Never played Fallout, looking for some information.

Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:27 pm

I have never played any of the Fallout games. I just recently purchased Fallout 3 GOTY for the PS3. Should get it in the mail soon.

I have some questions about Fallout: New Vegas.

-Are there alot of bugs for the PS3 version? I did not buy New Vegas because I heard that it was riddled with freeze's, glitches, bugs. etc. How bad is it?

-Is there going to be a new edition released with all of the DLC included? I dont mind paying for an expansion for a game if it adds something significant, but I dont like buying tons of little DLC's. I bought Fallout 3 because it had all the DLC included.

-Does Bethesda consider the PS3 important? Or are the ps3 versions sort of last to get attention?

-How many DLC's are planned for New Vegas?

-Is there a newer Fallout 4 coming out anytime soon that I should wait for? Should I skip New Vegas?
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CSar L
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:43 pm

-How many DLC's are planned for New Vegas?

-Is there a newer Fallout 4 coming out anytime soon that I should wait for? Should I skip New Vegas?

I don't play on PS3, so I can only answer these two.

-I believe 4 or 5 DLCs are planned.

-Fallout 4 most likely won't be out for another 2 years at least, since Bethesda's still busy finishing up Skyrim.

Also, I never dealt with any bad bugs in Fallout 3 or New Vegas (I play on PC). While that's just my experience, I really think a lot of the complaining about bugs is blown out of proportion.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:02 pm

I don't play on PS3, so I can only answer these two.

-I believe 4 or 5 DLCs are planned.

-Fallout 4 most likely won't be out for another 2 years at least, since Bethesda's still busy finishing up Skyrim.

Also, I never dealt with any bad bugs in Fallout 3 or New Vegas (I play on PC). While that's just my experience, I really think a lot of the complaining about bugs is blown out of proportion.

There's actually six DLCs. Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Gun Runner's Arsenal and the Courier's Stash.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:33 am

I don't play on PS3, so I can only answer these two.

-I believe 4 or 5 DLCs are planned.

-Fallout 4 most likely won't be out for another 2 years at least, since Bethesda's still busy finishing up Skyrim.

Also, I never dealt with any bad bugs in Fallout 3 or New Vegas (I play on PC). While that's just my experience, I really think a lot of the complaining about bugs is blown out of proportion.

Youre probably right about the blown out of proportion bit. I dont think I have ever played a buggy PS3 title. I would like to think Sony wouldnt tolerate it.

4 or 5 additional DLC? Or 4-5 including the 3 that are already released?

Thats alot of DLC to buy.
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:40 pm

Fallout 4 has not even been announced yet, so it is not coming out any time soon. Fallout 3 is amazing, so enjoy it and pick up New Vegas when you are finished.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:03 pm

I have never played any of the Fallout games. I just recently purchased Fallout 3 GOTY for the PS3. Should get it in the mail soon.

I have some questions about Fallout: New Vegas.

-Are there alot of bugs for the PS3 version? I did not buy New Vegas because I heard that it was riddled with freeze's, glitches, bugs. etc. How bad is it?
Thanks to the most recent patch, not bad at all! :D You might get more freezes than the average PC user. Save often.

-Is there going to be a new edition released with all of the DLC included? I dont mind paying for an expansion for a game if it adds something significant, but I dont like buying tons of little DLC's. I bought Fallout 3 because it had all the DLC included.
No one knows! D: I'd say most likely, but it's been ~1 year since release, so who knows?
-Does Bethesda consider the PS3 important? Or are the ps3 versions sort of last to get attention?
I'm sure they treat it like Xbox, another console. Even though Xbox did get Dead Money before PC or PS3, it won't happen again.
-How many DLC's are planned for New Vegas?
4 ten dollar "story" DLC's. 1 four dollar "weapons" DLC. 1 two dollar pre-order content DLC. That's all we know of atm.
-Is there a newer Fallout 4 coming out anytime soon that I should wait for? Should I skip New Vegas?
Again, no one knows. But absolutely DO NOT skip New Vegas, everything about it is amazing (imo) and has improved upon almost everything FO3 has to offer.
I really am interested in Fallout, I have always meant to try it, New Vegas looks like its worth a try maybe if they had a complete edition, I just cant stand DLC's that end up coming to like 60$ on top of the original game price. I have generally liked Bethesda games so that is why I gave Fallout 3 a shot.. Fallout 3 and New Vegas has a repuation of being HORRIBE with bugs and problems. Probably why I have waited as long as I did to give them a try .
Well thankfully F:NV is ~20 Dollars (new, I think) at you're local game vendor. So total you'd spend around 66 dollars for everything.

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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:51 pm

The 66$ I can live with, except when they release new DLC that I will have to buy because I am OCD about having a complete game and then they come out with a "complete edition" two months from now for half of what I paid.

Anyone from Bethesda marketing ever post here?

I wouldnt mind a definitive answer on the "complete edition" possibility.

Thank you for the answers so far ladies and gentleman.

I have Skyrim pre-ordered and that comes out in two months, so it seems like it would be a good time for bethesda to come out with their new Fallout NV edition to ride the Skyrim/Bethesda attention.
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:21 pm

The 66$ I can live with, except when they release new DLC that I will have to buy because I am OCD about having a complete game and then they come out with a "complete edition" two months from now for half of what I paid.

Anyone from Bethesda marketing ever post here?

I wouldnt mind a definitive answer on the "complete edition" possibility.

Thank you for the answers so far ladies and gentleman.

I have Skyrim pre-ordered and that comes out in two months, so it seems like it would be a good time for bethesda to come out with their new Fallout NV edition to ride the Skyrim/Bethesda attention.

You don't understand, the 66$ is the price of the game + ALL of the DLC content (that we know of). If they do release a GOTY, then it will probably be put around 60 dollars.
I would say just get it and play it now, because it could be a while until a GOTY comes out IF it comes out.
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:22 am

You don't understand, the 66$ is the price of the game + ALL of the DLC content (that we know of). If they do release a GOTY, then it will probably be put around 60 dollars.
I would say just get it and play it now, because it could be a while until a GOTY comes out IF it comes out.

I thought he meant that it was 66$ for the game and the DLC released as of now, and not including Lonesome Road or any other future DLC.

Thats why I was worried about them releasing a new edition.

I just bought a PS3 two months ago and I have spent something like 300$ on games since then. I have reached my limit. And Resistance 3 just released which I had preordered, and then Skyrim and Uncharted 3 in November. I cant afford to keep up this pace, thats why I am concerned about "value". In December or January I can afford it, until then I cant really afford any more 60$ purchases on games. And i like to get a break on older games.

So far I have bought:

Mass Effect 2
Resistance Dual Pack (resistance 1 + 2)
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age Awakenings
Dragon Age 2
Ninja Gaidan Sigma
Bioshock 1
Bioshock 2
Resistance 3
Red Faction Geurilla
Assasins Creed 2
Assasins Creed Brotherhood
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 1
Fallout 3 GOTY
Metal Gear Solid 4
Tekken 6

And a few PSN downloadable games.

Thats alot for two months in my opinion. Else I wouldnt be concerned about a "complete edition" of New Vegas releasing soon.
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:32 pm

Dude just wait for New Vegas, I normally wouldnt say that but since your getting Fo3 (with all dlcs) AND Skyrim, you are going to have gameing to last you quite awhile..(more than normal considering Bethesda games really arent "beat" when you beat the game...They have some of the highest replayability of any game Id say, and even moreso in New Vegas)

Like Hannible said, wait until you beat Fo3 THEN worry about New Vegas (and who knows, by then your GOTY edition might be out...). And after you play Fo3 then move onto NV, you will be amazed at how much things are improved upon...

Dont know if you have a good computer...but if you do, I would HIGHLY suggest getting it for pc for uncountable reasons..

And in response to "Does Bethesda care about Ps3?" Sure they care about you...But im pretty sure they care most about PC since that is where the Modding community is and they make special programs for it like GECK to create mods which keeps there games being played for years to come...(look at the Oblivion and even Morrowind forums...They are STILL quite active and Morrowind came out 9 years ago..)
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:23 am

I thought he meant that it was 66$ for the game and the DLC released as of now, and not including Lonesome Road or any other future DLC.

Thats why I was worried about them releasing a new edition.

Nope :D around 66$ for the Game and ALL of the downloadable content. Everything. Even if there was a GOTY edition (in which I don't think they would add Gun Runner's Arsenal or Couriers Stash) you'd only be off by 6 bucks.
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:11 am

I don't really like buying games or DLC online. Unless it has a physical disk, I'm worried of losing my profile that has all the stuff I bought on it. I had that happen to me with the PSN hack, and I was pretty angry.
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Post » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:28 pm

I upgrade my PC every 5 years.

Im not due until next year.

I dont like the trend that manufacturers have taken. Smaller and smaller incremental improvements, a few mhz on the front side bus here, a few bits of cache there, blah blah. CPU archiecture has remained largely the same since 1980, they have just reorganized them as to make more money by adding cache's and whatnot to make them sound like new technology. This is why I dont upgrade every year. Its largely a moneygrab. They dont make PC's like they used to. They are meant to need upgrades faster and faster, as when 5-10 years ago, when you bought a PC you used it until it broke.

If they wanted to they could make some badass PC's using parralel processing, flash memory/ solid state memory, latest I/o buses. But they wont mainstream it and make it cheap because it would be another 10-20 years until anyone needed anything newer, or until they could even make anything better.

CPU's are designed as like "tease chips". You get something better then you had, but its not the best there is. In fact weve designed them so we can come out with something better without any effort. That way we can keep you coming back for more for the foreseeable future.

Thats my general opinion on CPU technology in the last 5 years.
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