I got the game a few weeks ago to play while I am waiting for skyrim. I had never played a ES game before, only fallout 3 and New Vegas.
I got the graphic mods installed and some bug fix mod too. I must say its a good game, and it looks rather good with the mods on. Still I cant help feeling that the game is kind of dated. When playing it I keep thinking thought like "Yeah skyrim is going to do that sooo much better" and "oh, yeah thats what they talked about on the forum, it is going to be so much better in skyrim"....
What I am trying to say is that I think morrowind is the kind of game that if you played it when it was released, then you will forever LOVE the game because it really is a good game (and for its time it must have been fantastic). But to play it for the first time today, 30 days before skyrim is released.... not working really, atleast not for me

Like I LOVE Final Fantasy VIII, because it was my first FF and I played it for so many hours when it was released back in the 90s, and no matter how fancy the graphics and gameplay of todays games are NOTHING is as good as Final Fantasy VIII for me. But if someone would play if the first time today, they would probably never learn to love it like I (and so many others) do.