despise Gamestop.
Hey, Biomed, Gamestop is not that expensive, it's normal pricing for almost every item.
Also, I don't think you mean 39.99 MS points.
I think you mean 3999 MS Points. Which for 30 dollars is cheap.
However, if Gamestop had MS Point cards, and not farmville/other games cards, they be about the same.
Pre-ordering a game isn't a bad thing, it's just to make sure you get it on release date.